A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Rovedino, Carlo

From volume 3 of the work.

2696081A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Rovedino, CarloGeorge Grove

ROVEDINO, CARLO, an excellent bass-singer, born in 1751, appears on the Italian Opera stage in London as early as 1778, and remained there, distinguished in serious and comic opera alike, for many years. He was also greatly in request for concerts, and his name is frequent in the best bills of the last decade of the century, both in town and country. He sang at Haydn's last benefit concert, May 4, 1795. He is said to have sung in Paris in 1790, and he probably divided his time between the two capitals. England, however, was his home; he died in London, Oct. 6, 1822, and was buried in the churchyard of Chelsea New Church.

One of his daughters married C. Weichsel, brother of Mrs. Billington, and leader of the orchestras at the Italian Opera and Philharmonic.

[ G. ]