For other versions of this work, see Leviticus (Bible).
260240Tyndale's Bible — Leviticus

Chapter 1


1 And the Lorde called Moses, And spake vnto him oute off the tabernacle of witnesse sayenge.

2 Speake vnto the childern of Israel, and saye vnto them. Who soeuer of you shall bringe a gifte vnto the Lorde, shall bringe it of the catell: euen of the oxen and of the shepe.

3 Yf he brynge a burntoffrynge of the oxen he shall offre a male without blimesh, and shal brynge him to the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse, that he maye be accepted before the Lorde.

4 And let him put his hande apon the heed of the burntsacrifice, and fauoure shalbe geuen him to make an attonemet for hym,

5 ad let him kyll the oxe before the Lorde. And let the preastes Aarons sonnes brynge the bloude and let them sprinckell it rounde aboute apon the alter that is before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse,

6 And let the burntoffrynges be strypped and hewed in peces.

7 And the let the sonnes of Aaron the preast put fire apo the alter and put wodd apon the fire,

8 and let them laye the peces with the heed and the fatte, apon the wod that is on the fire in the alter.

9 But the inwardes ad the legges they shall wash in water, and the preast shall burne altogither apon the alter, that it be a burntsacrifice, and an offerynge of a swete odoure vnto the Lorde.

10 Yf he will offer a burntsacrifice of the shepe whether it be of the lambes or of the gootes: he shall offer a male without blimesh.

11 And let him kyll it on the north syde of the alter, before the Lorde. And let the preastes Aarons sonnes sprinkle the bloude of it, rounde aboute apon the alter.

12 And let it be cut in peces: euen with his heed and his fatte, and let the preast putte them apon the wodd that lyeth apon the fire in the alter.

13 But let him wash the inwardes and the legges with water, and than bringe altogether and burne it apon the alter: that is a burntoffrynge and a sacrifice of swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.

14 Yf he will offer a burntoffrynge of the foules he shall offer eyther of the turtyll doues or of the ionge pigeons.

15 And the preast shall brynge it vnto the alter, and wrynge the necke a sundre of it, and burne it on the alter, and let the bloude runne out apon the sydes of the alter,

16 ad plucke awaye his croppe ad his fethers, ad cast the besyde the alter on the east parte vppo the hepe of asshes,

17 ad breke his winges but plucke the not a sundre. And the let the preast burne it vpo the alter, eue apo the wodd that lyeth apo the fire, a burntsacrifice ad an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.

Chapter 2


1 Yf any soule will offer a meatoffrynge vnto the Lorde, his offerynge shalbe fine floure, and he shall poure thereto oyle ad put frankencens theron

2 and shall bringe it vnto Aarons sonnes the preastes. And one of them shall take thereout his handfull of the floure, and of the oyle with all the frankences, ad burne it for a memoriall apo the alter: an offryng of a swete sauoure vnto the Lord.

3 And the renaunt of the meatofferynge shalbe Aarons ad his sonnes, as a thinge most holye of the sacrifices of the Lorde.

4 Yf any ma bringe a meatoffrynge that is bake in the oue, let him brynge swete cakes of fine floure mingled with oyle, ad vnleuended wafers anoynted with oyle.

5 Yf thy meatoffrynge be baken in the fryenge pan, then it shalbe of swete floure mingled with oyle.

6 And thou shalt mynce it small, ad poure oyle thereon: ad so is it a meatoffrynge.

7 Yf thy meatofferynge be a thynge broyled vppon the greadyerne, of floure myngled with oyle it shalbe.

8 And thou shalt brynge the meatoffryng that is made of these thinges vnto the Lorde, and shalt delyuer it vnto the preast, and he shall brynge it vnto the altare

9 and shall heue vppe parte of the meatoffrynge for a memoriall, and shall burne it apon the alter: an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.

10 And that which is left of the meatofferynge shalbe Aarons and his sonnes, as a thynge that is most holye of the offerynges off the Lorde.

11 All the meatoffrynges which ye shall brynge vnto the Lorde, shalbe made without leue. For ye shall nether burne leuen nor honye in any offerynge of the Lorde:

12 Notwithstondinge ye shall bryng the firstlynges of them vnto the Lorde: But they shall not come apon the alter to make a swete sauoure.

13 All thy meatofferynges thou shalt salt with salt: nether shalt thou soffre the salt of the couenaunt of thy God to be lackynge from thy meatofferynge: but apon all thyne offerynges thou shalt brynge salt.

14 Yf thou offer a meatofferynge of the firstripe frutes vnto the Lorde, then take of that which is yet grene and drye it by the fire ad beat it small, and so offer the meatofferynge of thy firstrype frutes.

15 And than poure oyle thereto, and put frankencens thereon: and so it is a meatoffrynge.

16 And the preast shall burne parte of the beten corne and parte of that oyle, with all the frakencens: for a remembraunce. That is an offerynge vnto the Lorde.

Chapter 3


1 Yf any man brynge a peaceofferynge of the oxen: whether it be male or female, he shall brynge such as is without blemysh, before the Lorde,

2 and let him put his hande apon the heed of his offerynge, and kyll it before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse. And Aarons sonnes the preastes, shall sprinkle the bloude apon the alter rounde aboute.

3 And they shall offre of the peaceofferynge to be a sacrifice vnto the Lord: the fatt that couereth the inwardes and all the fatt that is apon the inwardes:

4 and the two kydneys with the fatt that lyeth apon the loynes: and the kall that ys on the lyuer, they shall take awaye with the kydneyes.

5 And Aarons sonnes shall burne them apon the alter with the burntsacrifice which is apon the wodd on the fire. That is a sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.

6 Yf a man brynge a peaceoffrynge vnto the Lorde from of the flocke: whether it be male, or female, it shalbe without blemysh.

7 Yf he offre a lambe, he shall brynge it before the Lord

8 and put his hande apon his offrynges heede and kyll it in the doore off the tabernacle off wytnesse and Aarons sonnes shall sprinkle the bloude thereof rounde aboute the alter.

9 And of the peaseoffringe they shall brynge a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde: the fatt there of ad the rompe altogether, which they shall take off harde by the backe bone: and the fatt that couereth the inwardes and all the fatt that is apon the inwardes

10 and the .ij. kydneyes with the fatt that lyeth apon them and apon the loynes, and the kall that is apon the lyuer he shall take awaye with the kydneyes.

11 And the preast shall burne them apon the alter to fede the Lordes offrynge withall.

12 Yf the offrynge be a goote, he shall brynge it before the Lorde

13 and put his hande apon the head of it and kyll it before the tabernacle of witnesse and the sonnes of Aaron shall sprinkle the bloude thereof apon the alter rounde aboute.

14 And he shall brynge thereof his offrynge vnto the Lordes sacrifyce: the fatt that couereth the inwardes and all the fatt that is apo the inwardes

15 and the .ij. kydneyes and the fatt that lyeth apon them and apon the loynes, and the kall that is apo the lyuer he shall take awaye with the kydneyes.

16 And the preast shall burne them apo the alter to fede the Lordes sacrifyce wyth all ad to make a swete sauoure.

17 And thus shal all the fatt be the Lordes and it shalbe a lawe forever amonge youre generacions after you in youre dwellynge places: that ye eate nether fatt nor bloude.

Chapter 4


1 And the Lorde talked with Moses saynge:

2 speake vnto the childern of Israel ad saye: when a soule synneth thorow ignoraunce and hath done any of those thinges which the Lorde hath forbydden in his commaundmentes to be done:

3 Yf the preast that is anoynted synne and make the people to doo amysse he shall brynge for his synne which he hath done: an oxe wythout blemysh vnto the Lorde for a synneoffrynge.

4 And he shall brynge the oxe vnto the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse before the Lorde, and shall put his hande apon the oxes heade and kyll him before the Lorde.

