A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Scarlatti, Giuseppe

From volume 3 of the work.

2708402A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Scarlatti, GiuseppeCarl Ferdinand Pohl

SCARLATTI, Giuseppe, grandson of Alessandro, born at Naples 1712. Of his artistic life but little is known. He settled in Vienna in 1757, up to which date he had produced the following operas:—'Pompeo in Armenio' (Rome, 1747); 'Adriano in Siria' (Naples, 1752); 'Ezio' (Ib. 1754); 'Gli effetti della gran Madre Natura' (Venice, 1754); 'Merope' (Naples, 1755); 'Chi tutto abbraccia nulla stringe' (Venice, 1756). In Vienna he brought out eight more at the court theatre:—'Il mercato di malmantile,' and 'L'isola disabitata' (1757); 'La serva scaltra' (1759); 'Issipile' and 'La Clemenza di Tito' (1760); 'Artaserse' (1763); 'Gli stravaganti' (1765); 'La moglie padrona' (1768). He died at Vienna Aug. 17, 1777.

[ C. F. P. ]