A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Wylde, Edward

2015395A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Wylde, EdwardWilliam Richard O'Byrne

WYLDE. (Lieut,, 1814. f-p., 19; h-p., 22.)

Edward Wylde entered the Navy, 1 Aug. 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Hibernia 110, bearing the flag of Earl St. Vincent off Lisbon and in the Channel. From March, 1807, until Nov. 1811, he served on the latter and on the Cork and Cape of Good Hope stations, as Midshipman and Master’s Mate, in the Emerald 36, Capt. Fred. Lewis Maitland; he then joined the Curaçoa 36, Capt. John Tower, in the Mediterranean; and on 14 Jan. 1814 he was there nominated Acting-Lieutenant of the Swiftsure 74, Capts. John Erskine Douglas and Wm. Henry Webley Parry. On 13 March, 1808, he shared in a very gallant attempt made by the boats of the Emerald to cut out from Vivero Harbour the French corvette L’Apropos of 20 guns and 70 men; and in April, 1809, he was present in the same frigate at the destruction of the enemy’s shipping in Aix Roads. Being confirmed a Lieutenant in the Swiftsure 16 March, 1814, he continued to serve in that ship in the West Indies and on the coast of France until Aug. 1815. His subsequent appointments were – 28 May, 1828, as Senior, to the Wellesley 74, Capt. F. L. Maitland, in the Mediterranean – 10 June, 1831, for about 18 months, to the Coast Guard – 15 Dec. 1841, to the post of Admiralty Agent on board a contract mail steam-vessel – and 8 June, 1844, and 19 May, 1848, to the command of the Otter and Doterel steam-packets. He left the Doterel 6 Jan. 1849. Agents – Goode and Lawrence.