3348893A Study of Fairy Tales — Chapter 6Laura Fry Kready



Shall we permit our children, without scruple, to hear any fables composed by any authors indifferently, and so to receive into their minds opinions generally the reverse of those which, when they are grown to manhood, we shall think they ought to entertain?—Plato, in The Republic.

Any list of fairy tales for little children must be selected from those books which, as we have noted, contain the best collections of folk-lore, and from books which contain tales that rank as classics. An examination of the tales of Perrault, of Grimm, of Dasent, of Andersen, of Jacobs, of Harris, and of miscellaneous tales, to see what are suited to the little child, would result in the following lists of tales. Those most worthy of study for the kindergarten are marked with an asterisk and those suited to the first grade are marked "1." No attempt has been made to mention all the varied sources of a tale or its best version. The Boston Public Library issues a Finding List of Fairy Tales and Folk Stories, which may be procured easily, and the Carnegie Library at Pittsburg issues in its monthly bulletin for December, 1913, vol. 18, no. 10, a List of Folk-Tales, and other stories which may be dramatized. The Baker, Taylor Company, in 1914, issued a Graded Guide to Supplementary Reading, which contains a list of many of the best editions of folk and fairy tales suited to primary grades. A list of school editions is included in this book. But one cannot fail to be impressed with the general low literary standard of many school editions of fairy tales when judged by the standards here applied to the tales themselves.

Tales of Perrault:
* Cinderella.
1 Little Thumb.
1 Puss-in-Boots.
* Red Riding Hood.
1 Sleeping Beauty.
1 The Three Wishes.
Tales of the Grimms:
1 Birdie and Lena.
1 Briar Rose.
* The Cat and the Mouse in Partnership.
1 Chanticleer and Partlet.
    1. How they Went to the Hills to Eat Nuts.
    2. The Visit to Mr. Korbes.
    3. The Death of Partlet.
* Cinderella.
* The Elves and the Shoemaker.
  The Fox and the Geese.
1 The Hare and the Hedgehog.
1 The House in the Wood.
* The King of the Birds.
1 Little Brother and Sister.
1 The Little Lamb and the Little Fish.
* Little Red-Cap.
1 Little Snow White.
1 Little Two-Eyes.
  Mother Holle.
1 The Nose.
1 Snow White and Rose Red.
* The Sparrow and His Four Children.
  Star Dollars.
* The Spider and the Flea.
* The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean.
* The Town Musicians of Bremen.
  The Willow Wren and the Bear.
* The Wolf and the Seven Kids.
* The Wonderful Porridge Pot.
Norse Tales:
  Cock and Hen.
  The Cock and Hen A-Nutting.
  The Cock and Hen That Went to the Dovrefell.
  Cock, Cuckoo, and Black Cock.
* Doll i' the Grass.
1 Gertrude's Bird.
1 Katie Woodencloak (read).
1 The Lad Who Went to the North Wind.
1 Lord Peter (read).
  One's Own Children Are Always Prettiest.
* Three Billy Goats.
1 Thumbikin (read).
* Why the Bear is Stumpy-tailed (pourquois).
English Tales, by Jacobs:
* The Cat and the Mouse.
* Henny Penny.
1 The History of Tom Thumb.
* How Jack Went to Seek His Fortune.
1 Jack and the Bean-Stalk.
* Johnny Cake.
* Lazy Jack.
* The Magpie's Nest.
1 Master of all Masters.
* Mr. Miacca.
1 Mr. Vinegar.
* The Old Woman and Her Pig.
* Puddock, Mousie, and Ratton.
1 Scrapefoot.
* The Story of Three Bears.
* The Story of Three Little Pigs.
* Teeny Tiny.
* Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse.
Modern Fairy Tales, by Andersen:
* The Fir Tree.
* Five Peas in a Pod.
1 The Happy Family (retold in Tales of Laughter).
  Little Ida's Flowers (read).
* Ole-Luk-Oie (read to end of Thursday).
    Thursday, Wedding of a Mouse.
* The Princess and the Pea.
* The Snow Man.
1 The Steadfast Tin Soldier.
  The Top and the Ball.
* Thumbelina.
  What the Moon Saw:
  * Little Girl and Chickens.
   * The New Frock (realistic).
   * Little Chimney Sweep.
   * Bear Who Played "Soldiers."
   * Bread and Butter.
