A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Latrobe, Christian

From volume 2 of the work.

1579660A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Latrobe, ChristianGeorge GroveWilliam H. Husk

LATROBE, Rev. Christian Ignatius, eldest son of Rev. Benjamin Latrobe, superintendent of the congregations of the United (Moravian) Brethren in England, was born at Fulnec, Leeds, Yorkshire, Feb. 12, 1758. In 1771 he went to the college of the United Brethren at Niesky, Upper Lusatia, returned to England in 1784, took orders in the same church, became secretary to the Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel, and in 1795 was appointed secretary to the Unity of the Brethren in England. Although Latrobe never followed music as a profession he cultivated it assiduously from an early age. His earlier compositions were chiefly instrumental; three of his sonatas, having met with the approval of Haydn, were published and dedicated to him. His other published compositions include Lord Roscommon's translation of the 'Dies Iræ,' 1799; 'The Dawn of Glory,' 1803; Anthem for the Jubilee of George III., 1809; Anthems, by various composers, 1811; Original Anthems, 1823; 'Te Deum, performed in York Cathedral'; 'Miserere, Ps. 51'; and 'Six Airs on serious subjects, words by Cowper and Hannah More.' He edited the first English edition of the Moravian Hymn Tunes. But his most important publication was his 'Selection of Sacred Music from the works of the most eminent composers of Germany and Italy,' 6 vols. 1806–25, through the medium of which many fine modern compositions were first introduced to the notice of the British public. He died at Fairfield, near Liverpool, May 6, 1836.

Rev. John Antes Latrobe, M.A., his son, born in London in 1792 [App. p.697 "1799"], became organist at Liverpool, and was composer of several anthems. He took orders in the Church of England, and was incumbent of St. Thomas's, Kendal, and honorary canon of Carlisle. He was author of 'The Music of the Church considered in its various branches, Congregational and Choral,' London, 1831. He died at Gloucester Nov. 19, 1878.

The following are the contents of Latrobe's valuable Selection, arranged alphabetically. The pieces are all in vocal score, with compressed accompaniments: some to the original text, some to translated words.

Abos. Stabat Mater, [1]T. from Stabat.
Alberti, P. Salve Redemptor, C.—Salve.
Do. O God, be not far. A.—Do.
Do. O Jesu, Salvator! C.—Do.
Astorga, O quam tristis, T.—Stabat.
Do. Quis est homo. D.—Do.
Do. Blessed be the power, C.—Do.
Do. Fac me penitentum, D.—Do.
Do. Recordare. A.—Do.
Do. Cum sitiam, C.—Do.
Bach. C. P. E. O come, let us worship, C.—Anthem.
Do. O Lord, hide not. A.—'Israelites.'
Do. He opened the rock. C.—Do.
Bassani. Sanctus. C.—Requiem.
Do. Recordare. C. & S.—Do.
Boccherini. Fac ut portem. A.—Stabat.
Do. Stabat Mater. A.—Do.
Do. Recordare, T.—Do.
Do. Inflammatus, A.—Do.
Borri, B. Laudaums Te, A.—Mass.
Do. Domine. T.—Do.
Borri, B. Quoniam, T. from Mass.
Do. Christe, C.—Do.
Brassetti. Praise the Lord, C.—Confitebor.
Cafaro, P. Stabat Mater, D. & C.—Stabat.
Caldara. Benedictus, T.—Mass.
Do. Et Incarnatus, A.—Do.
Do. Agnus, D.—Do.
Do. Et incarnatus, C.—Mass.
Do. Crucifixus, D.—Do.
Do. Et resurrexit, C.—Do.
Do. Agnus, C.—Do.
Ciampi, F. O my God, A.—Miserere.
Do. Ecce enim, D.—Do.
Do. Cor mundum. D.—Do.
Danzi. Salve Redemptor. C.—Salve.
Do. Agnus Dei. C.—Mass.
Durante. I will call, A.—Lamentatio.
Do. O remember, C.—Do.
Do. Omnis populus, C.—Service for Passion Week.
Do. Quaerens me. D.—Requiem.
Do. Agnus. C.—Litany.
Felici. Orch è nate, D.—Oratorio.
Galuppi. Sacro horrore, D.—Oratorio.

