A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Streicher, Johann Andreas

3899991A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Streicher, Johann AndreasAlfred James Hipkins

STREICHER, Johann Andreas, a professor of music in Vienna, and by marriage with Nanette Stein, the founder of the pianoforte-making firm in that city, derived from Stein of Augsburg, that was to become in course of time the famous house of Streicher und Sohn. J. A. Streicher was born at Stuttgart in 1761 [App. p.797 "Dec. 13"]: he was a man of education and great intelligence, and was moreover distinguished by his friendship with Schiller. He brought up his son, Johann Baptist, who was born in 1794 [App. p.797 "Jan. 3, 1796"], to the business, and long before his death, which took place in 1832 [App. p.797 "May 25, 1833"], resigned it to the son's complete control. Johann Baptist maintained the excellent traditions of his worthy predecessors; and when he died in 1871 [App. p.797 "March 28"], left his son, Herr Emil Streicher, the proprietor of this historical business, the services of which in the improvement of pianoforte construction are duly recognised in the articles Pianoforte and Stein. The distinguished pianist, Mr. Ernst Pauer, is a grandson of J. A. Streicher and Nanette Stein, and a great-grandson of the object of Mozart's admiration, J. A. Stein of Augsburg. [See Pauer.]

[ A. J. H. ]