A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Paque, Guillaume

From volume 2 of the work.

1971263A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Paque, GuillaumeGeorge Grove

PAQUE, Guillaume, a well-known violoncellist, born in Brussels July 24, 1825. He entered the Conservatoire of his native city at an early age as Demunck's pupil, and at fifteen gained the first prize. He then went to Paris and was solo cello at Musard's Concerts. Thence he went to Madrid as cellist to the Queen of Spain. In 1851 he was employed by Jullien for his English Concerts, and thenceforward London became his home. He played in the Royal Italian Opera orchestra, occasionally replaced Piatti at the Monday Popular Concerts, was leader of the cellos at the new Philharmonic, Professor of his instrument at Dr. Wylde's London Academy, and a member of the Queen's Private Band. He played at the Philharmonic June 18, 1860. He died March 2, 1876, and was buried in Brompton Cemetery. As a man Paque was deservedly beloved and esteemed. As a player he had every quality, except tone, which was poor. He left numerous works.

His brother, Philippe J. Paque, has been Trumpeter to the Queen since 1864, and is a member of Her Majesty's Private Band.

[ G. ]