Gäansbacher. Quid sum miser, C. from Requiem.
Gluck. De profundis, C.—De Profundis.
Gossec. Lachrymosa, D.—Requiem.
Do. Pie Jesu, C.—Do.
Graun. Te Deum, C.—Te Deum.
Do. Te gloriosus, C.—Do.
Do. Tu Rex gloriæ. C.—Do.
Do. Tu ad liberandum, A.—Do.
Do. Tu ad dexteram, C.—Do.
Do. Te ergo quæsumus, D.—Do.
Do. Et rege, C.—Do.
Do. Dignare Domine. A.—Do.
Do. O Zion, mark, C.—Tod Jesu.
Do. He was despised, C.—Do.
Do. Thou hast brought me, C.—Do.
Do. Sing to Jehovah, C.—Do.
Do. Astonish'd Seraphim, B.—Do.
Do. Weep, Israel, Ch.—Do.
Do. Behold us here, C.—Do.
Do. Behold the Lamb of God. C.—Passione.
Do. He was despised, C.—Do.
Do. God, my strength, D.—Do.
Do. Bless the Lord, A.—Do.
Do. Let us run, C.—Do.
Do. In songs of joy, Ch.—Do.
Do. Bow down, A.—Do.
Häser. Against thee only, C.—Miserere.
Hasse. Inspire Dens, C.—Augustino.
Do. Laudate cœli Patrem, C.—Do.
Do. Uti furentibus, A.—Do.
Do. Jesu mea pax, D.—Magdalena.
Do. O portenta. A.—Do.
Do. Mea tormenta. A.—Do.
Do. Ad te clamamus, A.—Salve.
Do. O give thanks, C.—Caduta.
Do. Finche solvo, A.—Do.
Do. Blow the sacred trumpet, C.—Do.
Do. Lauda, Qu. & C.—Pellegrini.
Do. Viva fonte, A.—Do.
Do. D'Aspri legati. A.—Do.
Do. Senti il mar, A.—Do.
Do. Pellegrino e l'uomo, C.—Do.
Do. Defende populum, C.—Giuseppe ric.
Do. Die quæso. A.—Do.
Do. Plebes inepte consilia, C.—Do.
Do. Agnus Dei, D.—Litany.
Do. O Lord, save thy people, A.—Depositione.
Do. Rex tremendæ, C. & A.—Requiem.
Do. Miserere mei Deus, C.—Miserere.
Haydn, J. Tu di grazia, C.—Passione.
Do. Padre celeste, C.—Do.
Do. Kyrie, C.—Mass No. I, in B♭.
Do. Gloria, C.—Do.
Do. Et Incarnatus, C.—Do.
Do. Sanctus, C.—Do.
Do. Qui tollis A. & C.—Mass No. II, In C.
Do. Gloria, C.—Mass No. III, in D.
Do. Et incarnatus, A. & C. Do.
Do. Quoniam, A.—Mass No. V.
Do. Cum sancto, C.—Do.
Do. Et Incarnatus, S. & D.—Do.
Do. Agnus, A.—Do.
Do. Kyrie, C.—Mass No. VII, in G.
Do. Et Incarnatus, S. & Qu.—Do.
Do. Sanctus, C.—Do.
Do. Benedictus, Q.—Do.
Do. Sanctus, C.—Mass No. VIII, in B♭.
Do. Benedictus, A.—Do.
Do. Agnus Dei, C.—Do.
Do. Kyrie, C.—Mass No. XII.
Do. Stabat Mater, C.—Stabat.
Do. Vidit suum. A.—Do.
Do. Qui est homo, C.—Do.
Do. Pro peccatis, A.—Do.
Do. Flammis orci. A.—Do.
Do. Fac me cruce, A.—Do.
Do. Quando corpus, C.—Do.
Do. Salve Redemptor, C.—Salve.
Do. Pieta d'un infelice, C.—Tobia.
Haydn, J. Non parmi, A. from Tobia.
Do. O di le nostre, C.—Do.
Do. My soul shall cry, Q.—Motetto.
Haydn, M. Lord, grant us thy, Ch.—Service for Country Church.
Do. O full of all, Ch.—Do.
Do. While conscious, Ch.—Do.
Do. Blest Jesus, gracious, Ch.—Do.
Do. O Love, all love excelling, Ch.—Do.
Do. While with her fragrant, Ch.—Do.
Do. Worship, honour, Ch.—Do.
Do. Tenebræ. C.—Tenebræ.
Do. Sanctus, C.—Requiem.
Do. Agnus, C.—Do.
Do. Oro supplex, C.—Do.
Do. Lauda Sion, Q.—Litany.
Hummel. Holy, Holy, C.—Mass.
Jomelli. Rex tremendæ, D.—Requiem.
Do. Kyrie, D.—Mass.
Do. Agnus, D.—Do.
Leo. Dal nuvoloso monte. A.—S. Elena.
Do. Dal tuo soglio, D.—Do.
