A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Violoncello Piccolo

3930439A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Violoncello PiccoloGeorge GroveEdward John Payne

VIOLONCELLO PICCOLO. A violoncello of the ordinary pitch, but of smaller size and having thinner strings. According to Quantz ('Flötenschule,' p. 212), it was generally used for solo-playing, the ordinary violoncello being employed for concerted music. Similarly, the Viola da Gamba used for solo-playing was of smaller size than the six-stringed 'concert-bass.' Bach introduces the Violoncello piccolo in the cantatas 'Jesu nun sei gepreiset,' and 'Ich geh' und suche mit Verlangen.' The parts have the usual violoncello compass. The well-known obbligato part to 'Mein glaubiges Herz' is entitled Violoncello Piccolo,' though it is probable from its construction that it was originally written for the Viola da Gamba.

[ E. J. P. ]