Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities (1879)/Illustrated college annuals

  • Amherst — Ohio.
  • Bates College. — Garnet.
  • Bowdoin. — Bug1e.
  • Brown. — Liber Brunensis.
  • Butler University. — Palladium.
  • California University. — Blue and Gold.
  • Colby. — Oracle
  • College of New York. — Microcosm.
  • Columbia. — Columbiad.
  • Columbia (School of Mines). — Miner.
  • Cornell. — Cornelian.
  • Cornell. — Cornelian.
  • Dartmouth. — Ægis.
  • Hamilton. — Hamiltonian.
  • Harvard. — Index.
  • Hobart. — Echo of the Seneca.
  • Kenyon. — Reveillé.
  • Lafayette. — Melange.
  • Lehigh. — Epitome.
  • Marietta. — Mariettan.
  • Massachusetts Agricultural College. — Index.
  • Michigan. — Palladium.
  • Middlebury. — Kaleidoscope.
  • Ohio Wesleyan. — Bijou.
  • Princeton. — Bric-a-Brac.
  • Rochester. — Interpres.
  • Rutgers. — Scarlet Letter.
  • Stevens Institute. — Eccentric.
  • Syracuse. — Syracusan.
  • Trinity (Connecticut). — Ivy.
  • Troy Polytechnic. — Transit.
  • Tufts. — Brown and Blue.
  • Union. — Garnet.
  • University of Pennsylvania. — Record.
  • Wesleyan. — Olla Podrida.
  • Williams. — Gulielmensian.
  • Willistown Seminary. — Cauldron.
  • Yale. — Banner.
  • Yale. — Pot Pourri.