A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Twisden, John

1984661A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Twisden, JohnWilliam Richard O'Byrne

TWISDEN. (Retired Commander, 1823. f-p., 31; h-p., 36.)

John Twisden entered the Navy, in April, 1780, on board the Victory 100, Capt. Clayton, bearing the flag of Admiral Kempenfeldt in the Channel. He served next, from April, 1781, until March, 1783, on the coast of North America, in the West Indies, at the Nore, and again in the Channel, the latter part of the time as Midshipman, in the Centurion 50, Capt. Clayton, Robust 74, Capt. Philip Cosby, Sandwich 90, flag-ship of Admiral Roddam, and Tisiphone sloop, Capt. Chas. Sandys; and from Aug. 1783 until Oct. 1790 he was employed, on the Home, West India, and Halifax stations, occasionally as Master’s Mate, in the Pégase, Capt. Marshall, Unicorn 32, Capt. Chas. Stirling, Latona frigate, Capt. C. Sandys, Pégase again, Capt. Marshall, Edgar 74, Capt. Thompson, Dido, Capt. C. Sandys, Thisbe, Capt. Sam. Hood, Scout, Capt. Chas. Cobb, and Queen Charlotte 100, bearing the flag of Lord Hood. On 28 of the month last mentioned, he was made Lieutenant into the Dromedary, Capt. Benj. Hulke. He left that ship in Dec. 1791; and was subsequently employed – from Dec. 1792 until Aug. 1794, in the Sandwich 90, Capt. Mosse, flag-ship at the Nore – from the latter date until Dec. 1796, in command, on Home service, of the Fearless gun-vessel, and armed vessel Alfred – and, from June, 1798, until May, 1802, and from May, 1803, until Dec. 1814, in charge of a Signal station. He accepted the rank of Commander on the Retired List 27 March, 1823.

Commander Twisden is married, and has issue.