A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Tagliafico, Joseph

3910522A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Tagliafico, JosephAlexis Chitty

TAGLIAFICO, Joseph Dieudonné, born Jan. 1, 1821, of Italian parents, at Toulon, and educated at the College Henri IV, Paris. He received instruction in singing from Piermarini, in acting from Lablache, and made his début in 1844 at the Italiens, Paris. He first appeared in England April 6, 1847, at Covent Garden Theatre, as Oroe in 'Semiramide,' on the occasion of the opening of the Royal Italian Opera. From that year until 1876 he appeared at Covent Garden season by season, almost opera by opera. His parts were small, but they were thoroughly studied and given, and invariably showed the intelligent and conscientious artist. In the intervals of the London seasons he had engagements in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Paris, and America; was stage manager at the Théâtre des Italiens, Monte Carlo, etc., and for many years corresponded with the 'Menestrel' under the signature of 'De Retz.' In 1877, on the death of M. Desplaces, he was appointed stage manager of the Italian Opera in London, which post he resigned in 1882 on account of ill health. Mme. Tagliafico, formerly Cotti, was for many years a valuable 'comprimaria' both at Covent Garden and Her Majesty's.

[ A. C. ]