5 And the preast that is anoynted shall take of the oxes bloude and brynge it in to the tabernacle of witnesse

6 and shall dyppe his fynger in the bloude and sprinkle thereof .vij. tymes before the Lorde: euen before the hangynge of the holy place.

7 And he shall put some of the bloude apon the hornes of the alter of swete cens before the Lorde which is in the tabernacle of witnesse, and shall poure all the bloude of the oxe apon the botome of the alter of burntofferynges which is by the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.

8 And he shall take awaye all the fatt of the oxe that is the synneofferynge: the fatt that couereth the inwardes and all the fatt that is aboute them,

9 and the .ij. kydneyes with the fatt that lyeth apon the and apon the loynes, and the kall apon the lyuer let them take awaye also with the kydneyes:

10 as it was taken from the oxe of the peaceoffrynge and let the preast burne them apon the altare of burntofferynges.

11 But the skynne of the oxe and all his flesh with his heede, his legges, his inwardes with his donge,

12 shall he carye altogither out of the hoste vnto a clene place: euen where the asshes are poured out, and burne hi on wodd with fyre: euen apon the heape of asshes.

13 Yf the hole comynalte of the childern of Israel synne thorow ygnoraunce and the thynge be hyd from their eyes: so that they haue commytted any of these thinges which the Lorde hath forbidden to be done in his commaundmentes ad haue offended,

14 ad the synne which they haue synned be afterwarde knowne, than shal they offre an oxe for a synneofferynge ad shall brynge him before the tabernacle of witnesse,

15 and the elders of the multitude shall put their handes apon his heed before the Lorde

16 And the preast that is anoynted shall brynge of his bloude in to the tabernacle of witnesse,

17 and shall dyppe his finger in the bloude, and sprinkle it seuen tymes before the Lorde: euen before the uayle.

18 And shall put of the bloude apon the hornes of the alter whiche is before the Lorde in the tabernacle of witnesse, and shall poure all the bloude apon the botome of the alter of burntoffrynges which is by the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse,

19 and shall take all his fatt from him and burne it apon the altare,

20 and shall do with his oxe as he dyd wyth the synneoffryngeoxe. And the preast shal make an attonement for them, ad so it shalbe forgeuen them.

21 And he shall brynge the oxe without the hoste, ad burne him as he burned the first, so is this the synneofferynge of the comynalte.

22 When a Lorde synneth and committeth thorow ignoraunce any of these thynges whiche the Lorde his God hath forbydden to be done in his commaundmentes and hath so offended:

23 when his synne is shewed vnto him which he hath synned, he shall brynge for hys offerynge an he goote without blemysh

24 and laye his hande apon the heed of it, and kyll it in the place where the burntofferynges are kylled before the Lorde: this is a synneoffrynge.

25 Tha let the preast take of the bloude of the synneoffrynge with his finger, and put it apon the hornes of the burntofferyngalter, and poure his bloude apon the botome of the burntofferyngealter

26 and burne all his fatt apon the alter as he doth the fatt of the peaceofferynges. And the preast shall make an attonement for him as concernynge his synne, and so it shalbe forgeuen him.

27 Yf one of the come people of the londe synne thorowe ignoraunce and committe any off the thinges which the Lorde hath forbidden, in his commaundementes to be done and so hath trespased,

28 when his synne whiche he hath synned is come to his knowlege, he shall bringe for his offerynge, a she goote without blemish for his synne which he hath synned,

29 and laye his hande apon the heed of the synneofferynge ad slee it in the place of burntoffrynges.

30 And the preast shall take of the bloude with his finger ad put it apo the hornes of the burntoffryngealter and poure all the bloude apo the botome of the alter,

31 ad shall take awaye all his fatt as the fatt of the peaceoffrynges is take awaye. And the preast shal burne it apo the alter for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde, and the preast shall make an attonemet for him ad it shalbe forgeuen him.

32 yf he bringe a shepe ad offer it for a synneofferynge, he shall bringe a yewe without blemish

33 and laye his hande apon the heed of the synneofferynge and slee it in the place where the burntoffrynges are slayne.

34 And the preast shal take of the bloude of the synneofferynge with his finger, ad put it apo the hornes of the burntoffryngealter, ad shall poure all the bloude thereof vnto the botome of the alter.

35 And he shall take awaye all the fatt thereof, as the fatte of the shepe of the peaceoffringes was take awaye. And the preast shall burne it apo the alter for the lordes sacrifice, and the preast shal make an attonemet for his synne, and it shalbe forgeuen him.

Chapter 5


1 Whe a soule hath synned ad herde the voyce of cursyng ad is a witnesse: whether he hath sene or knowne of it yf he haue not vttered it, he shall bere his synne.

2 Ether when a ma toucheth any vnclene thinge: whether it be the caryon of an vnclene beest or of vnclene catell or vnclene worme and is not warre of it, he is also vnclene and hath offended.

3 Ether when he toucheth any vnclennesse of ma (what soeuer vnclennesse it be that a man is defyled with all) and is not warre of it and afterwarde cometh to the knowlege of it, he is a trespaser.

4 Ether when a soule sweareth: so that he pronounceth with his lippes to do euell or to do good (what soeuer it be that a man pronounceth with an othe) and the thinge be out of his mynde and afterwarde cometh to the knowlege of it, than he hath offended in one of these.

5 Than when he hath synned in one of these thinges, he shall confesse that wherein that he hath synned,

6 and shall bringe his trespaceofferynge vnto the Lorde for his synne which he hath synned. A female from the flocke, whether it be an yewe or a she goote, for a synneofferynge. And the preast shall make an attonement for him for his synne.

7 But yf he be not able to brynge a shepe, then let him brynge for his trespace which he hath synned, two turtyll doues or two yonge pygeons vnto the Lorde one for a synneoffrynge and another for a burntofferynge.

8 And he shall brynge them vnto the preast, which shall offer the synneoffrynge first and wringe the necke a sundre of it, but plucke it not clene of.

9 And let him sprinkle of the bloude of the synneofferynge apon the syde of the alter, and let the reste of the bloude blede apon the botome of the alter, and than it is a synneofferynge.

10 And let him offer the seconde for a burntoffrynge as the maner is: ad so shall the preast make an atonement for him for the synne which he hath synned, and it shalbe forgeuen him.

11 And yet yf he be not able to brynge .ij. turtyll doues or two yonge pigeons, then let hym brynge his offerynge for his synne: the tenth parte of an Epha of fine floure for a synneofferynge, but put none oyle thereto nether put ony frankencens thereon, for it is a synneofferinge.

12 And let him brynge it to the preast, and the preast shall take his handfull of it and burne it apon the alter for a remembraunce to be a sacryfice for the Lorde: that is a synneoffrynge.

13 And let the preast make an atonement for him for his synne (what soeuer of these he hath synned) and it shalbe forgeuen. And the remnaute shalbe the preastes, as it is in the meateofferynge.

14 And the Lorde comyned with Moses sayenge:

15 when a soule trespaceth ad synneth thorow ignoraunce in any of the holy thinges of the Lorde, he shall brynge for his trespace vnto the Lord, a ram without blymesh out of the flocke valowed at two sycles after the holy sycle, for a trespaceofferynge.

16 And he shall make amendes for the harme that he hath done in the holy thynge, and put the fifte parte moare thereto and geue it vnto the preast. And the preast shall make an attonemet for him with the ram of the trespaceofferynge, and it shalbe forgeue hym.

17 When a soule synneth and committeth any of these thinges which are forbidde to be done by the comaundmentes of the Lorde: though he wist it not, he hath yet offended and is in synne,

18 ad shall brige a ram without blymesh out of the flocke that is estemed to be worthe a synneofferynge, vnto the preast. And the preast shall make an attonement for him for the ignoraunce whiche he dyd and was not ware, and it shalbe forgeuen him.

