A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Trois Couleurs, Les

3922876A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Trois Couleurs, LesGeorge GroveAdolphe Jullien

TROIS COULEURS, LES, is the title of one of the most popular of the political songs written after the French Revolution of 1830, celebrating the fall of the white flag and the return of the tricolor. It rivalled in popularity the Parisienne, and at one time, even the Marseillaise itself. It was written in one night by Adolphe Vogel, grandson of the author of 'Démophon,' who was born at Lille in 1805, and had just begun his studies at the Paris Conservatoire. The author, who is still living, was then 25 years of age, and 'Les Trois Couleurs,' together with the song 'L'Ange déchu,' have been the greatest successes of his career. The day after it was written all Paris was singing

Liberté sainte, après trente ans d'absence
Reviens, reviens, leur trône est renversé.
Ils ont voulu trop asservir la France,
Et dans leur main le sceptre s'est brisé.
Tu reverras cette noble bannière,
Qu'en cent climats portaient tes fils vainqueurs;
Ils ont enfin secoué la poussière
Qui ternissait sea brillantes couleurs.

This popular song, composed to words by a certain Adolphe Blanc, was sung by Chollet at the Théâtre des Nouveautés (Place de la Bourse), where Vogel produced in the followlowing year his first comic opera, 'Le Podestat,' which was moderately successful, and subsequently his grand oratorio, 'Le Jugement dernier,' represented with costumes and scenery. 'La Siège de Leyde,' a grand opera played at the Hague in 1847, 'La Moissonneuse,' another work of large extent, produced at the Lyrique in 1853, an operetta in three acts, 'La Filleule du Roi,' played in Brussels and afterwards in Paris, in 1875, numerous songs which have been popular in their day, several symphonies, quartets and quintets for strings, which gained the Prix Trémont at the Académie des Beaux- Arts, complete the list of this composer's chief works. He has always striven to attain a success equal to that which distinguished the opening of his career, nor does he yet despair of doing so, as he is now working upon a new opera, in spite of his eighty-three years.

[ A.J. ]