Uncle Remus Tales, by Harris, in Nights with Uncle Remus:
* Brer Rabbit and the Little Tar Baby.
* Brother Rabbit and the Little Girl.
* Brother Rabbit Takes a Walk.
* Brother Rabbit Takes Some Exercise.
* Cutta cord-la (similar to Wolf and Seven Kids).
* How Brother Rabbit Broke Up a Party.
* How Brother Rabbit Frightens His Neighbors.
* How Mr. Rooster Lost His Dinner (read).
* In Some Lady's Garden.
* Mr. Benjamin Ram (Brother Rabbit's Riddle).
* The Moon in the Mill-Pond (pourquois).
* Why Brother Bear Has No Tail (pourquois).
* Why Mr. Dog Runs After Brother Rabbit.
* Why Guinea Fowls Are Speckled (pourquois).
Uncle Remus Tales, by Harris, in Uncle Remus and the Little Boy:
* Brother Billy Goat's Dinner.
  Brother Fox Smells Smoke.
* Brother Rabbit and Brother Tiger.
* Brother Rabbit and Brother Lion (similar to The Dog and His Shadow).
* Brother Mud-Turtle's Trickery.
* Brother Rabbit's Money Mint.
1 Brother Wolf Says Grace.
1 The Fire Test (Use with Three Pigs).
  Fun at the Ferry.
* Heyo, House.
  The Little Rabbits.
  Mrs. Partridge Has a Fit.
  Why Brother Fox's Legs are Black.
* Why the Hawk Catches Chickens.
Tale, by Harris, in Little Mr. Thimblefinger:
* Why Billy-Goat's Tail Is Short.
Miscellaneous Tales:
* The Adventures of Little Field Mouse, Stories to Tell, Bryant.
* Beta and the Lame Giant, Miss Harrison, In Storyland.
* Billy Bobtail, Jane Hoxie, Kindergarten Stories; Child-Lore Dramatic Reader, Scribners.
* Blunder and the Wishing Gate, Louise Chollet, in Child Life in Prose, Whittier.
* The Boy and the Goat, or The Goat in the Turnip Field (Norwegian), Primer, Free and Tread well; Child-Lore Dramatic Reader, Scribners.
* The Cap that Mother Made or Ander's New Cap (Swedish), Swedish Fairy Tales, McClurg; For the Story-Teller, Bailey.
1 The Cat and the Parrot or The Greedy Cat, How to Tell Stones, Bryant; Tales of Laughter, Wiggin and Smith.
1 The Cat That Waited, Classics in Dramatic Form, vol. 1, Stevenson.
* The Cat, the Cock, and the Fox, Tales of Laughter, Wiggin and Smith.
1 Clytie, Nature Myths, Flora Cooke.
1 The Cock, the Mouse, and the Little Red Hen, Félicité Lefèvre, Jacobs.
* The Country Mouse and the City Mouse, Æsop's Fables, Joseph Jacobs.
* Dame Wiggins and Her Cats, Mrs. Sharp, in Six Nursery Classics, Heath.
* The Discontented Pendulum, Jane Taylor, in In the Child's World, Poulsson.
* The Doll Who Was Sister to a Princess, The Toy Stories, Carolyn Bailey, Kindergarten Review, Dec., 1914.
* Drakesbill, The Story-Teller's Book, O'Grady and Throop; The Fairy Ring, Wiggin and Smith; Firelight Stories, Bailey.
* The Elephant's Child, Just-So Stories, Kipling.
1 The First Christmas Tree, A Little Book of Profitable Tales, Eugene Field.
1 The Five Little Pigs, Katherine Pyle, in Wide Awake Second Reader, Little.
* The Foolish Timid Rabbit, Jataka Tales Retold, Babbit.
  The Golden Cock, That's Why Stories, Bryce.
1 Golden Rod and Aster, Nature Myths, Cooke.
  The Grain of Corn (Old Woman and Her Pig), Tales of the Punjab, Steel.
1 Greencap, Ruth Hays, in St. Nicholas, June, 1915.
1 Hans and the Four Big Giants, Miss Harrison, In Storyland.
1 The Hen That Hatched Ducks, Harriet Beecher Stowe, in Child Life in Prose, Whittier.
* The Hop-About-Man, Agnes Herbertson, in The Story-Teller's Book, O'Grady and Throop; in Little Folks' Magazine.
* The House that Jack Built, Six Nursery Classics, D. C. Heath.
