A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Raccolta Generale

From volume 3 of the work.

2293960A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Raccolta GeneraleGeorge GroveGeorge Grove

RACCOLTA GENERALE delle opere classiche musicali. A collection of pieces of which the full title is as follows:—'Collection générale des ouvrages classiques de musique, ou Choix de chefs d'œuvres, en tout genre, des plus grands compositeurs de toutes les Ecoles, recueillis, mis en ordre et enrichis de Notices historiques, par Alex. E. Choron, pour servir de suite aux Principes de Composition des écoles d'Italie.' A notice on the wrapper further says that the price of the work to subscribers is calculated at the rate of 5 sous per page, thus curiously anticipating Mr. Novello's famous reduction of his publications to 2½d. [App. p766 "1½d."] per page. The numbers were not to be issued periodically, but the annual cost to subscribers was fixed at from 36 to 40 francs. The work was in folio, engraved by Gillé fils, and published by Leduc & Co., Paris, Rue de Richelieu, 78, with agents at Bordeaux, Marseilles, Leipzig, Munich, Vienna, Lyon, Turin, Milan, Rome and Naples. It was got up with great care and taste. The parts are in blue-gray wrappers, with an ornamental title. The only numbers which the writer has been able to discover are as follows:—No. 1, Miserere a 2 core, Leo; No. 2, Missa ad fugam, Palestrina (à 4); No. 3, Stabat, Palestrina (8 voices); No. 4, Stabat, Josquin (à 5); No. 5, Miserere a cinque voci, Jomelli; No. 6, Missa pro defunctis, Jomelli. It is probable that the issue of the work did not continue beyond these six pieces.

For Alfieri's 'Raccolta di musica sacra' see Appendix.

[ G. ]