1778716A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Kiddle, JohnWilliam Richard O'Byrne

KIDDLE. (Lieut., 1814. f-p., 26; h-p., 15.)

John Kiddle entered the Navy, 24 Dec. 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Mars 74, Capts. Wm. Lukin, Jas. Katon, John Surman Carden, and Henry Raper, in which ship, after attending Admiral Gambier’s expedition to Copenhagen, he continued to serve as Midshipman, on the Channel and Lisbon stations, until Feb. 1813. He then joined the Bellerophon 74, bearing the flag of Sir Rich. Goodwin Keats at Newfoundland, where, shortly after his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, which took place 29 July, 1814, he removed to the Challenger 16, Capts. Fred. Edw. Vernon and Henry Forbes. His appointments, since the paying off of the latter vessel in Sept. 1815, have been – 15 Oct. 1830, to the Talavera Coast Blockade ship, Capts. Hugh Pigot and David Colby – 16 April, 1831, to the Coast Guard – 11 June, 1833, to the command of the Fox Revenue-vessel – 22 June, 1836, to the Coast Guard – 29 Jan. 1844, to the command of the Harpy, another Revenue-cruizer – and 22 April, 1847, again to the Coast Guard, in which he is at present serving.