1 How Brother Rabbit Fooled the Whale, Stories to Tell, Bryant.
* How the Camel Got His Hump, Just-So Stories, Kipling.
1 How the Chipmunk Got the Stripes on its Back, Nature Myths, Cooke.
* How Double Darling's Old Shoes Became Lady Slippers, Candace Wheeler, in St Nicholas, March, 1887; vol. 14, pp. 342–47.
* How Fire Was Brought to the Indians, The Book of Nature Myths, Holbrook.
* How Sun, Moon, and West Wind Went Out to Dinner, Old Deccan Days, Frère.
1 The Jackal and the Alligator, Stories to Tell, Bryant.
1 The Jackals and the Lion, Stories to Tell, Bryant.
1 King Solomon and the Ants, Nature Myths, Cooke.
* The Lambikin, Tales of the Punjab, Steel; Indian Tales, Jacobs.
* Little Jack Rollaround, Stories to Tell, Bryant.
* The Little Rabbit Who Wanted Red Wings, For the Story-Teller, Bailey.
* The Little Red Hen, Stories to Tell, Bryant.
* The Little Rid Hin (Irish dialect verse), Stories to Tell, Bryant.
* The Little Rooster, Robert Southey, in Boston Collection of Kindergarten Stories, Hammett & Co.
* Little Spider's First Web, Primer, Free and Treadwell.
* Little Top-knot (Swedish), First Reader, Free and Treadwell.
* Little Tuppen, Fairy Stories and Fables, Baldwin; Primer, Free and Treadwell.
* Ludwig and Marleen, Jane Hoxie, in Kindergarten Review, vol. xi, no. 5.
* Medio Pollito, or Little Half-Chick (Spanish), The Green Fairy Book, Lang.
* Mezumi, the Beautiful, or The Rat Princess (Japanese), Birch-Tree Fairy Book, Johnson; Tales of Laughter, Wiggin and Smith.
1 Mr. Elephant and Mr. Frog, Firelight Stories, Bailey.
1 The Moon's Silver Cloak, Classics in Dramatic Form, Stevenson, vol. 1.
1 The Mouse and the Sausage, Stories and Story-Telling, Angela Keyes.
* Oeyvind and Marit, from The Happy Boy, Björnstjerne Björnson, in The Story-Teller's Book, O'Grady and Throop; in Child-Life in Prose, Whittier.
* Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter.
1 The Pigs and the Giant, Pyle, in Child-Lore Dramatic Reader, Scribners.
* The Quick-Running Squash, Short Stories for Short People, Aspinwall.
1 The Red-Headed Woodpecker, Nature Myths, Cooke.
* The Rich Goose, Leora Robinson, in The Outlook.
* The Robin's Christmas Song, Birch-Tree Fairy Book, Johnson.
* (Wee) Robin's Yule Song. Tales of Laughter, Wiggin and Smith.
* The Sheep and the Pig (Scandinavian), For the Children's Hour, Bailey.
* The Sparrow and the Crow, Tales of the Punjab, Steel; Birch-Tree Fairy Book, Johnson.
* The Straw Ox, Cossack Fairy Tales, Bain.
* Story of the Morning-Glory Seed, M. Eytinge, Boston Kindergarten Stories.
1 The Tale of a Black Cat, Oak-Tree Fairy Book, Johnson.
1 Tommy and the Wishing-Stone, a series, by T. Burgess, in St. Nicholas, 1915.
1 Travels of a Fox, Oak-Tree Fairy Book, Johnson.
1 The Turtle Who Could n't Stop Talking, Jataka Tales Retold, Babbit.
* The Unhappy Pine Tree, Classic Stories, McMurry.
1 What Bunch and Joker Saw in the Moon, Wide Awake Chatterbox, about 1887.
1 The White Cat, Fairy Tales, D'Aulnoy; Fairy Tales, vol. II, Lansing.
* Why the Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves, The Book of Nature Myths, Holbrook.
* Why the Juniper Has Berries, The Book of Nature Myths, Holbrook.
* Why the Morning Glory Climbs, How to Tell Stories, Bryant.
1 The Wish Bird, Classics in Dramatic Form, vol. II Stevenson.
Baker, Franklin T.: Bibliography of Children's Reading. Introduction and lists. Teachers College, Columbia University.
Baker Taylor Company, The: Graded Guide to Supplementary Reading. 1914.
Boston Public Library: Finding List of Fairy Tales.
Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh. List of Folk Tales. Bulletin, Dec, 1913, vol. 18, no. 10.
Ibid.: Illustrated Editions of Children's Books. 1915.
Harron, Julia; Bacon, Corinne; and Dana, John: American Library Economy. Newark Free Library, Newark, New Jersey.
Haight, Rachel Webb: "Fairy Tales." Bulletin of Bibliography, 1912. Boston Book Co.
Hewins, Caroline: A. L. A. List. Books for Boys and Girls. Third Edition, 1913. A. L. A. Pub. Board, Chicago.
Kready, Laura F.: "Picture-Books for Little Children." Kindergarten Review, Sept., 1914.
Moulton, Alice O'Grady, and Literature Com. of I. K. U.: "Humorous Stories for Children." Kindergarten Review, Dec, 1914.
Salisbury, G. E., and Beckwith, M. E.: Index to Short Stories.
St. Louis Public Library. Lists of Stories and Programs for Story Hours. Give best versions.
Widdemer, Margaret: "A Bibliography of Books and Articles Relating to Children's Reading. Part I, Children's Reading in general. Part II, History of Children's Literature, etc. Part III, Guidance of Children's Reading." Bulletin of Bibliography, July, 1911, Oct., 1911, and Jan., 1912. Boston Book Co.
Beskow, Elsa: Hanschen im Blaubeerenwald. Stuttgart.
Brooke, Leslie: The Golden Goose Book. F. Warne.
Ibid.: The House in the Wood. F. Warne.
Ibid.: The Truth About Old King Cole. F. Warne.
Browning, Robert: The Pied Piper, Kate Greenaway, F. Warne; Hope Dunlap, Rand; T. Butler Stoney, Dutton.
Caldecott, Randolph: Picture-Books:
2. The House that Jack Built. F. Warne.
3. Hey Diddle Diddle Book. F. Warne.
Coussens, P. W.: A Child's Book of Stories. Jessie W. Smith. Duffield.
Crane, Walter: Picture-Books:
Cinderella. John Lane.
Mother Hubbard. John Lane.
Red Riding Hood. John Lane.
This Little Pig. John Lane.
Grimm, Jacob and William: Cruikshank Fairy Book. Cruikshank, Putnam.
Ibid.: Das Deutsche Bilderbuch. Jos. Scholz.
1. Dörnroschen.
2. Aschenputtel.
7. Frau Holle.
10. Der Wolf und Sieben Geislein.
Ibid.: Liebe Märchen. 10, 11, 12. Jos. Scholz.
Ibid.: Cherry Blossom. Helen Stratton. Blackie and Sons.
Jerrold, Walter: The Big Book of Fairy Tales. Robinson. Blackie.
Olfers, Sibylle: Windschen. J. F. Schreiber.
Ibid.: Wurzelkindern. J. F. Schreiber.
Sharp, Mrs.: Dame Wiggins of Lee. Introduction by Ruskin. Kate Greenaway. George Allen.
Cinderella. 227, Meinhold. Dresden.
724, Meinhold. Dresden.
366, Teubner. Leipzig.
Canadian Magazine, Dec, 1911, by Val Prinsep, R.A.
Elves. Arthur Rackham. St. Nicholas, Nov., 1914.
Ibid.: Book of Pictures. Century.
Hop-o'-my-Thumb. A Child's Own Book of Fairy Tales. Dore. H. Pisan, engraver.
Elizabeth S. Forbes. Canadian Magazine, Dec, 1911.
Little Brother and Sister. Tempera Painting, Marianna Stokes. Illustrated London News, Dec, 1907.
Perrault's Tales. Kay Nielsen. Illustrated London News, Dec. 1913.
Red Riding Hood. Poster, Mary Stokes. Ladies' Home Journal.
230, Meinhold. Dresden.
77, Teubner. Leipzig and Berlin.
G. Ferrier. Engraved for St. Nicholas, Braun, Clement, &Co.
Supplement to American Primary Teacher, May, 1908.
Picture, 2 ft. by 1 ft., New Specialty Shop, Phila., Pa.
Sleeping Beauty. Mouat, London. Canadian Magazine, Dec, 1911. Illustrated London News, Dec, 1907.
Snow White. A series. Maxfield Parrish.
Picture by Elizabeth Shippen Green.
Two Series. Five pictures in each. Jessie Willcox Smith. P. F. Collier & Sons.