19 This is a trespaceofferynge, for he trespaced agaynst the Lorde.

Chapter 6


1 And the Lorde talked with Moses sayenge:

2 when a soule synneth ad trespaceth agaynst the Lorde and denyed vnto his neyghboure that which was taken him to kepe, or that was put vnder his hande, or that which he hath violently taken awaye, or that whiche he hath deceaued his neyghboure off wyth sotylte,

3 or hath founde that whiche was loste and denyeth it, and swereth falsely, in what soeuer thinge it be that a man doth and synneth therein,

4 Then when he hath synned or trespaced, he shall restore agayne that he toke violently awaye, or the wronge whiche he dyd, or that whiche was delyuered him to kepe, or the lost thinge which he founde,

5 or what soeuer it be aboute which he hath sworne falsely, he shall restore it agayne in the whole sume and shal adde the fifte parte moare thereto and geue it vnto him to whome it pertayneth, the same daye that he offereth for his trespace,

6 and shall brynge for his trespace offerynge vnto the Lorde, a ram without blymesh out of the flocke, that is estemed worth a trespaceofferynge vnto the preast.

7 And the prest shall make an atonemet for him before the Lorde, ad it shall be forgeue hi in what soeuer thinge it be that a ma doth ad trespaceth therein.

8 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge.

9 Commaunde Aaron and his sonnes saynge: this is the lawe of the burntoffrynge. The burntofferynge shalbe apon the herth of the alter all nyghte vnto the mornynge, and the fire of the alter shall burne therein.

10 And the preast shall put on his lynen albe and his lynen breches apon his flesh, and take awaye the asshes whiche the fire of the burntsacrifice in the altare hath made, and put them besyde the alter,

11 ad the put off his raymet ad put on other and carye the asshes out without the hoste vnto a clene place.

12 The fire that is apon the alter shall burne therein and not goo out. And the preast shall put wodd on the fire euery morninge ad put the burntsacrifice apon it, and he shall burne thereon the fatt of the peaceofferynges.

13 The fire shall euer burne apon the alter and neuer goo out.

14 This is the lawe of the meatoffrynge: Aarons sonnes shall bringe it before the Lorde, vnto the alter:

15 and one of them shall take hys handfull of the floure of the meatoffrynge ad of the oyle with all the frankencens whiche ys thereon and shall burne it vnto a remebraunce apon the alter to be a swete sauoure of the memoriall of it vnto the Lorde.

16 And the rest thereof, Aaron ad his sonnes shall eate: vnleuended it shalbe eaten in the holy place: eue in the courte of the tabernacle of witnesse they shall eate it.

17 Their parte whiche I haue geuen them of my sacrifice, shall not be baken with leuen, for it is most holye, as is the synneofferynge, and trespaceoffrynge.

18 All the males amonge the childern of Aaron, shall eate of it: and it shalbe a dutye for euer vnto youre generacyons of the sacrifices of the Lorde, nether shal any man twytche it, but he that is halowed.

19 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

20 this is the offrynge of Aaron ad of his sonnes which he shall offer vnto the Lorde in the daye when they are anoynted: the tenth parte of an Epha of floure, which is a dayly meatofferinge perpetually: halfe in the morninge and halfe at nighte:

21 ad in the fryenge pan it shalbe made with oyle. And whe it is fryed, thou shalt brynge it in as a baken meatofferynge mynsed small, and shalt offer it for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.

22 And that preast of his sonnes that is anoynted in his steade, shall offer it: ad it shall be the lordes dutye for euer, and it shalbe burnt altogether.

23 For all the meatoffrynges of the preastes shalbe burnt altogether, ad shal not be eaten.

24 And the Lorde talked with Moses sayenge:

25 speake vnto Aaron and vnto his sonnes and saye. This is the lawe of the synneoffrynge, In the place where the burntofferynge is kylled, shall the synneofferynge be kylled also before the Lorde, for it is most holy.

26 The preast that offereth it shall eate it in the holye place: eve in the courte of the tabernacle of witnesse

27 Noman shall touche the flesh thereof, saue he that is halowed. And yf any rayment be sprynckled therewyth, it shalbe wasshed in an holy place,

28 and the erthe pott that it is sodde in shalbe broken. Yf it be sodden in brasse, then the pott shalbe scoured and plunged in the water.

29 All the males amonge the childern of Aaro shall eate therof, for it is most holy.

30 Notwithstodinge no synneofferynge that hath his bloude brought in to the tabernacle of witnesse to reconcyle with all in the holy place, shalbe eaten: but shalbe burnt in the fire.

Chapter 7


1 This is the lawe of the trespaceofferynge which is most holy.

2 In the place where the burntoffrynge is kylled, the trespaceoffrynge shalbe kylled also: ad his bloude shalbe sprikled rounde aboute apon the alter.

3 And all the fatt thereof shalbe offered: the rompe and the fatt that couered the inwardes,

4 and the .ij. kydneyes with the fatt that lyeth on them and apon the loynes: and the kall on the lyuer shalbe taken awaye with the kydneyes,

5 And the preast shall burne them apon the altare, to be an offerynge vnto the Lorde: this is a trespaceofferynge.

6 All the males amonge the preastes shal eate thereof in the holy place, for it is most holy.

7 As the synneofferynge is, so is the trespaceofferynge, one lawe serueth for both: and it shall be the preastes that reconcyleth therewith.

8 And the preast that offered a mans burntofferynge, shall haue the skyn of the burntofferynge which he hath offered.

9 And all the meatofferynges that are baken in the ouen, ad all that is dressed apon the gredyerne ad in the fryenge pan, shalbe the preastes that offereth them.

10 And all the meatofferynges that are myngled with oyle or drye, shall pertayne vnto all the sonnes of Aaron, and one shall haue as moche as another.

11 This is the lawe of the peaceoffringes whiche shalbe offered vnto the Lorde.

12 Yf he offer to geue thanckes, he shall brynge vnto his thanckofferynge: swete cakes myngled with oyle and swete wafers anoynted with oyle, and cakes myngled with oyle of fine floure fryed,

13 ad he shall brynge his offerynge apon cakes made of leuended bred vnto the thanckoffrynge of his peaceofferynges,

14 ad of them all he shall offer one to be an heueoffrynge vnto the Lorde, ad it shalbe the preastes that sprynkleth the bloude of the peaceofferynges.

15 And the fleshe of the thankofferynge of his peaceofferynges shalbe eaten the same daye that it is offred, and there shall none of it be layde vpp vntyll the mornynge.

16 Yf it be a vowe or a fre willofferynge that he bryngeth, the same daye that he offereth it, it shalbe eaten, and that which remayneth may be eaten on the morowe:

17 but as moche of the offered flesh as remaneth vnto the thirde daye shalbe burned with fire.

18 For yf any of the flesh of the peaceoffrynges be eaten the thirde daye then shall he that offered it optayne no fauour, nether shall it be rekened vnto him: but shalbe an abhomynacion, and the soule that eateth of it shall beare the synne thereof.

19 The flesh that twycheth any vnclene thinge shall not be eaten. but burnt with fire: and all that be clene in their flesh, maye eate flesh.

20 Yf any soule eate of the flesh of the peaceofferynges, that pertayne vnto the Lorde and hys vnclennesse yet apon him, the same soule shall perisshe from amonge his peoole.

21 Moreouer yf a soule twych any vnclene thinge, whether it be the vnclennesse of man or of any vnclene beest or any abhominacion that is vnclene: ad the eate of the flesh of the peaceoffrynges whiche pertayne vnto the Lord, that soule shall perissh from his people.

22 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge:

23 speake vnto the childern of Israel ad saye. Ye shall eate no maner fatt of oxen, shepe or gootes:

24 neuerthelater the fatt of the beest that dyeth alone ad the fatt of that which is torne with wilde beestes, maye be occupide in all maner vses: but ye shal in no wise eate of it.

