A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Motett Society, The

From volume 2 of the work.

1712156A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Motett Society, TheGeorge GroveWilliam Chappell

MOTETT SOCIETY, THE, was established in 1847, its chief promoter being the late William Dyce, R.A. The object was to print 'A Collection of Ancient Church Music,' adapted to English words, with a compressed score, for the purpose of accompaniment. The subscription was a guinea a year. The musical portion was under the charge of the late Dr. Rimbault, who acknowledges in his preface that 'the greater part of the Motetts of Palestrina were adapted by Mr. William Dyce.'

The works were published in large folio, and in parts, forming three divisions:—No. 1, Anthems for Festivals; No. 2, Services; No. 3, Miscellaneous Anthems: in all 192 pages of music, and a few more of introductory matter.

Division 1.

Redford, Rejoice in the Lord, 4 voices.
Lupi, Now it is high time, 6 v.
Vittoria, Behold I bring you, 6 v.
Palestrina, If thou shall confess, 4 v.
Do. Almighty and Everlasting [App. p.720 "Ever-living"], 4 v.
Do. O Jerusalem, 4 v.
Do. These things have I, 4 v.
Do. These are they, 4 v.
Do. This shall be, 5 v.
Do. Break forth, 6 v.
F. della Porta, I have appeared. 4 v.
Lasso, Behold I will send, 4 v.
Vittoria, Come unto me. 4 v.
Lasso, And the Angel, 4 v.
Do. If ye keep my, 4 v.
Masera, Blessed is the man, 4 v.
Lasso, For he was a good, 4 v.
Do. The voice of him, 4 v.
Do. He saith unto them, 4 v.
Do. Are ye able to drink, 4 v.
Croce, And they went forth, 4 v.
Do. Charge them that are, 4 v.
Byrd, Bless the Lord ye, 5 v.
Lasso, But watch thou, 4 v.
Croce, Now unto Him, 4 v.
G. M. Nannino, [App. p.720 "Nanini"] All thy works, 5 v.
Lasso, Miserere, 5 v.
Palestrina, Behold the Lamb of God, 5 v.
Do. How beautiful, 4 v.
Tallls, If ye love me, 4 v.
Palestrina. Holy, Holy, 6 v.

Division 2.

Vittoria, Communion Service, 4 v.
Colonna, Magnif. and N. Dim. 8 v.
Gabrielli, Do. Do., 8 v.
Barcroft, Te Deum and Ben., 4 v.
Stonard, Magnif. and N. Dim. 5 v.
Palestrina, Do. Do. 4 v.
Blow, Sanctus and Gloria, 4 v.

Division 3.

Barcroft, Almighty God, 4 v.
O. Gibbons, Why art thou so heavy, 4 v.
Lasso, O praise the Lord, 5 v.
Do. Not unto us, 5 v.
P. Certon, I will alway give, 3 v.
Byrd, Prevent us, O Lord, 4 v.
Tallis, Hear the voice, 4 v.
Palestrina, O God, Thou art, 4 v.
Tallis, All people that on earth, 4 v.
Farrant, Unto Thee, Lord, 4 v.
Palestrina, I will magnify Thee, 5 v.
F. della Porta, Be merciful, 4 v.
Do. Righteous art Thou, 4 v.
Palestrina, O Lord my God, 4 v.
O. Gibbons, O Lord, increase, 4 v.
Vittoria, I will give thanks, 4 v.
Do. It is a good thing, 4 v.
Do. Teach me, O Lord, 4 v.
Do. How long wilt Thou. 4 v.
Do. My God, my God, 4 v.
Do. Unto Thee, O God, 4 v.
Do. Behold, now praise. 4 v.
Palestrina, Lord God of our salvation, 5 v.
Tallis, Great and marvellous, 5 v.
[App. p.720 "Lasso, Hear my prayer, 4 voices.
Byrd, Save me O God, 4 v.
Tye, From the depth, 4 v.
Lasso, I will love thee, 4 v.
Vittoria, Save me, O God, 4 v.
Mel, O praise the Lord, 4 v.
Tallis, Blessed are those, 5 v.
Shepherd, Haste thee, O God, 4 v.
Croce, Behold now, praise, 4 v.
Croce. O praise the Lord, 4 v.
Do. O give thanks 4 v.
Do. Teach me Thy way, 4 v.
Do. Give ear, Lord. 4 v.
Do, Behold, I bring you, 4 v.
Lasso, Save me, O God. 4 v.
Vittoria, O God. wherefore, 4 v.
Hooper, Teach me Thy way, 4 v."]

[ W. C. ]