A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Schulhof, Julius

3483821A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Schulhof, JuliusGeorge Grove

SCHULHOF, Julius [App. p.791 "correct name to Schulhoff]—dear to player and dancer for his Galop di Bravura, Impromptu Polka, and many more brilliant and clever PF. pieces—was born at Prague, Aug. 2, 1825. He learned the piano from Kisch, and counterpoint from Tomaschek, and before he was 14 made a successful appearance as a player. Notwithstanding his success, the boy's ambition was too great to allow him to remain in Prague, and in 1842 he went to Paris, then a hotbed of pianoforte virtuosity. Here a fortunate interview with Chopin gave him his opportunity. He played in public (Nov. 2, 1845), and published his first two works, of which op. 1, an Allegro Brillant, was dedicated to Chopin. After a lengthened residence in Paris he took a very extended tour through France, Austria (1849–50), England, Spain (1851), and even South Russia and the Crimea (1853). He has since divided his time between Dresden and Paris.

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