A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Kreisleriana

From volume 2 of the work.

1541244A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — KreislerianaGeorge Grove

KREISLERIANA, a set of 8 pieces for piano solo, dedicated to Chopin and forming op. 16 of Schumann's works. Kreisler was the Kapellmeister in Hoffmann's musical papers [App. p.693 "for musical papers read 'Fantasiestücke in Callots Manier'"] so much admired by Schumann. The pieces were written in 1838, after the Phantasiestücke (op. 12) and Novelletten (op. 21), and before the Arasbeske (op. 18).[1] They are full of energy, variety and character, and like the Novelletten are cast in the so-called Lied and Rondo forms. Schumann has added to the title 'Phantasien für das P.F.' The Kreisleriana were published by Haslinger of Vienna shortly after Schumann's visit (1838–9).

[ G. ]

  1. Waislelewsky, 181.