A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Parker, William (a)

1865631A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Parker, William (a)William Richard O'Byrne

PARKER. (Lieutenant, 1801.)

William Parker entered the Navy, in March, 1793, as A.B., on board the Diadem 64, Capt. Andw. Sutherland, with whom, after witnessing, as Midshipman, the occupation of Toulon, he removed, in Aug. 1794, to the Berwick 74. On leaving that ship, which for a time was commanded by Capt. Chas. Tyler, he successively joined the St. George 98, Brittania 100, and Goliath 74, all under the orders, the two former as flag-ships of Sir Hyde Parker, of Capt. Thos. Foley. In the St. George he fought in Hotham’s two actions with the French fleet in 1795; he took part, in the Britannia, in the battle off Cape St. Vincent, 14 Feb. 1797; and in the Goliath he shared in the glories of the Nile 1 Aug. 1798. He was confirmed a Lieutenant (after having acted for 12 months as such) in the Druid 32, Capt. Chas. Apthorp, 16 March, 1801; and he was subsequently (having first obtained the Turkish gold medal for his services during the campaign in Egypt) appointed – 2 Nov. 1801, to the Champion 24, Capt. Lord Wm. Stuart, attached to the force in the Mediterranean, whence he returned in Sept. 1802 – 16 Nov. 1803, and 13 Sept. 1806, to the command of the Cleveland and Neptune hired vessels, in which he served in the Channel until Dec. 1809 – 16 May, 1810, for four months, to the Savage sloop, Capt. Wm. Ferrie, on the West India station – 18 March, 1811, to the Hebe hired armed ship, commanded at first by Capt. Edw. Elliott, next by himself, and then again by Capt. Elliott, in the North Sea and Baltic – 17 Dec. 1812, to the charge, which he retained until May, 1814, of a Signal-station on the north coa«t of Ireland – 3 July, 1817, to the command of the Neptune, for the purpose of superintending a division of the Plymouth Ordinary – in 1824, to the office of Agent for Transports Afloat – 25 April, 1834, again to the Ordinary at Plymouth, where he became, 1 Aug. 1836, Senior of the San Josef 110, Capts. Rich. Thomas and John Hancock – and, towards the close of 1837, to an Admiralty Agency on board a contract mail steam-vessel. He has held an appointment, since 26 Nov. 1838, in the R.N. Hospital at Haslar.

Lieut. Parker is married, and has issue. One of his daughters, Mary, is the wife of John Brickwood, Esq., Purser and Paymaster R.N. (1840), now serving on board the Odin steam-frigate of 560 horsepower.