A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Parker, William Frederick

1865632A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Parker, William FrederickWilliam Richard O'Byrne

PARKER. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 11; h-p., 29.)

William Frederick Parker entered the Navy, 27 July, 1807, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Royal George 100, Capt. Rich. Dalling Dunn, bearing the flag in the Channel of Vice-Admiral Sir John Thos. Duckworth. From March, 1809, until March, 1814, he served, on the Mediterranean, West India, and Home stations, chiefly in the capacities of Midshipman and Master’s Mate, in the Spidee, Lieut.-Commander Wm. Sandford Oliver, Pylades 18, Capt. Geo. Ferguson, Spider again (commanded at first by Lieut. Oliver, and next by Capt. Frank Gore Willock), Elizabeth, Lieut.-Commander Dwyer, Demerara, Capt. Wm. Henry Smith, and Cressy and Egmont 74’s, Capts. Chas. Dashwood and Joseph Bingham. Being then nominated Acting-Lieutenant of the Porcupine 22, Capt. John Coode, he took part in the ensuing operations on the Gironde, where he witnessed the destruction of a French line-of-battle ship, 3 brigs of war, several smaller vessels, and of all the forts and batteries on the north side of the river. After again serving as Master’s Mate in the Egmont, and also in the Queen 74, the flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Chas. Vinicombe Penrose, he took up, in June, 1815, a commission hearing date 3 of the preceding March. His succeeding appointments were – 6 July, 1816, to the Hecla bomb, Capt. Wm. Popham, whom he accompanied in the ensuing expedition against Algiers – 2 Nov. following, and 3 July, 1817, to the Conqueror 74, flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Robt. Plampin, and, as First-Lieutenant, to the Griffon 16, Capt. Wm. Elliot Wright, both on the St. Helena station, whence he returned in Sept. 1818 – and, in July, 1824, for a short period, to the Beaver 10, Capt. John Jas. Onslow, attached to the force in the West Indies. Since he left the latter vessel he has been on half-pay. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.