A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Lindsay, Colin William

1805186A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Lindsay, Colin WilliamWilliam Richard O'Byrne

LINDSAY. (Lieutenant, 1837.)

Colin William Lindsay passed his examination in 1827; obtained his commission 10 Jan. 1837; and was afterwards appointed – 8 Feb. 1837, to the Russell 74, Capt. Sir Wm. Henry Dillon, employed in the Mediterranean and off Lisbon – 8 April, 1839, to the Curaçoa 24, Capt. Jenkin Jones, fitting for the South American station, whence he returned home and was paid off at the close of 1842 – and, 23 Feb. 1844, to the America 50., Capt. Hon. John Gordon, attached to the force in the Pacific. He left the latter ship on her arrival in England in 1846; and is at present on half-pay.