A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Tait, Alexander

1966325A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Tait, AlexanderWilliam Richard O'Byrne

TAIT. (Commander, 1825. f-p., 14; h-p., 27.)

Alexander Tait entered the Navy, 15 Feb. 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Lynx sloop, Capt. John Willoughby Marshall. After serving for upwards of three years in that vessel in the North Sea and Baltic, he removed, in March, 1809, as Midshipman (a rating he had attained in March, 1808) to the Nymphen 36, Capts. Keith Maxwell and John Hancock; under the former of whom he accompanied the expedition to the Walcheren, and assisted in forcing the passage between the batteries of Flushing and Cadsand. From Dec. 1810 until Dec. 1812 he was again employed in the Baltic, part of the time as Master’s Mate, in the Reynard sloop, Capts. Hew Steuart, Geo. Brine, and David Latimer St. Clair; and in Jan. 1813 he joined the Daedalus 38, Capt. Murray Maxwell, fitting for the East Indies; where he was wrecked, 2 July following, near the island of Ceylon. He was then received on board the Minden 74, bearing the flag of Sir Sam. Hood, who nominated him, 2 Oct. in the same year, Acting-Lieutenant of the Africaine 38, Capt. Hon. Edw. Rodney. In that frigate, to which he was confirmed 1 June, 1814, he continued until Feb. 1816. His next and last appointment was, 1 Nov. 1821, to the Andromache 42. In her he served for upwards of three years at the Cape of Good Hope under the broad pendants of Commodores Joseph Nourse and Constantine Rich. Moorsom. On being paid off he was promoted to his present rank 9 July, 1825.