Allingham, William: The Fairy Folk. The Posy Ring.
Bangs, John Kendrick: The Little Elf. The Posy Ring.
Bird, Robert: The Fairy Folk. A Child's Book of Old Verses.
Dodsley, R.: Red Caps of Fairies. Fuimus Troes, Old Plays.
Drayton, Michael: Nymphal III, Poets' Elysium.
Herford, Oliver: The Elf and the Dormouse. The Posy Ring.
Hood, Thomas: A Plain Direction. Heart of Oak Books, HI.
Ibid.: Queen Mab. A Child's Book of Old Verses.
Howitt, Mary: The Fairies of the Caldon-Low. The Posy Ring.
Ibid.: Mabel on Midsummer Day. The Story-Teller's Book, O'Grady and Throop.
Lyly, John: The Urchin's Dance and Song. Song of the First Fairy. Song of the Second Fairy. Maydes Metamorphosis.
McDermot, Jessie: A Fairy Tale. Fairy Tales. Rolfe. Amer. Book Co.
Noyes, Alfred: The Magic Casement. An anthology of fairy poetry, with an introduction. Dutton.
Percy, Bishop: The Fairy Queen. Reliques of Ancient Poetry; from The Mysteries of Love and Eloquence, London, 1658.
Shakespeare, William: Ariel's Song; A Fairy Song; "I know a bank"; The Song of the Fairies. Shakespeare's Dramas.
Stevenson, Robert L. Fairy Bread; The Little Land. A Child's Garden of Verses.
Unknown Author: The Fairy. "Oh, who is so merry." A Child's Book of Old Verses. Duffield.
Wilkins, Mary E.: The Ballad of the Blacksmith's Sons. Fairy Stories Retold from St. Nicholas. Century.
Andersen, Hans Christian: Fairy Tales. 2 vols. Pedersen & Stone. Houghton.
Ibid.: Fairy Tales. Edited by W. A. and J. K. Craigie. Oxford University Press.
Ibid.: Fairy Stories for Youngest Children. Lucas. Stratton. Blackie. (English edition.)
Ibid.: Fairy Tales. Mrs. Lucas. T. C. and W. Robinson. Dutton.
Ibid.: Fairy Tales. Mrs. Lucas. Helen Stratton. Dodge.
Ibid.: Fairy Tales. Maria L. Kirk. Lippincott.
Andersen, Hans Christian: Fairy Tales. Edmund Dulac. Hodder & Stoughton.
Ibid.: Fairy Tales. W. H. Robinson. Holt.
Ibid.: Fairy Tales. Braekstad. Tegner. Introd. by Gosse. Century.
Asbjörnsen, P. C: Fairy Tales from the Far North. Burt.
Ibid.: Round the Yule Log. Introd. by Gosse. Braekstad. Lippincott.
Dasent, Sir George W.: Popular Tales from the North. Routledge. Dutton.
Ibid.: Popular Tales from the North. Putnam.
Ibid.: Tales from the Field. Putnam.
Grimm, Jacob and William: Household Tales. Margaret Hunt. Bohn's Libraries, Bell & Co.
Ibid.: Household Tales. Lucy Crane. Walter Crane. Macmillan.
Ibid.: Fairy Tales. Helen Stratton. Dodge.
Ibid.: German Popular Stories. Tr. Edgar Taylor. Introd. by Ruskin. 22 illustrations by Cruikshank. Chatto & Windus.
Ibid.: Fairy Tales. Johann & Leinweber. McLoughlin.
Ibid.: Fairy Tales. Arthur Rackham. Doubleday.
Ibid.: Fairy Tales. Hope Dunlap. Rand.
Harris, Joel Chandler: Uncle Remus, His Songs and Sayings. Appleton.
Ibid.: Nights With Uncle Remus. Church. Houghton.
Ibid.: Uncle Remus and His Friends. Frost. Houghton.
Ibid.: Uncle Remus and the Little Boy. J. M. Comte. Small.
Jacobs, Joseph: English Fairy Tales. 2 vols. Batten. Putnam.
Ibid.: Celtic Fairy Tales. 2 vols. Batten. Putnam.
Ibid.: Indian Fairy Tales. Batten. Putnam.
Ibid.: The Most Delectable History of Reynard the Fox. Frank Calderon. Macmillan.
Ibid.: Europa's Fairy Tales. Batten. Putnam.
O'Shea, M. V.: Old World Wonder Stories. Heath.
