A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Jahrbücher für musikalische Wissenschaft

A Dictionary of Music and Musicians
edited by George Grove
Jahrbücher für musikalische Wissenschaft by George Grove

From volume 2 of the work.

1519145A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Jahrbücher für musikalische WissenschaftGeorge GroveGeorge Grove

JAHRBÜCHER FUR MUSIKALISCHE WISSENSCHAFT —'Year-books of musical science.' A publication due to the remarkable energy and interest of Dr. Chrysander, by whom it is edited and published, through Breitkopf & Härtel. Two volumes have appeared. For pains and ability the papers leave nothing to be desired, but the severe polemic spirit which is occasionally manifested is much to be regretted.

I. 1863. 1. Sound, and 2. Temperament, both by Hauptmann (17–54). 3. Tinctor's 'Diffinitorium,' by H. Bellermann (55–114). 4. The Limburg Chronicle, and German Volksgesang in 14th cent. (115–146). 5. The Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Band and Opera, 16th-18th cent. (147–286). 6. Henry Carey and God save the King (287–407). 7. Handel's Organ-part to Saul (408–428). 8. Beethoven's connection with Birchall and Stumpf (429–452).

II. 1867. 9. 'Das Lochheimer Liederbuch, nebst der Ars Organisandi, von Conrad Paumann'—a description and complete analysis of a German MS. collection of songs of the 15th cent., and a MS. book of organ pieces of the same date, with facsimiles, woodcuts, and very numerous examples—in all 234 pages, by F. W. Arnold and H. Bellermann. 10. J. S. Bach and Friedemann Bach in Halle (235–248). 11. Mendelsohn's Organ-part to Israel in Egypt(249–267). 12. Reviews:-Reissmann's General History of Music (268–300); Westphal's Rhythm and History of Greek Music (300–310); Coussemaker's 'Scriptorum de Musica … novam seriem' and 'L'art harmonique' (310–314); Wackernagel on the German 'Kirchenlied' (314–323); Hommel's 'Geistliche Volkslieder' (323–324); Riegel's Liturgical Music (324–327); Lillencron's Historical Volkslieder (327–329); Thayer's Chronological List of Beethoven's Works (329–330); Bitter's Life of J. S. Bach (330–333); Rudhart's History of the Opera at Munich (333–335); Koch's Musical Lexicon, edited by Dommer (335); Krüger's System of Music (336). 13. List of the Choral Societies and Concert Institutions of Germany and Switzerland (337–374).

[App. p.685 "For continuations see Breitkopf & Härtel in Appendix,vol.iv. p.562."]

[ G. ]