A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Societa Armonica

SOCIETA ARMONICA. Founded about 1827 for the purpose of giving subscription concerts in which symphonies, overtures, and occasionally instrumental chamber works were intermingled with vocal numbers usually drawn from the Italian operas. Mr. H. Forbes was the conductor, and Tolbecque and the younger Mori were the leaders of the band. Beethoven's Overture in C major, Berlioz's Overture to 'Les Francs Juges,' Reissiger's Overture in F minor, and the Overture to 'Les Huguenots' were among the works which gained a first hearing in England at the Society's concerts; and Weber's Mass in G was also produced at one of the performances. Among the vocalists who assisted in the concerts were Mmes. Grisi, Persiani, Albertazzi, Wyndham, Bishop, Alfred Shaw, Miss Clara Novello and Miss Birch, Messrs. Phillips, Rubini, Tamburini and Lablache, Mario and Ivanoff. The band included Spagnoletti, A. Griesbach, Willy, Wagstaff, Dando, Patey, Jay, Alsept, Lindley, Hatton, Brookes, Dragonetti, Howell, Card, Ribas, Barrett, Harper, etc. Henri Herz, the pianist and composer, and Hausmann the violinist, made their first appearance in this country at the Societa Arrnonica. The concerts were successively held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand (now the Temple Club), Freemasons' Tavern, and the Opera Concert room in the Haymarket. They terminated in or about the year 1850.

[ C. M. ]