Perrault, Charles: Tales of Mother Goose. Welsh. Heath.
Ibid.: Fairy Tales. Appleton. Estes.
Perrault, Charles: Tales of Passed Times. Temple Classics. C. Robinson. Dutton.
Ibid.: Popular Tales. Edited by Andrew Lang. French; and English translation of original edition. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Celtic. Jacobs. 1911. Putnam.
Chinese. Pitnam. 1910. Crowell.
Cossack. Bain. 1899. Burt.
Danish. Bay. 1899. Harper.
Donegal. McManus. 1900. Doubleday.
English. Jacobs. 1904. Putnam.
Ibid.: Folk and Fairy Stories. Hartland, born 1848. Camelot series.
French. DeSegur. 1799–1874. Winston.
German. Grimm. 1812, 1822. Bohn's Libraries.
Hungarian. Pogany. 1914. Stokes.
Indian. Old Deccan Days. Frère. 1868. McDonough.
Ibid.: Tales of the Sun. Mrs. Kingscote. 1890. W. H. Allen.
Ibid.: Buddhist Birth Stories. Rhys Davids. 1880. Trubner.
Ibid.: Fairy Tales. Stokes. 1880. Ellis & White.
Ibid.: Folk Tales of Bengal. Day. 1883. Macmillan.
Ibid.: Wide Awake Stories. Steel and Temple. 1884. Trubner.
Ibid.: Folk-Tales of Kashmir. Knowles. 1887. Trubner.
Ibid.: Tales of the Punjab. Steel. 1894. Macmillan.
Irish. Yeats. 1902. Burt.
Italian. Macdonell. 1911. Stokes.
Ibid.: Crane. 1885. Macmillan.
Japanese. Ozaki. 1909. Dutton.
Manx. Morrison. 1899. Nutt.
New World. Kennedy. 1904. Dutton.
Norse. Dasent. 1820–1896. Lippincott.
Ibid.: Mabie. 1846–. Dodd.
Papuan. Kerr. 1910. Macmillan.
Persian. Stephen. 1892. Dutton.
Ibid.: Clouston. 1907. Stokes.
Russian. Dole. 1907. Crowell.
Ibid.: Bain. Bilibin. 1914. Century.
Scottish. Grierson. 1910. Stokes.
South African. Honey. 1910. Baker & Taylor.
Welsh. Thomas. 1908. Stokes.
D'Aulnoy, Madame: Fairy Tales. Trans, by Planché. Gordon Browne. McKay.
Ibid.: Fairy Tales. Introd. by Anne T. Ritchie. Scribners.
Austin, M. H.: Basket Woman. Houghton.
Babbit, Ellen: Jataka Tales Retold. Century.
Bailey, Carolyn: Firelight Stories. Bradley.
Bailey and Lewis: For the Children's Hour. Bradley.
Baldwin, James: Fairy Stories and Fables. Amer. Book Co.
Barrie, J. M.: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. Rackham. Scribners.
Baumbach, Rudolf: Tales from Wonderland. Simmons.
Bertelli, Luigi: The Prince and His Ants. Holt.
Bryant, Sara C.: Best Stories to Tell to Children. Houghton.
Burgess, Thornton: Old Mother West Wind. Little.
Ibid.: The Adventures of Reddy Fox. Little.
Ibid.: The Adventures of Johnny Chuck. Little.
Ibid.: Tommy and the Wishing-stone. Animal Tales. St. Nicholas, 1915.
Chapin, Anna: The Now-a-Days Fairy Book. Jessie W. Smith. Dodd.
Chisholm, Louey: In Fairyland. Katherine Cameron. Putnam.
Ibid.: Little Red Riding Hood; Cinderella; (I Read Them Myself series). Dodge.
Collection: Half a Hundred Stories for Little People. Bradley.
Cooke, Flora J.: Nature Myths and Stories. Flanagan.
Cowell, E. B.: The Jatakas or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births. Tr. from the Pali. 6 vols. Cambridge University Press. Putnam. 1895–1907.
Crothers, Samuel McChord: Miss Muffefs Christmas Party, Houghton.
Emerson, Ellen: Indian Myths. Houghton.
Everyman Series: 157; 365; and 541. Dutton.
France, Anatole: The Honey Bee. John Lane.
Grover, Eulalie O., editor: Mother Goose. F. Richardson. Volland.
Harris, Joel C.: Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Houghton.