25 For whosoeuer eateth the fatt of the beest of which me bring an offring vnto the Lorde, that soule that eateth it shall perissh fro his people.

26 Moreouer ye shall eate no maner of bloud, wheresoeuer ye dwell, whether it be of foule or of beest.

27 What soeuer soule it be that eateth any maner of bloude the same soule shal perisshe fro his people.

28 And the Lorde talked with Moses sayenge:

29 speake vnto the childre of Israel ad saye He that offereth his peaceofferynge vnto the Lord, shall bringe his gifte vnto the Lord of his peaceoffrynges:

30 his owne handes shal bringe the offrynge of the Lorde: eue the fatt apo the brest he shall bringe with the brest to waue it a waueoffrynge before the Lorde.

31 And the preast shall burne the fatt apon the alter, ad the brest shalbe Aaros ad his sonnes.

32 And the right shulder they shall geue vnto the preast, to be an heueoffrynge, of their peaceoffringes.

33 And the same that offreth the bloud of the peaceoffringes ad the fatt, amog the sones of Aaro, shall haue the right shulder vnto his parte,

34 for the wauebrest ad the heueshulder I haue take of the childern of Israel, euen of their peaceoffringes, ad haue geue it vnto Aaro the prest and vnto his sonnes: to be a dutie for euer of the childern of Israel.

35 This is the anoyntinge of Aaron ad of the sacryfices of the Lorde, in the daye when they were offered to be preastes vnto the Lorde,

36 whiche the Lorde commaunded to be geuen them in the daye when he anoynted them, of the childern of Israel, and to be a dutie for euer amonge their generacions.

37 This is the lawe of burntoffrynges, of meatoffrynges, of synneoffrynges, of trespaceoffrynges, of fulloffrynges, of peaceoffrynges,

38 which the Lorde commaunded Moses in the mount of Sinai, in the daye when he commaunded the childern of Israel to offer their offrynges vnto the Lorde in the wildernesse of Sinai.

Chapter 8


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge:

2 take Aaron and his sonnes with hi, and the vestures and the anoyntinge oyle, and an oxe for a synneofferynge and two rammes ad a baskett of swete bred:

3 ad gather all the comentye together vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.

4 And Moses dyd as the Lorde commaunded him, and the people gathered them selues togither vnto the doore of the tabernacle of witnesse.

5 And Moses sayde vnto the people: this is the thinge which the Lorde commaunded to do.

6 And Moses broughte Aaron and his sonnes, and wasshed them with water,

7 and put apon him the albe and gyrde him with a girdel and put apon him the tunycle and put the Ephod thereon, and gyrded him with the broderd girdel of the Ephod, and bounde it vnto him therewith.

8 And he put the brestlappe thereon, ad put in the brestlappe lighte ad perfectnesse.

9 And he put the myter apon his heed ad put apo the myter eue apo the forefrot of it, the golden plate of the holy croune, as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

10 And Moses toke the anoyntynge oyle and anoynted the habitacion and all that was therein and sanctified them,

11 and sprynkled thereof apon the alter .vij. tymes and anoynted the alter and all his vessels, and the lauer with hys fote, to sanctifie them.

12 And he poured of the anoyntynge oyle apon Aarons heed and anoynted him to sanctifie him.

13 And he broughte Aarons sonnes and put albes apon them, and gyrde them with gyrdels, ad put bonettes apo their heedes: as the Lorde comaunded Moses

14 And the synneoffrynge was brought. And Aaron and his sonnes put their handes apon the heed of the oxe of the synneoffryng.

15 And when it was slayne, Moses toke of the bloude, and put it apon the hornes of the alter rounde aboute with his finger and purified it, ad poured the bloud vnto the botome of the alter ad sanctified it ad reconcyled it.

16 And he toke all the fatt that was apon the inwardes ad the kal that was on the lyuer ad the two kydneyes with their fatt ad burned it apo the alter.

17 But the oxe, the hide, his flesh ad his donge, he burnt with fire without the hoste, as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

18 And he broughte the ram of the burntofferynge, and Aaron ad his sonnes put their handes apon the heed of the ram,

19 and it was kylled. And Moses sprinkled the bloud apo the alter roude aboute,

20 ad cutt the ram in peces ad burnt the heed, the peces ad the fatte,

21 ad wasshed the inwardes ad the legges in water, and burnt the ram euery whitt apo the alter. That was a burntsacrifice of a swete sauoure ad an offrynge vnto the Lorde, as the Lorde comaunded Moses.

22 And he broughte the other ram that was the fullofferynge, and Aaron and his sonnes put their hades apo the heed of the ram:

23 And when it was slayne, Moses toke of the bloude of it, and put it apon the typpe of Aarons ryght eare and apon the thombe of his right hande and apon the great too of his righte fote.

24 Then were Aarons sonnes broughte, ad Moses put of the bloude on the typpe of the right eare of them, and apon the thombes of theire righte handes, and apon the great tooes of their righte fete, and sprinkled the bloud apo the alter rounde aboute.

25 And he toke the fatt ad the rompe ad all the fatt that was apon the inwardes, ad the kall of the lyuer, ad the .ij. kydneyes with their fatt ad their righte shulder.

26 And out of the basket of swete bred that was before the Lorde, he toke one swete cake of oyled bred ad one wafer, ad put the on the fatt ad apon the righte shulder,

27 ad put altogether apo Aarons handes ad apo his sonnes handes, ad waued it a waueofferynge before the Lorde.

28 And tha Moses toke the from of their handes agayne ad burnt the apo the alter, euen apon the burntoffrynge: These are the fulloffrynges of a swete sauoure ad a sacrifice vnto the Lorde.

29 And Moses toke the breste and waued it a waueoffrynge before the Lorde, of the ram of the fuloffrynges: ad it was Moses parte, as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

30 And Moses toke of the anoynting oyle ad of the bloude whiche was apon the alter, and sprinkled it apo Aaro ad apon his vestimetes ad apo his sones ad on their vestimetes with hi ad sanctified Aaro ad his vesturs ad his sones and his sonnes vestures also.

31 Then Moses sayde vnto Aaron and his sonnes: boyle the flesh in the doore of the tabernacle of witnesse, and there eate it with the bred that is in the basket of fullofferynges, as the Lorde commaunded sayenge. Aaron and his sonnes shall eate it:

32 ad that whiche remayneth of the flesh and of the brede, burne with fire.

33 And se that ye departe not from the doore of the tabernacle of witnesse seuen dayes longe: vntill the dayes of youre fullofferynges be at an ende. For .vij. dayes must youre hades be filled,

34 as they were this daye: eue so the Lorde hath commauded to do, to reconcyle you with all.

35 Se therfore that ye abyde in the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse daye and nyghte seuen dayes longe: and kepe the watch of the Lorde that ye dye not: for so I am commaunded.

36 And Aaron and his sonnes dyd all thynges which the Lorde commaunded by the hande of Moses.

Chapter 9


1 And the .viij. daye Moses called Aaron and his sonnes and the elders of Israel,

2 and sayde vnto Aaron: take a calfe for a synneoffrynge, and a ram for a burntoffrynge: both without blemish, and brynge them before the Lorde.

3 And vnto the childern of Israel he spake sayenge: take ye an he goote for a synneofferynge, and a calfe and a lambe bothe two of a yere olde, and without blemysh for a burntsacrifice,

4 and an oxe and a ram for peaceoffrynges, to offer before the Lorde, and a meateofferyng myngled with oyle, for to daye the Lorde will appere vnto you.

5 And they brought that which Moses commaunded vnto the tabernacle of witnesse, ad all the people came and stode before the Lorde.

6 And Moses sayde, this is the thynge which the Lorde commaunded that ye shulde do: ad then the glorye of the Lorde shall appere vnto you.

7 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: go vnto the alter and offer thy synneofferynge, and make an attonement for the and for the people: and then offer the offerynge of the people and reconcyle them also, as the Lorde comaunded Moses.

