A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Negri, Maria

From volume 2 of the work.

1744006A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Negri, MariaGeorge GroveJulian Marshall

NEGRI, Maria Catterina, otherwise Maria Anna Catterina, a distinguished singer, was born at Bologna about 1705. She was taught by Pasi, himself a pupil of Pistocchi. In 1724 she was engaged at the theatre of Count Sporck, at Prague, where she continued to sing until 1727, when she returned to Italy. She appeared at many of the Italian theatres from 1727 to 33, after which she came to London. Here she, with her sister Rosa, formed part of the new company with which Handel opened the season at the Haymarket, Oct. 30, 1733; and very useful members of this company the sisters Negri proved to be, one or both of them singing in all the operas produced by the great Saxon down to 1737, as well as in 'Deborah.' Maria Catterina appears to have sung both soprano and contralto parts, the former of these having probably been transposed for her, as her voice was undoubtedly a contralto. That of her sister was a soprano.

[ J. M. ]