A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Williams, Anne & Martha

3951685A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Williams, Anne & MarthaAlexis Chitty

WILLIAMS, the Sisters, born at Bitterley, near Ludlow—Anne, in 1818, Martha in 1821. They received instruction in singing from T. S. Cooke ('Tom Cooke') and Signor Negri, and in 1840 first appeared in public in the provinces, speedily established a reputation in oratorio and other concerts, and in 1846 sang subordinate parts on the production of 'Elijah' at Birmingham. In concerts, their singing of duets of Mendelssohn, Macfarren, Smart, etc., was greatly admired, and is still remembered with pleasure. The elder sister retired from public life on her marriage with Mr. Alfred Price of Gloucester, May 16, 1850, and is thus mentioned in the Athenæum of May 18, 'A more modestly valuable or more steadily improving artist was not among the company of native soprani.'

Martha, the contralto, married Mr. Lockey, May 24, 1853, and continued her career until 1865. She now resides with her husband at Hastings. [See Lockey.]

[ A. C. ]