8 And Aaron went vnto the alter, and slewe the calfe that was his synneoffrynge.

9 And the sonnes of Aaron broughte the bloude vnto him, and he dypte his finger in the bloude and put it apon the hornes of the alter, and poured the bloude vnto the botome of the alter.

10 And the fatt and the two kydneyes with the kall of the lyuer of the synneoffrynge, he burnt vppon the alter, as the Lorde commaunded Moses:

11 but the flesh and the hyde he burnt with fyre without the hoste.

12 After warde he slewe the burntofferynge, ad Aarons sonnes brought the bloude vnto him, and he sprinkled it rounde aboute apon the alter.

13 And they brought the burntofferynge vnto him in peces and the heed also and he burnt it apon the alter

14 and dyd wasshe the inwardes and the legges and burnt them also apon the burntofferynge in the alter.

15 And than he broughte the peoples offerynge and toke the goote that was the peoples synneofferynge and slewe it and offered it for a synofferynge: as he dyd the first.

16 And then broughte the burntofferynge and offered it as the maner

17 was and broughte the meatofferynge and fylled his hande thereof, and burnt it apon the alter besydes the burntsacrifyce in the mornynge:

18 Then he slewe the oxe and the ram that were the peoples peaseofferynges and Aarons sonnes broughte the bloude vnto him and he sprinkled it apon the alter rounde aboute,

19 and toke the fatt of the oxe and of the ram: the rope and the fatt that couereth the inwardes and the kydneyes and the kall of the lyuer:

20 and put them apon the brestes and burnt it apon the alter:

21 but the brestes and the righte shulders Aaron waued before the Lorde as the Lorde comaunded Moses.

22 And Aaron lifte vpp his hande ouer the people and blessed the, and came doune from offerynge of synofferynges burntofferynges ad peaseofferynges.

23 Then Moses and Aaron wet in to the tabernacle of witnesse and came out agayne and blessed the people and the glorye of the Lorde apered vnto all the people.

24 And there came a fyre out from before the Lorde and consumed apon the alter: the burntofferynge and the fatt. And all the people sawe it and showted, and fell on their faces.

Chapter 10


1 And Nadab and Abihu the sonnes of Aaron toke ether of them his censor ad put fyre therein and put cens apo, and broughte straunge fyre before the Lorde: which he comaunded the not

2 and there went a fyre out fro the Lorde and cosumed the and they dyed before the Lorde.

3 Then Moses sayde vnto Aaro this is it that the Lorde spake saynge: I will be sanctifyed in them that come nye me, ad before all the people I wilbe glorifyed. And Aaron helde his pease.

4 And Moses called Misael and Elesapha the sonnes of Vsiel the vncle of Aaron, and sayde vnto the: goo to and carye youre brethre from the holy place out of the hoste.

5 And they went to them and caryed them in their albes out of the hoste, as Moses bad.

6 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron and vnto Eleazar and Ithamar his eldest sonnes: vncouer not youre heed nether rent youre clothes lest ye dye and wrath come apon all the people lett youre brethren the hole house of Israel bewepe the burnynge which the Lorde hath burnt.

7 But goo ye not out from the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse lest ye dye: for the anoyntynge oyle of the Lorde is apon you. And they dyd as Moses bad.

8 And the Lorde spake vnto Aaron saynge:

9 drynke no wyne nor stronge drynke nether thou nor thi sonnes with the: when ye go in to the tabernacle of witnesse lest ye dye. And let it be a lawe foreuer vnto youre childern after you:

10 that ye maye put difference betwene holy and vnholy and betwene vnclene and clene

11 and that ye maye teach the childern of Israel: all the ordynaunces which the Lorde hath comaunded them by the handes of Moses.

12 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron and vnto Eleazar ad Ithamar his sonnes that were lefte: take the meatofferynge that remayneth of the sacrifyces of the Lorde and eate it without leuen besyde the alter for it is most holy:

13 eate it therfore in the holy place, because it is thi dutye and thi sonnes dutye of the sacrifyce of the Lorde: for so I am commaunded.

14 And the wauebrest and heueshulder eate in a clene place: both thou and thy sonnes and thy doughters with the. For it is thy dutye and thy sonnes dutye with the, of the peaceofferynges off the childern of Israel.

15 For the heueshulder ad the wauebrest whiche they brynge with the sacrifices of the fatt, to waue it before the Lorde, shalbe thyne and thy sonnes with the, and be a lawe for euer, as the Lorde hath commaunded.

16 And Moses soughte for the goote that was the synneofferynge, and se, it was burnt. And he was angrye with Eleazar and Ithamar the sonnes of Aaron, which were lefte alyue sayenge:

17 wherefore haue ye not eaten the synneofferynge in the holy place, seynge it is most holye: and for as moch as it is geuen you to bere the synne of the people, and make agrement for them before the Lorde?

18 Beholde, the bloude of it was not brought in within the holy place therfore shulde ye haue eaten it in the holy place as I commaunded.

19 And Aaron sayde vnto Moses: behold, this daye haue they offered their synneoffrynge and their burntoffrynge before the Lorde, and it is chaunced me after thys maner. Yf I shulde eate of the synneofferynge to daye, wolde the Lorde be content with all?

20 And when Moses herde that, he was content.

Chapter 11


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayenge:

2 speake vnto the childre of Israel and saye, these are the beestes whiche ye shall eate amonge all the beestes that are on the erth:

3 what soeuer hath hoffe and dyuydeth it in to two clawes ad cheweth cud among the beestes, that shall ye eate.

4 Neuerthelesse, these shall ye not eate of them that chewe cud and haue hoffes. The camel, for he cheweth cud but he deuydeth not the hoffe in to two clawes therfore he shall be vnclene vnto you.

5 And the Conye, for he cheweth the cud but deuydeth not the hoffe in to two clawes, therfore he is vnclene to you.

6 And the hare, for he likewise cheweth the cud, but deuydeth not the hoffe in to two clawes, he is therfore vnclene to you.

7 And the swyne, for though he deuyde the hoffe in to two clawes, yet he cheweth not the cud ad therfore is vnclene to you,

8 Of their flesh see that ye eate not ad their carkasses se that ye twych not for they are vnclene to you.

9 These shall ye eate of all that are in the waters: what soeuer hath finnes and skales in the waters, sees and ryuers, that shall ye eate.

10 And all that haue not finnes ad skales in the sees ad ryuers of all that moue and lyue in the waters shall ye abhorre.

11 Se that ye eate not of their flesh, ad also that ye abhorre their carkases:

12 for all that haue no finnes nor scales in the waters, shalbe abhominacion vnto you.

13 These are the foules which ye shall abhorre and which shall not be eaten, for they are an abhominacion. The egle, the gooshauke, the cormoraunte, the kyte,

14 the vultur and all his kynd

15 and all kynde of rauens,

16 the estrich, the nightcrowe, the cocow, the sparowhauke and al the kynde:

17 the litle oule, the storcke, the great oule

18 the backe, the pellicane, the pye,

19 the heron, the Iaye with the kynde, the lappwynge ad the swalowe.

20 And all foules that crepe ad goo apo all iiij. shalbe an abhominacion vnto you.

21 Yet these maye ye eate of all the foules that moue and goo apon .iiij. fete: euen those that haue no knees aboue vppon their fete to lepe with all apon the erthe,

22 euen these of them ye maye eate: the arbe and all his kynde: the Soleam with all his kynde: the Hargol and all the kynde, ad the Hagab ad all his kynd.

23 Al other foules that moue ad haue .iiij. fete, shalbe abhominacion vnto you.

24 In soch ye shalbe vnclene whosoeuer touch the carkesse of the shalbe vnclene vnto the euen,

25 ad whosoeuer bereth the carkesse of the, shal wash his clothes ad shalbe vnclene vntyll euen.

