From volume 3 of the work.

2116294A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — PodatusGeorge GroveWilliam Smyth Rockstro

PODATUS (Pedatus, Pes. A Foot, or Footed-note). A form of Ligature, much used in Plain Chaunt, and deiived from a very antient Neuma, which will be found figured at vol. ii. p. 467.

The Podatus consists of two notes, of which the second is the highest; and, in the square form of Notation now in use, is represented thus—

The two notes may be of the same, or different lengths; but, as a general rule, the second note the longest, more especially when the Ligature ascends only one Degree. [See Ligature, Notation.]

[ W. S. R. ]