A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Musical Instruments, Collections of

A Dictionary of Music and Musicians
edited by George Grove
Musical Instruments, Collections of by A. J. Hipkins
1717911A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Musical Instruments, Collections ofGeorge GroveA. J. Hipkins

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, COLLECTIONS OF. Modern collections of musical instruments are of the nature of museums, but those of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries were intended for use. The finest and most complete at the present time are those provided with important catalogues, viz.—

London. South Kensington Museum, catalogued by Carl Engel.

Paris. Conservatoire de Musique et de Declamation, catal. by Gustave Chouquet.

Brussels. Conservatoire Royal, catal. by Victor Mahillon.

Florence. Kraus Collection, catal. by Alessandro Kraus figlio.

Manchester. Boddington Collection, acquired and catalogued by J. Kendrick Pyne, Esq., organist of Manchester Cathedral.

Milan. Arrigoni Collection, catal. by L. Arrigoni.

After these may be named more or less important collections to be found at

Antwerp. The Italian instruments of Mr. Wilmotte; Museum of Mr. Steen. The Plantin Museum contains a curious harpsichord.

Basle. Museum of Antiquities.

Berlin. Hochschule für Musik (a collection recently acquired from Herr Paul de Wit, Leipzig); Hohenzollern Museum (so far as various instruments are preserved that have belonged to members of that family); Kunst und Gewerbe Museum.

Bologna. Museo Civico.

Bruges. Le Musée archeologique.

Buda Pesth. National Hungarian Museum.

Cairo. Sig. F. Amici (Egyptian instruments).

Claydon, Buckinghamshire. Sir Harry Verney, Bart., M.P. (Javanese instruments formerly belonging to Sir Stamford Raffles).

Darmstadt. Museum of Antiquities.

Delft. Mr. T. C. Boers.

Dublin. Trinity College (under care of Professor Sir Robert Stewart, Mus. Doc.)

Edinburgh. Music Class Room of the University (under care of Professor Sir Herbert Oakeley).

Genoa. Museum contains the famous Guarnerius that belonged to Paganini.

Glasgow. Anderson's College.

The Hague. Mr. Scheurleer.

Helsingfors. Musée ethnographique.

Hobstead, Norfolk. C. R. Day, Esq., 43rd Light Infantry (Indian instruments).

Leyden. Musée ethnographique.

London. H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh (violins); John Broadwood & Sons (keyboard instruments); Mlle. Marie Decca; George Donaldson, Esq.; Messrs. Arthur and Alfred Hill; A. J. Hipkins, Esq., F.S.A.; India Museum; G. T. Lock, Esq.; London Missionary Society; Otto Peiniger, Esq. (Harrow); Royal College of Music (chiefly Indian instruments, the division of a collection between the Royal College and the Brussels Conservatoire, presented by the Rajah Sir Sourindro Mohun Tagore); Rudall Carte & Co. (wind instruments).

Madrid. Archaeological Museum.

Middleburg (Zealand). Museum.

Milan. Museo Musicale (Extra-European); Museum of the Conservatorio.

Modena. Count L. F. Valdrighi.

Moscow. Musée Dachkoff.

Munich. National Museum.

Naples. Museo Nazionale.

Nuremberg. Germanisches Museum.

Oxford. Mr. T. W. Taphouse; Pitt-Rivers Museum (ethnological).

Paris. Mr. E. Gand (violins); Messrs. Pleyel Wolff & Cie. (keyboard instruments); Hôtel Cluny.

Renaix, Belgium. Mr. Abel Régibo; Mr. César Snoeck.

Rome. The Vatican.

Ross, Hereford. H. C. Moffatt, Esq., Goodrich Court (Keyboard Instruments).

Salzburg. The Mozarteum; Städtisches Museum Carolino-Augusteum; Dr. Peter, Director, Communal Museum.

Savigliano. Cavaliere Maurizio Villa (Violins).

Southampton. Mr. W. Dale (Keyboard Instruments.

St. Petebsburg. Museums of the Conservatory, the Academy of Science, the Geographical Society.

Stuttgart. Herr C. Klinckerfuss.

Verona. Municipality.

Vienna. Ambroser Sammlung; Museum der Musikfreunde; Dr. Hans Richter (Chinese instruments); Baron Nathaniel de Rothschild.

Vilna. Musée ethnographique.

[ A. J. H. ]