A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Signale für die musikalische Welt

A Dictionary of Music and Musicians
edited by George Grove
Signale für die musikalische Welt by George Grove
3715709A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Signale für die musikalische WeltGeorge GroveGeorge Grove

SIGNALE FÜR DIE MUSIKALISCHE WELT—'Signals for the musical world'—a well-known musical periodical, at the head of its tribe in Germany. It was founded by Bartholf Senff of Leipzig, who remains its editor and proprietor, and its first number appeared on Jan. 1, 1842. It is 8vo. in size and is more strictly a record of news than of criticism, though it occasionally contains original articles of great interest, letters of musicians, and other documents. Its contributors include F. Hiller, von Bülow, Bernsdorf, C. F. Pohl, Richard Pohl, Stockhausen, Szarvady, Marchesi, and many other of the most eminent musical writers. Though not strictly a weekly publication, 52 numbers are published yearly.

[ G. ]