26 Amonge all maner beestes, they that haue hoffes and deuyde them not in to two clawes or that chewe not the cud, shalbe vnclene vnto you: and all that twicheth them shalbe vnclene.

27 And all that goeth apon his handes amonge all maner beestes that goo on all foure, are vnclene vnto you: and as many as twych their carkesses, shalbe vnclene vntyll the euen.

28 And he that beareth the carkesse of them, shall wasshe his clothes ad be vnclene vntyll the euen for soch are vnclene vnto you.

29 And these are also unclene to you amonge the thinges that crepe apon the erth: the wesell the mouse, the tode and all his kynde,

30 the hedgehogge, stellio, the licerte, the snayle and the moule.

31 These are vnclene to you amonge all that moue, and all that twych them when they be dead, shalbe vnclene vntyll the euen.

32 And what soeuer any of the dead carkesses of them fall apon, shalbe vnclene: what soeuer vessell of wodd it be, or rayment, or skynne, or bagge or what soeuer thinge it be that any worke is wroughte with all. And they shalbe plunged in the water and be vnclene vntill the eue, and then they shalbe clene agayne.

33 All maner of erthen vessell where in to any of them falleth, is vnclene with all that therein is: and ye shall breake it.

34 All maner meate that is eaten, yf any soch water come apon it, it shall be vnclene. And all maner drynke that is droke in all maner soch vessels, shalbe vnclene.

35 And whether it be ouen or kettel, it shalbe broken. For they are vnclene and shalbe vnclene vnto you:

36 Neuerthelater, yet the fountaynes ad welles and pondes of water, shalbe clene styll. But whosoeuer twycheth their carkesses, shall be vnclene.

37 Yf the dead carkesse of any soch fall apo any seed vsed to sowe, yt shall yet be clene styll:

38 but ad yf any water be poured apo the seed ad afterward the dead carkesse of them fall thereo, then it shalbe vnclene vnto you.

39 Yf any beest of whiche ye eate dye, he that twitcheth the dead carkesse shalbe vnclene vntyll the euen.

40 And he that eateth of any soche dead carkesse, shall wasshe his clothes and remayne vnclene vntyll the euen. And he also that beareth the carkesse of it, shall wasshe his clothes and be vnclene vntyll euen.

41 All that scrauleth apon the erth, is an abhominacyon and shall not be eaten.

42 And what soeuer goeth apon the brest ad what soeuer goeth apon .iiij. or moo fete amonge all that scrauleth apon the erth, of that se ye eate not: for they are abhomynable.

43 Make not youre soules abhominable. Make not youre soules abhomynable with nothinge that crepeth, nether make youre soules vnclene with them: that ye shulde be defiled thereby.

44 For I am the Lorde youre God, be sanctified therfore that ye maye be holy, for I am holy: and defile not youre soules with any maner thinge that crepeth apon the erth.

45 For I am the Lorde that brought you out of the londe off Egipte to be youre God: be holy therfore, for I am holy.

46 This is the lawe of beest and foule and off all maner thinge that lyueth ad moueth in the water ad of all thinges that crepe apo the erth

47 that ye may put differece betwene vnclene ad clene, ad betwene the beestes that are eate and the beestes that are not eaten.

Chapter 12


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and sayde:

2 speake vnto the childern of Israel ad saye: whe a woma hath conceaued ad hath borne a man childe, she shalbe vnclene .vij. dayes: euen in like maner as when she is put aparte in tyme of hir naturall disease.

3 And in the viij. daye the flesh of the childes foreskynne shalbe cut awaye.

4 And she shall cotynue in the bloude of hir purifienge .xxxiij. dayes, she shal twytch no halowed thinge nor come in to the sanctuary, vntyll the tyme of hir purifienge be out.

5 Yf she bere a maydehilde, then she shalbe vnclene two wekes as when she hath hir naturall disease. And she shall contynue in the bloude of hir purifienge .lxvj. dayes.

6 And when the dayes of hir purifienge are out: whether it be a sonne or a doughter, she shall brynge a lambe of one yere olde for a burntoffrynge and a yonge pigeon or a turtill doue for a synneoffrynge vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse vnto the preast:

7 which shall offer them before the Lorde and make an attonement for her, and so she shalbe purged of hir yssue of bloude. This is the lawe of her that hath borne a childe, whether it be male or female.

8 But and yf she be not able to bringe a shepe, then let her brynge two turtyls or two yonge pigeons: the one for the burntofferynge, and the other for the synneofferynge. And the preast shall make an attonement for her, ad she shalbe clene.

Chapter 13


1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses ad uto Aaro saynge:

2 whe there apeareth a rysinge in any mas flesh ether a scabbe or a glistrige whyte: as though the plage of leprosye were in the skynne of his flesh, then let him be brought vnto Aaron the preast or vnto one of hys sonnes the preastes,

3 and let the preast loke on the sore that is in the skynne of his fleshe. Yf the heer in the sore be turned vnto whyte, and the sore also seme to be lower than the skynne of his fleshe then it is suerly a leprosye, and let the preast loke on him and make hym vnclene.

4 Yf there be but a white plecke in the skynne of his fleshe and seme not to be lower than the other skynne nor the heer thereof is turned unto white: then let the preast shitt him vpp seuen dayes.

5 And let the preast loke apon hym the .vij. daye: yf the sore seme to him to abyde styll and to go no further in the skyne, then let the preast shutt him vppe yet .vij. dayes moo.

6 And let the preast loke on him agayne the .vij. daye. Then yf the sore be waxed blackesh and is not growen abrode in the skynne, let the preast make him clene, for it is but a skyrfe. And let him wasshe his clothes, and then he is clene

7 But and yf the scabbe growe in the skynne after that he is sene of the preast agayne.

8 Yf the preast se that the scabbe be growen abrode in the skynne, let him make him vnclene: for it is suerly a leprosye.

9 Yf the plage of leprosye be in a man, let hi be broughte vnto the preast,

10 and let the preast se him. Yf the rysinge apeare white in the skynne ad haue also made the heer white, ad there be rawe flesh in the sore also:

11 then it is an olde leprosye in the skynne of his flesh. And the preast shall make him vnclene, ad shall not shutte him vp for he is vnclene.

12 Yf a leprosye breake out in the skynne and couer all the skynne from the heed to the fote ouer all wheresoeuer the preast loketh,

13 then let the preast loke apon him. Yf the leprosye haue couered all his flesh, let him make the disease clene: for in as moch as he is altogether white he is therfore cleane.

14 But and yf there be rawe flesh on him when he is sene, then he shalbe vncleane.

15 Therfore when the preast seeth the rawe flesh, let him make him vnclene. For in as moch as his flesh is rawe, he is vnclene and it is suerly a true leprosye.

16 But and yf the rawe flesh departe agayne and chaunge vnto white, then let him come to the preast

17 and let the preast se him: Yf the sore be chaunged vnto white, let the preast make the disease cleane, ad the he is cleane.

18 When there is a byele in the skynne of any mans flesh and is helede

19 and after in the place of the byele there appeare a whyte rysyng ether a shynynge white somwhat redysh, let him be sene of the preast.

20 Yf when the preast seeth hi it appeare lower than the other skynne and the heer thereof be chaunged vnto white, let the preast make hi vncleane: for it is a very leprosye, that is broken out in the place of the byele

21 But and yf when the preast loketh on it there be no white heeres therein nether the scabbe lower than the other skynne and be somwhat blackesh, then the preast shall shutt him aparte vij. dayes.

22 Yf it sprede abrode in the meane season, then let the preast make him vnclene: for it is a leprosye.

23 But ad yf the glistringe white abyde styll in one place and go no further, then it is but the prynte of the byele, and the preast shal make him cleane.

