A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Synge, Robert

1966324A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Synge, RobertWilliam Richard O'Byrne

SYNGE. (Lieutenant, 1841.)

Robert Synge, born 8 July, 1812, is third son of the late Sir Edw. Synge, Bart., by Mary Helena, eldest daughter of Robt. Welsh, Esq., of the Irish bar; brother of the present Sir Edw. Synge, Bart, (a Magistrate for King’s County and a Deputy- Lieutenant for co. Cork, who served as High-Sheriff of the latter in 1844) and of Lieut. Henry Millington Henry Synge, R.E.; and nephew of the Rev. Robt. Synge, M.A., who married a sister of the late Right Hon. Sir Wm. Webb Follett, M.P., H.M. Attorney-General.

This officer entered the Navy, 22 April, 1825; passed his examination 2 Oct. 1833; and since 6 Dec. 1839 has been employed in the Coast Guard. He was advanced to his present rank 23 Nov. 1841.

Lieut. Synge married Jessie, daughter of ___ Robyns, Esq., which lady died, leaving a daughter.