Harrison, Miss: In Storyland. Central Pub. Co., Chicago.
Holbrook, Florence: The Book of Nature Myths. Houghton.
James, Grace: The Green Willow: Japanese. Goble. Macmillan.
Jerrold, Walter: The Reign of King Oberon. Robinson. Dent. Little.
Johnson, Clifton: Fairy Books: Oak-Tree; Birch-Tree; and Elm-Tree. Little.
Ibid.: Book of Fairy Tale Bears. Houghton.
Ibid.: Book of Fairy Tale Foxes. Houghton.
Kingsley, Charles: Water-Babies. Warwick Goble. Macmillan.
Ibid.: Water-Babies. Introd. by Rose Kingsley. Margaret Tarrant. Dutton.
Kipling, Rudyard: Jungle Books. 2 vols. Original edition. Century.
Ibid.: Jungle Books. M. and E. Detmold. Century.
Ibid.: Jungle Books. A. Rackham. Doubleday.
Ibid.: Just-So Stories. Doubleday.
Ibid.: Puck of Pook's Hill. Doubleday.
Ibid.: Rewards and Fairies. Doubleday.
Laboulaye, Edouard: Fairy Book. Harper.
Ibid.: Last Fairy Tales. Harper.
Lang, Andrew: Fairy Books: Red; Orange; Yellow; Green; Blue; Violet; Gray; Crimson; Brown; Pink. Longmans.
Lansing, Marion: Rhymes and Stories. Ginn.
Ibid.: Fairy Tales. 2 vols. Ginn.
Leamy, Edward: Golden Spears. FitzGerald.
Lefèvre, Felicitée: The Cock, the Mouse, and the Little Red Hen. Tony Sarg. Jacobs, Phila.
Lindsay, Maud: Mother Stories; More Mother Stories. Bradley.
Maeterlinck, Madam: The Children's Bluebird.
Molesworth, Mary Louise: The Cuckoo Clock. Maria Kirk. Lippincott.
Mulock, Miss: The Fairy Book. Boyd Smith. Crowell.
Ibid.: Fairy Book. 32 illus. by W. Goble. Macmillan.
Ibid.: Little Lame Prince. Hope Dunlap. Rand.
Musset, Paul de: Mr. Wind and Madam Rain. Bennett. Putnam.
Nyblom, Helena: Jolly Cable and other Swedish Fairy Tales. Folknin. Dutton.
Olcott, Frances J.: Arabian Nights. Tr. by Lane. Cairo text. Selections. Holt.
Perrault, Charles: The Story of Bluebeard. Stone & Kimball, Chicago.
Poulsson, E.: In the Child's World. Bradley.
Pyle, Howard: The Garden Behind the Moon. Scribners.
Ibid.: Wonder-Clock. Harper.
Pyle, Katherine: Fairy Tales from Many Lands. Dutton.
Rackham, Arthur: Mother Goose. Century.
Ramé, Louise de la (Ouida): Nürnberg Stove: Bimbi Stories for Children. Page.
Rhys, Ernest: Fairy Gold. Herbert Cole. Dutton.
Rolfe, William: Fairy Tales in Prose and Verse. Amer. Book Co.
Shakespeare, William: Midsummer Night's Dream. With forty illustrations in color by Arthur Rackham. Doubleday.
Shedlock, Marie: A Collection of Eastern Stories and Legends. Foreword by T. Rhys Davids. Dutton.
Smith, Jessie Willcox: Mother Goose. Dodd.
Stephen, A.: Fairy Tales of a Parrot. Ellis. Nister. Dutton.
Stockton, F.: The Queen's Museum. F. Richardson. Scribners.
Tappan, Eva March: The Children's Hour: Folk Stories and Fables. Houghton.
Thorne-Thomson: East o' the Sun and West o' the Moon, Row.
Underhill, Zoe D.: The Dwarf's Tailor. Harper.
Valentine, Mrs. Laura: Old, Old Fairy Tales. F. Warne.
Welsh, Charles: Fairy Tales Children Love. Dodge.
Wheeler, W. A.: Mother Goose Melodies. Houghton.
Wiggin, Kate; and Smith, Nora: The Fairy Ring: Tales of Laughter: Magic Casements: and Tales of Wonder. Doubleday.
Alderman, E. A.: Classics Old and New. Amer. Book Co.
Alexander, G.: Child Classics. Bobbs.
