Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Fictitious Entries

Fictitious Entries
H V A-G, I-L M-U, W-Z
Sources for names of fictitious entries.
a.  Barnhart, John Hendley. "Some Fictitious Botanists." Journal of the New York Botanical Garden 20 (September 1919): 171-81. (This lists 14, and is at Google Books.)
b.  O'Brien, Frank M. "The Wayward Encyclopedias", New Yorker, XII (May 2, 1936), pp. 71-74. (This is a summary of Barnhart's article.)
c.  Schindler, Margaret Castle. "Fictitious Biography." American Historical Review 42 (1937), pp. 680-90. (This lists 47, including the 14 from Barnhart's article.)
d.  Dobson, John Blythe. "The Spurious Articles in Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography—Some New Discoveries and Considerations." Biography 16(4) 1993: 388-408. (This lists 4 in "I" - Iff, Illiers, Iselin and Issertieux - and Jansen, who had not been detected previously.)
e.  Zorn, George, S.J. Woodstock Letters Index: Volumes 1-80 (1872-1951), Woodstock, Maryland: Woodstock College Press, 1960. Visited 13 October 2011. Search on "phantom Jesuit" or "Appleton's". (This lists 43, including 4 from Schindler's article. It also lists Vergara y Zamoral, who was not detected by Schindler.)
f. Williams, Kelsey Jackson, Appletons' Cyclopeadia And A Mysterious Literary Hoax. (This lists Ingulf von Köln, who had been listed as suspicious by Dobson, and Zénon de Rouvroy, who had not been detected previously).