Do. Christus factus est, S.—Verse.
Do. O Jesu, A.—Salve.
Lotti. Qui tollis, C.—Mass.
Do. Gloria, C.—Do.
Do. Et in terra, Qu.—Do.
Do. Miserere mei, C.—Miserere.
Marcello. Save, O save, D.—Psalms.
Morari. Agnus Dei, T.—Mass.
Moriari. Cum sancto. C.—Do.
Mozart. Recordare, Q.—Requiem.
Do. Sanctus, C.—Mass No. I.
Do. Benedictus, Q.—Do.
Do. Agnus, A.—Do.
Do. Gloria. C.-Mass No. II.
Do. Benedictus, Q.—Mass No. III.
Do. Agnus, C.—Do.
Do. Agnus, D.—Mass No. VI.
Do. Bless the Lord (Kyrie). D.—Mass No. X.
Do. Benedictus, A. & C.—Do.
Do. Agnus, C.—Do.
Do. Benedictus, Q.—Mass No. XI.
Do. O God, when thou appearest, C.—Motetto I. II.
Do. Ne pulvis, C.—Do.
Do. Kyrie, D.—Litany I.
Do. Jesu Domine, A.—Do.
Do. Jesu Christe, D.—Litany II.
Do. Verbum caro, C.—Do.
Do. Enter into his gates, A.—Do.
Do. Kyrie, C.—Do.
Do. Agnus, D.—Do.
Do. Tho' by threatening storms. A.—Davidde.
Naumann. Christe, T.—Mass No. I.
Do. Kyrie, C.—Do.
Do. Et Incarnatus, D.—Do.
Do. Agnus, D.—Do.
Do. Quoniam. D.—Mass No. II.
Do. Cum sancto, C.—Do.
Do. Benedictus, D. & C.—Do.
Do. Agnus, C.—Do.
Do. Qui tollis, C.—Mass No. III.
Do. Et incarnatus. A.—Do.
Do. Sanctus, C.—Do.
Do. Et incarnatus, A.—Mass No. IV.
Do. Agnus, D. & C.—Do.
Do. Lauda Sion, C.—Offertorium.
Do. Le porte a noi, Q.—Pellegrini.
Do. O ye kindreds, C.—Psalm xcvi.
Negri. Qui sedes, A.—Mass.
Neukomm. Rex tremendæ, C.—Requiem.
Do. Sanctus, D.—Do.
Pergolesi. Kyrie, D.—Grand Mass.
Do. Gloria, D.—Do.
Do. Laudamus, D.—Do.
Do. Gratias, C.—Do.
Do. Domine, D.—Do.
Do. Qui tollis, C.—Do.
Do. Quoniam, A.—Do.
Do. Cum Sancto, C.—Do.
Do. Hear my prayer, D.—Salve.
Do. Ad te suspiramus, C.—Do.
Pergolesi. O Jesu Salvator, D. from Salve.
Do. Asperges, C.—Miserere I.
Do. Redde mihi, D.—Do.
Do. Domine labia. A.—Do. II.
Do. Quoniam si voluisses, C.—Do.
Do. Sacrificium Deo, T.—Do.
Ricci. Recordare. A.—Dies Iræ.
Righini. Qui tollis, C.—Mass.
Do. Benedictus, Q.—Do.
Do. O Lord, who shall not, Q.—Gerus. lib.
Rolle. In thee, O Lord, C.—Death of Abel.
Do. Out of the deep, A.—Do.
Do. Great God, to Thee, C.—Thirza.
Do. O Lord, most holy, D.—Do.
Sabbatini. God be merciful, T. & C.—Dixit Dominus.
Do. In my distress, D.—Do.
Do. Dominus a dextris, A.—Do.
Sala. Qui tollis, A.—Mass.
Salvatore. Tenebræ, C.—Tenebræ.
Salvatore. Recessit Pastor, C. from Responsorio.
Do. In monte Ollveto, C.—Do.
Sarti. Miserere, D.—Miserere.
Do. Amplius, T.—Do.
Serini. O fallaces, A.—Motetto.
Do. Sum in medio. A.—Do.
Siroli. Praise the Lord, D.—Miserere.
Suidell. Crucifixus, D.—Mass.
Telemann. Mercy, Judgment, A.—Orat. Passion.
Türck. Heavenly Branch, D.—Christm. Oratorio.
Vogler. Agnus Dei, C.—Requiem.
Winter. O quam trlstis, C. & Q.—Stabat Mater.
Do. Quando corpus, C.—Do.
Do. Quid sum miser, A.—Requiem.
Wolf. Saints and Angels, C.—Funeral Anthem.
Do. The Prince of Life, D.—Easter Anthem.
N. N. Tantum ergo. D.—Chorale.

[ W. H. H. ]

  1. A.=Aria; D.=Duet; T.=Terzetto; Q.=Quartet; Qu.=Quintet; C.=Coro; Ch.=Chorale; M.=Motet; Of. Offertorium; S.=Solo.