A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Preyer, Gottfried

From volume 3 of the work.

2234700A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Preyer, GottfriedGeorge GroveCarl Ferdinand Pohl

PREYER, Gottfried, born at Hausbrunn in Lower Austria, March 15, 1808 [App. p.751 "May 15, 1809"]. He studied at Vienna with Sechter, became in 1835 organist of the Reformed Church, in 1844 supernumerary vice-Capellmeister to the court, in 1846 court-organist, in 1862 vice-Capellmeister, and retired on a pension in 1876. Since 1853 he has been, and still is (1880), Capellmeister of the Cathedral. His connection with the Conservatorium dates from 1838, when he became professor of harmony and counterpoint, and conductor of the pupils' concerts; from 1844 to 48 he directed the institution. The Tonkünstler-Societät performed his oratorio 'Noah' in 1842, 45, and 51. He has printed a symphony, op. 16 (Diabelli); several masses and smaller church pieces; music for pianoforte and organ, choruses, and a large quantity of popular Lieder (chiefly Diabelli); and 'Hymns for the Orthodox Greek Church,' in 3 vols., Vienna, 1847; a grand mass for four male voices with organ, op. 76, etc. He has a grand opera among his MSS.

[ C. F. P. ]