24 When the skynne of any mas flesh is burnt with fire that it be rawe and there apere in the burnynge a glistringe white that is somwhat redysh or altogether white,

25 let the preast loke apon it. Yf the heer in that brightnesse be chaunged to white and it also appeare lower than the other skynne, than it is a leprosye that is broken out in the place of the burnynge. And the preast shall make him vncleane, for it is a leprosye.

26 But and yf (when the preast loketh on it) he se that there is no white heer in the bryghtenesse and that it is no lower than the other skynne and that it is also blackesh, then let the preast shutt him upp seuen dayes.

27 And yf (when the preast loketh on him the seuenth daye) it be growen abrode in the skynne, lett him make him vncleane: for it is a leprosye.

28 But and yf that bryghtnesse abyde styll in one place and goo no further in the skynne ad be blackesh, than it is but a rysyng in the place of the burnynge, and the preast shall make hym cleane: for it is but the prynte of the burnynge only.

29 Whe ether man or woman hath a breakinge out apon the heed or the beerde, let the preast se it.

30 And yf it apeare lower than the other skynne and there be therein golden heeres ad thyn, let the preast make him vncleane, for it is a breaking out of leprosye apo the heed or berde.

31 yf (whe the preast loketh on the breakige out) he se that it is no lower tha the other skynne ad that there are blacke heeres therein let hi shutt hi vp .vij. dayes.

32 And let the preast loke on the disease the seuenth daye: ad yf the breakynge oute be gone no forther nether be any golden heeres therein nether the scabbe be lower than the other skynne,

33 then lett him be shauen, but lett hym not shaue the scabbe, and let the preast shutt him vpp seuen dayes moo.

34 And let the preast loke on the breakynge out the .vij. daye agayne: Yf the breakynge out be gone no further in the skynne nor moare lower the the other skynne, then lett the preaste make him cleane, and let him wasshe his clothes and then he is cleane.

35 Yf the breakynge out growe in the skynne after that he is once made cleane,

36 let the preast see him. Yf it be growne abrode in dede in the skynne, let the preast seke no further for ony golden heeres, for he is vncleane.

37 But and yf he se that the scabbe stonde styll and that there is blacke heer growne vpp there in, the the scabbe is healed and he is cleane: and the preast shall make him cleane.

38 Yf there be founde in the skynne of the flesh of man or woman a glisterynge white,

39 let the preast se it. Yf there appeare in their flesh a glisterynge white somwhat blackesh, the it is but frekels growe vpp in the skynne: ad he is cleane

40 Yf a mans heer fall of his heed, the he is heedbaulde and cleane.

41 yf his heer fall before in his foreheade, then he is foreheadbalde and cleane.

42 yf there be in the baulde head or baulde forehead a redysh white scabbe, then there is leprosye spronge vpp in his baulde head or baulde foreheade.

43 And let the preast se it: and yf the rysynge of the sore be reddyshwhite in his baulde heade or foreheade after the maner of a leprosye in the skynne of the flesh,

44 then he is a leper and vncleane: ad the preast shall make him vncleane, for the plage of his heede.

45 And the leper in whome the plage is shall haue his clothes rent and his heade bare ad his mouth moffeld, and shalbe called vncleane.

46 And as longe as the dysease lesteth apon him, he shalbe vncleane: for he is vncleane, and shall therfore dwell alone, ad even without the host shall his habitacion be.

47 When the plage of leprosye is in a cloth: whether it be lynen or wollen,

48 yee and whether it be in the warpe or wolfe of the lynen or of the wollen: ether in a skynne or any thinge made of skynne

49 yf the disease be pale or somwhat redysh in the cloth or skynne: whether it be in the warpe or wolfe or any thinge that is made of skynne, the it is a very leprosye and must be shewed vnto the preast.

50 And whe the preast seeth the plage, let him shutt it vpp .vij. dayes,

51 and let him loke on the plage the seuenth daye. yf it be increased in the cloth: whether it be in the warpe or wolfe or in a skynne or in any thynge that is made of skynne, then the plage is a fretynge leprosye and it is vncleane:

52 And that cloth shalbe burnt, ether warpe or wolfe, whether it be wollen or lynen or any thynge that is made of skynne where in the plage is, for it is a fretynge leprosye and shalbe burnt in the fyre.

53 Yf the preast se that the plage hath freten no further in the cloth: ether in the warpe or wolfe or in what soeuer thynge of skynne it be,

54 then let the preast comaunde the to wasshe the thynge wherein the plage is, and let him shutt it vpp vij. dayes moo.

55 And let the preast loke on it agayne after that the plage is wasshed: Yf the plage haue not chaunged his fascion though it be spred no further abrode, it is yet vncleane. And se that ye burne it in the fyre, for it is frete in warde: whether in parte or in all together.

56 But and yf the preast se that it is somwhat blackysh after that it is wasshed, let him rent it out of the clothe, or out of the skynne or out of the warpe or wolfe.

57 But and yf it apeare any moare in the cloth ether in the warpe or in the wolfe or in any thynge made of skynne than it is a waxynge plage. And se that ye burne that with fyre, where in the plage is.

58 Moreouer the cloth ether warpe or wolfe or what soeuer thinge of skynne it be which thou hast wasshed and the plage be departed from it, shalbe wasshed once agayne: and then it is cleane.

59 This is the lawe of the plage of leprosye in a cloth whether it be wolle or lynen: eyther whether it be in the warpe or wolfe or in any thynge made of skynnes, to make it cleane or vncleane.

Chapter 14


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge:

2 this is the lawe of a leper when he shalbe clesed. he shalbe broughte vnto the preast,

3 and the preast shall goo out without the hoste and loke apo him. Yf the plage of leprosye be healed in the leper,

4 the shall the preast commaunde that there be brought for hi that shalbe clensed .ij. lyuynge byrdes that are cleane, ad cipresse wodd, and a pece of purple cloth and ysope.

5 And the preast shall comaunde that one of the byrdes be kylled ouer an erthe vessell of runnynge water.

6 And the preast shall take the lyuynge byrde and the cypresse wodd and the purple ad the ysope, ad shall dyppe the and the lyuynge byrde in the bloude of the slayne byrde and in the renynge water

7 and sprinkle it apon him that must be clensed of his leprosye .vij. tymes and clense him and shall let the lyuynge byrde goo fre in to the feldes.

8 And he that is clesed shall wasshe his clothes and shaue off all his heer ad wasshe himselfe in water, and the he is cleane. And after that he shall come in to the hoste but shall tarye without his tet .vij. dayes.

9 Whe the seuenth daye is come, he shall shaue off al his heer both apo his heade ad his berde ad on his browes: ad eue all the heer that is on him, shalbe shauen off. And he shall wasshe his clothes and his flesh in water and then he shalbe cleane.

10 And when the .viij. daye is come, let him take ij. lambes without blemysh and a yewelambe of a yere olde without blemysh, and .iij. tenthdeales of fyne floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle, and a logge of oyle.

11 Than let the preast that maketh him cleane, brynge the man that is made cleane with those thynges before the Lorde vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.

12 And lett the preast take one of the labes and offer him for a trespaceofferynge, and the logge of oyle: and waue them before the Lorde.

13 And than let him slee the lambe in the place where the synofferynge and the burntofferynge are slayne: eue in the holy place. for as the synofferynge is, eue so is the trespace offerynge the preastes: for it is most holy.

14 Than lett the preast take of the bloude of the trespaceofferynge, and put it apo the typpe of the right eare of him that is clensed, and apon the thombe of his righte hande and apon the greate too of his righte fote.

15 Then let the preast take of the logge of oyle and poure it in to the palme of his lefte hande,

16 ad dippe his right finger in the oyle that is in the palme of his lefte hand, ad let him sprinkle it with his fynger vij. tymes before the Lorde.

17 And of the rest of the oyle that is in his hande, shall the preast put apon the typpe of the righte eare of him that is clensed, and apon the thombe of his righte hande, and apon the great too of his righte fote: eue apon the bloude of the trespaceofferynge.

