A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Royal Society of Musicians of Great Britain, The

From volume 3 of the work.

2696382A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Royal Society of Musicians of Great Britain, TheWilliam Hayman Cummings

ROYAL SOCIETY OF MUSICIANS OF GREAT BRITAIN, THE, was founded by the exertions of Festing the violinist, and Weidemann the flutist, who were struck by the appearance of two little boys driving milch asses, who proved to be orphans of a deceased oboe-player named Kytch. [See Festing, vol. i. p. 515b.] They immediately raised subscriptions to relieve the family, and feeling that some permanent establishment was required to meet similar cases, induced most eminent music-professors of the day to associate themselves together as a Society for that purpose. This excellent work was formally accomplished on April 19, 1738, and amongst its first members were Handel, Boyce, Arne, Christopher Smith, Carey, Cooke, Edward Purcell, Leveridge, Greene, Reading, Hayes, Pepusch, and Travers. In 1739 the members of the Society executed a 'deed of trust,' which was duly enrolled in the Court of Chancery; the signatures of the members, 226 in number, include the most eminent professors of music of the time. The deed recites the rules and regulations for membership and for the distribution of the funds, and provides for regular monthly meetings at the sign of Saint Martin, in St. Martin's Lane. Handel took an especial and active interest in the welfare of the Society, composing concertos and giving concerts for the benefit of its funds, and at his death bequeathing to it a legacy of £1,000. The Handel Commemoration held in Westminster Abbey in 1784 brought a further addition of £6,000. In 1789 George III. granted the Society a charter, by virtue of which its management is vested in the hands of the 'Governors' and 'Court of Assistants.' In 1804 the funds of the Society not being in a flourishing condition, the king gave a donation of 500 guineas. Considerable sums have been given or bequeathed to the Society by members of the music-profession, especially Signora Storace £1,000, Crosdill £1,000, Begrez £1,000, Schulz £1,000; the latest and largest amount, 1,000 guineas, being that of Mr. Thomas Molineux (Feb. 10, 1881), now resident in London, but for many years an eminent performer on the bassoon and double-bass at Manchester.

The Society pays away annually to relieve distress over £3,000, which amount is provided by donations from the public, subscriptions and donations of members of the Society, and interest (about £2,500 per annum) on the Society's funded property.

Members of the Society must be professional musicians, and are of both sexes, the Royal Society of Female Musicians having been affiliated to the elder institution in 1 866. [See Royal Society of Female Musicians.] There is, says Dr. Burney, 'no lucrative employment belonging to this Society, excepting small salaries to the secretary and collector, so that the whole produce of benefits and subscriptions is nett, and clear of all deductions or drawbacks.' The large staff of physicians, surgeons, counsel, solicitors, give their gratuitous services to the Society. The present secretary is Mr. Stanley Lucas, and the honorary treasurer Mr. W. H. Cummings. The Society's rooms are at No. 12 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, and contain some interesting memorials of music, as well as a collection of portraits, including Handel, by Hudson; Haydn; Corelli, by Howard; Geminiani, by Hudson; Purcell, by Closterman; C. E. Horn, by Pocock; John Parry, the elder; Sir W. Parsons; J. Sinclair, by Harlowe; Gaetano Crivelli, by Partridge; Domenico Francesco Maria Crivelli; J. S. Bach, by Clark of Eton; Beethoven, with autograph presenting it to C. Neate; W. Dance by his brother; and a life-size painting of George III. by Gainsborough.

[ W. H. C. ]