Baker, F. T., and Carpenter, G. R.: Language Readers. Macmillan.
Baldwin, James: The Fairy Reader, I and 11. Amer. Book Co.
Blaisdell, Etta (MacDonald): Child Life in Tale and Fable. Macmillan.
Blumenthal, Verra: Fairy Tales from the Russian. Rand.
Brooks, Dorothy: Stories of Red Children. Educational.
Bryce, Catherine: Child-Lore Dramatic Reader. Scribners.
Burchill, Ettinger: Progressive Road to Reading, Readers. Silver.
Chadwick, Mara P.: Three Bears Story Primer. Educational.
Chadwick, M. P. and Freeman, E. G.: Chain Stories and Playlets: The Cat That Was Lonesome: The Mouse That Lost Her Tail; and The Woman and Her Pig. World Book Co.
Coe and Christie: Story Hour Readers. Amer. Book Co.
Craik, Georgiana: So Fat and Mew Mew. Heath.
Davis, M. H. and Leung, Chow: Chinese Fables and Folk Stories. Amer. Book. Co.
Dole, C. F.: Crib and Fly. Heath.
Free and Treadwell: Reading Literature Series. Row, Peterson.
Grover, Eulalie O.: Folk Lore Primer. Atkinson.
Hale, E. E.: Arabian Nights. Selections. Ginn.
Heath, D. C: Dramatic Reader. Heath.
Henderson, Alice: Andersen's Best Fairy Tales. Rand.
Hix, Melvin: Once Upon a Time Stories. Longmans.
Holbrook, Florence: Dramatic Reader for the Lower Grades, Amer. Book Co.
Howard, F. W.: The Banbury Cross Stories: The Fairy Gift and Tom Hickathrift. Merrill.
Johnston, E.; and Barnum, M.: Book of Plays for Little Actors. Amer. Book. Co.
Kennerley: The Kipling Reader. 2 vols. Appleton.
Ketchum and Rice: Our First Story Reader. Scribners.
Lang, Andrew: Fairy Readers. Longmans.
Lansing, M.: Tales of Old England. Ginn.
Mabie, H.: Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know. Doubleday.
McMahon, H., M., and A.: Rhyme and Story Primer. Heath.
McMurry, Mrs. Lida B.: Classic Stories. Public School Pub. Co.
Norton, Charles E.: Heart of Oak Books. Heath.
Norvell, F. T., and Haliburton, M. W.: Graded Classics. Johnson.
Perkins, F. O.: The Bluebird Arranged for Schools. Silver.
Pratt, Mara L.: Legends of Red Children. Amer. Book Co.
Roulet, Mary Nixon: Japanese Folk-Stories and Fairy Tales. Amer. Book Co.
Scudder, H.: Andersen's Fairy Tales: Grimm's Fairy Tales; Fables and Folk Stories; The Children's Book. Houghton.
Smythe, Louise: Reynard the Fox. Amer. Book Co.
Spaulding and Bryce: Aldine Readers. Newson.
Stevenson, Augusta: Children's Classics in Dramatic Form, 5 vols. Houghton.
Stickney, J. H.: Andersen's Fairy Tales. 2 series. Ginn.
Summers, Maud: The Summers Readers. Beattys.
Turpin, E. H.: Andersen's Fairy Tales. Merrill.
Underwood, Kate: Fairy Tale Plays (For Infants and Juniors) . Macmillan.
University Pub. Co.: Fairy Tales. Standard Literature Series; Hans Andersen's Best Stories; Grimm's Best Stories. Newson and Co.
Van Sickle, J. H., etc.: The Riverside Readers. Houghton.
Varney, Alice: Story Plays Old and New. Amer. Book Co.
Villee: Little Folk Dialog Reader. Sower.
Wade, Mary H.: Indian Fairy Tales. Wilde.
Washburne, Mrs. M.: Old-Fashioned Fairy Tales (Retold from poetic versions of Thomas Hood). Rand.
White, Emma G.: Pantomime Primer. Amer. Book Co.
Williston, P.: Japanese Fairy Tales. 2 series. Rand.
Wiltse, Sara E.: Folk Lore Stories and Proverbs. Ginn.
Wohlfarth, J., and McMurry, Frank: Little Folk-Tales. 2 vols.
Zitkala-sa: Old Indian Legends. Ginn.
  1. Laura F. Kready, "Picture-Books for Little Children," Kindergarten Review, Sept., 1914.