A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Lindsay, James

1805187A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Lindsay, JamesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

LINDSAY. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 12; h-p., 30.)

James Lindsay died 18 Sept. 1845.

This officer entered the Navy, 22 Aug. 1803, as A.B., on board the Snake 18, Capt. Wm. Roberts, on the West India station, whence he returned to England with the same Captain in the summer of 1804, as Midshipman of La Vertu. He was then, until Dec. 1810, employed on board the Mars 74, Capts. Geo. Duff, Robt. Dudley Oliver, Wm. Lukin, Jas. Katon, and John Surman Garden; and while so attached he took part, as Acting Second-Mate, in the battle of Trafalgar 21 Oct. 1805 – assisted in taking, 28 July, 1806, Le Rhin, of 44 guns and 318 men – was present, 25 Sept. following, with Sir Sam. Hood’s squadron, at the capture, off Rochefort, of four heavy French frigates, two of which, the Gloire 46 and Infatigable 44, struck to the Mars – attended the expedition of 1807 to Copenhagen – and was actively employed in affording protection to the Baltic trade. On leaving the Mars, Mr. Lindsay joined the Barfleur 98, bearing the flag in the Thames of Hon. Geo. Cranfield Berkeley, with whom he served for a period of 13 months. He then, in Jan. 1812, became Acting-Sub-Lieutenant of the Herring, Lieut.-Commander John Murray, and sailed for Halifax, where in July, 1813, he followed the latter officer into the Musqhedchet 12. He came home in April, 1814; obtained his commission 13 Feb. 1815; and was lastly, from 27 March, 1828, until April, 1829, employed in command of the Stork Revenue-vessel. Agents – Coplands and Burnett.