A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Twigg, Richard Elliott

1984502A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Twigg, Richard ElliottWilliam Richard O'Byrne

TWIGG. (Retired Commander, 1844. f-p., 12; h-p., 34.)

Richard Elliott Twigg entered the Navy, in May, 1801, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Révolutionnaire 38, Capts. Thos. Twysden and Hon. John Murray, stationed on the coast of Ireland. He next, in June, 1802, and Jan. 1803, joined the Magicienne and Fortunée frigates, both commanded by Capt. Henry Vansittart; with whom he continued employed in the North Sea, West Indies, and Channel, as Midshipman and Master’s Mate, until transferred, in Oct. 1807, to the Hazard 18, Capt. Chas. Dilkes. During her stay in the West Indies, the Fortunée captured the Vautour French privateer; a Spanish brig laden with cocoa; Le Grand Juge Bertolio French schooner, of 7 guns and 51 men; and two Spanish feluccas (which she destroyed) laden with beef and flour. In the summer of 1806 she sailed from Jamaica for England in company with the Surveillante 38, Hercule 74, an armed schooner, and a large fleet of merchant-men. When off the Havana a number of Spanish vessels were discovered under the protection of a 74-gun ship and two gun-boats. Being immediately detached in pursuit, the Fortunée succeeded, with the assistance of the schooner, in capturing and destroying the gun-boats and upwards of 20 sail, deeply laden with sugar, &c. On his return in the Hazard to the West Indies, Mr. Twigg was received by Sir Alex. Cochrane on board his flag-ship the Belleisle 74. He returned to England in June, 1808, having been advanced to the rank of Lieutenant 19 Dec. preceding; and he was next, from the following Nov. until Aug. 1813, employed in the Downs and Mediterranean in the Leviathan 74, Capts. John Harvey and Patrick Campbell. Under Capt. Harvey he united, in Oct. 1809, in the pursuit, which led to the self-destruction, near Cape Cette, of the French ships of the line Robuste and Lion. After he left the Leviathan he did not go afloat. He accepted the rank of Commander on the Retired List 24 July, 1844.