A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Verschworenen, Die

3931172A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Verschworenen, DieGeorge Grove

VERSCHWORENEN, DIE (i.e. The Conspirators)—a one-act play, with dialogue, adapted by Castelli from the French, and composed by Schubert. The MS. in the British Museum has the date April 1823 at the end. The title was changed by the licensers to the less suggestive one of 'Der häusliche Krieg' (i.e. The Domestic Struggle), but the piece was not adopted by the management, and remained unperformed till March 1, 1861, when Herbeck produced it at a Musikverein concert. It was brought out on the stage at Frankfort Aug. 29, 1861; in Paris, as 'La Croisade des Dames,' Feb. 3, 1868; at a Crystal Palace Concert ('The Conspirators') Mar. 2, 72.

[ G. ]