3896927A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — SteinwegAlfred James Hipkins

STEINWEG, the original of Steinway (Grotian, Helfferich, Schulz, Th. Steinwegs Nach-Folger). This firm of pianoforte-makers in Brunswick succeeded, as the style implies, to Mr. Theodor Steinweg or Steinway, when he retired, in 1865, from the business founded by his father, to join the New York firm of Steinway & Sons, of which, being the eldest brother, he has become the senior partner. Soon after the Steinway system of construction was brought out in America, he introduced it in Germany, and in the season of 1860–1 his concert instruments, made on that principle, were publicly used. His successors in Brunswick have maintained the good reputation he founded for these instruments, which are favoured with the preference of some eminent pianists; notably of Madame Schumann, who since 1870 has used them exclusively in Germany for her public performances. Although the present firm preserve the Steinway model in the main, they claim to have made deviations and alterations, particularly in the action, that give the instruments of 'Th. Steinwegs Nachfolger' their own cachet.

[ A. J. H. ]