A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Tweed, Robert

1984501A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Tweed, RobertWilliam Richard O'Byrne

TWEED. (Retired Commander, 1847. f-p., 12; h-p., 33.)

Robert Tweed entered the Navy, 19 Nov. 1802, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Juno 32, Capts. Henry Richardson, Chas. Marsh Schomberg, and Hon. Granville Proby, with whom he served in the Mediterranean, the greater part of the time as Midshipman, until transferred, 1 July, 1807, to the Marlborough 74, Capt. Graham Moore. In that ship he escorted the Royal Family of Portugal in its flight to the coast of Brazil; where he was nominated, in Feb. 1809, Acting-Lieutenant of the Bedford 74, Capts. Adam Mackenzie and Jas. Walker. His promotion was confirmed 10 May, 1809; he returned to England in Sept. 1810; and he was lastly, from 13 May, 1811, until 4 Oct. 1814, employed, again in the Mediterranean, in the Fame 74, Capt. Walter Bathurst. He accepted his present rank 27 July, 1847.