A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667/Hunt (Thomas)

HUNT (THOMAS), bookseller in Exeter; St. Peter's Churchyard, 1640-48. Probably the son of Christopher Hunt, of Exeter, who was publishing between 1593 and 1606. His name is found on a broadside in verse entitled Stand up to your belief. [Lutt Coll. ii. 209.] A contemporary news-sheet, Mercurius Civicus for October 1st, 1645, states that a press had lately been brought to Exeter and that Thomas Fuller's Good Thoughts in Bad Times was printed at it for "malignant Hunt." Mr. Allnutt in his papers on English Provincial Presses notices some other books on sale by Thomas Hunt, notably Robert Herrick's Hesperides, 1648. [Biblographica, vol. ii. p. 289.]