18 And the remnaunte of the oyle that is in the preastes hande, he shall poure apon the heede off hym that is clensed: and so shall the preaste make an attonement for him before the Lorde,

19 Then let the preast offer the synneofferynge, ad make an attonement for him that is clensed for his vnclenesse. And tha let the burntoffrynge be slayne,

20 ad let the preast put both the burntofferynge and the meateoffrynge apo the alter: ad make an attonement for him, ad tha he shalbe cleane.

21 Yf he be poore ad can not gett so moch, tha let him bringe one lambe for a trespaceoffrynge to waue it and to make an attonement for him, ad a tenth deale of fine floure myngled with oyle for a meatoffrynge ad a logge of oyle,

22 ad two turtyll doues or two yonge pygeons which he is able to gett ad let the one be a synneoffrynge and the other a burntoffryng.

23 And let him brynge them the .viij, daye for his clensynge vnto the preast to the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse before the Lorde.

24 And let the preast take the lambe that is the trespaceoffrynge and the logge of oyle, ad waue them before the Lorde.

25 And whe the lambe of the trespaceoffrynge is kylled, the preast shall take of the bloude of the trespaceoffrynge, and put it apon the typpe of his righte eare that is clensed, and apon the thombe of his righte hande, and apon the greate too of hys righte fote.

26 And the preast shall poure of the oyle in to his righte hande,

27 and shall sprinkle with his finger of the oyle that is in his lefte hande .vij. tymes before the Lord.

28 And the preast shall put of the oyle that is in his hande (apon the typpe of the righte eare of hi that is clensed, and apo the thombe of his righte hande and apon the great too of his righte fote: euen in the place where the bloude of the trespaceofferynge was put,

29 And the reste of the oyle that is in his hande, he shall poure apon the heede of him that is clensed: to make an attonemet for him before the Lorde.

30 And he shall offer one of the turtyll doues or of the yonge pigeons, soch as he can gett:

31 the one for a synneofferynge and the other for a burntoffrynge apo the alter. And so shall the preast make an attonemet for him that is clensed before the Lorde.

32 This is the lawe of him that hath the plage of leprosye, whose hand is not able to gett that which pertayneth to hys clensynge.

33 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses ad Aaro saynge:

34 when ye be come vnto the lond of Canaan which I geue you to possesse: yf I put the plage of leprosye in any housse of the lande of youre possession,

35 let him that oweth the house go ad tell the preast saynge, me thinke that there is as it were a leprosy in the housse.

36 And the preast shall comaunde them to ryd all thinge out of the housse, before the preaste goo in to se the plage: that he make not all that is in the housse vncleane, and then the preast shall goo in and se the housse.

37 Yf the preast se that the plage is in the walles of the housse ad that there be holowe strakes pale or rede which seme to be lower than the other partes of the wall,

38 then let the preast go out at the housse dores ad shett vp the housse for .vij. dayes.

39 And let the preast come againe the seuenth daye ad se it: yf the plage be encreased in the walles of the housse,

40 let the preast comaunde the to take awaye the stones in which the plage is, ad let the cast the in a foule place without the citie,

41 ad scrape the house within rounde aboute, ad poure out the dust without the citie in a foule place.

42 And let them take other stones and put them in the places of those stones, and other morter: ad playster the housse with all.

43 Yf now the plage come agayne ad breake out in the housse, after that they haue taken awaye the stones and scraped the housse, and after that the housse is playsterd anew:

44 let the preast come and se it. And yf then he perceaue that the plage hath eate further in the housse, then it is a fretynge leprosye that is in the housse ad it is vncleane.

45 Then they shall breake doune the housse: both stones, tymbre ad all the morter of the housse, and carye it out of the citye vnto a foule place.

46 Moreouer he that goeth in to the housse all the whyle that it is shett vp, shalbe vncleane vntyll nighte.

47 And he that slepeth in the housse shall wasshe his clothes, and he also that eateth in the housse shall wasshe hys clothes.

48 But and yf the preast come and se that the plage hath sprede no futher in the housse after that it is new playsterd, the let him make it cleane for the plage is healed.

49 And let him take to clense the housse with all: two birdes, cypresse wodd, ad purple clothe ad ysope.

50 And let him kyll one of the byrdes ouer an erthen vessel of runnynge water,

51 ad take the cipresse wodd, the ysope, the purple ad the lyuynge byrde, ad dyppe them in the bloude of the slayne byrde and in the runninge water, and sprinkle apon the housse seuen tymes,

52 and clense the housse with the bloude of the byrde, and with the runninge water, ad with the lyuyng byrde, ad with the cypresse wodd, ad the ysope ad the purple clothe

53 And he shall lett the lyuynge byrde flee oute off the towne in to the wylde feldes, and so make an attonement for the housse, and it shalbe cleane.

54 This is the lawe of all maner plage of leprosye and breakynge out,

55 and of the leprosye off clothe and housse:

56 and of rysynges, scabbes and glysterynge white

57, to teache when a thinge is vncleane or cleane. This is the lawe off leprosye.

Chapter 15


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayenge,

2 speake vnto the children of Israel and saye vnto them: euery ma that hath a runnynge yssue in his flesh, is vncleane by the reason of his yssue.

3 And hereby shall it be knowne when he is vncleane. Yf his fleshe runne, or yf his flesh congele by the reason off his yssue, than he is vncleane.

4 Euery couche whereon he lyeth ad euery thinge whereon he sytteth shalbe vncleane

5 He that twicheth his couch, shall wassh his clothes ad bath him selfe with water, ad be vncleane vntyll the euen.

6 He that sytteth on that whereon he satt, shall wassh his clothes and bathe him selfe with water and be vncleane vntill the euenynge

7 And he that twicheth his flesh shall wasshe his clothes and bathe him selfe in water and be vncleane vnto the euen.

8 Yf any soch spytt apon him that is cleane, he must wasshe his clothes and bathe him selfe in water and be vncleane vntill euen.

9 And what soeuer sadell that he rydeth apo, shalbe vncleane.

10 And whosoeuer twicheth any thinge that was vnder him, shalbe vncleane vnto the eue. And he that beareth any soch thinges shall wassh his clothes ad batbe hi self in water ad be vncleane vnto the eue,

11 ad whosoeuer he twicheth (yf he haue not first washed his handes in water) must wasshe his clothes, ad bathe him selfe in water, ad be vncleane vnto the euenynge.

12 And yf he twych a vessell off erth, it shalbe broken: and all vessels of wodd shalbe rensed in the water.

13 When he that hath an yssue is clensed of his yssue, let him numbre .vij. dayes after he is cleane, ad wasshe his clothes, and bathe his fleshe in runnynge water, ad then he is cleane.

14 And the .viij. daye let him take two turtill doues or two yonge pigeons, and come before the Lorde vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse ad geue them vnto the preast.

15 And the preast shall offer them: the one for a synneofferynge, and the other for a burntofferynge: and make an attonement for him before the Lord, as cocernynge his yssue.

16 Yf any mans seed departe fro him in his slepe, he shall wassh his flesh in water ad be vncleane vntill eue.

17 And all the clothes or furres whereon soch seed chaunceth shalbe washed with water ad be vncleane vnto the eue.

18 And yf a woma lye with soche a whone, they shall wash the selues with water and be vncleane vntyll even.

19 Whe a womas naturall course of bloud runeth, she shalbe put aparte .vij. dayes: ad whosoeuer twycheth her shalbe vncleane vnto the eue.

20 And all that she lyeth apo as longe as she is put aparte shalbe vnclene.

21 And whosoeuer twicheth hir couch shall wash his clothes and bathe hi selfe with water ad be vncleane vnto the eue.

22 And whosoeuer twicheth any thinge that she satt apo, shall wassh his clothes ad washe him selfe also in water, ad be vncleane vnto the eue:

23 so that whether he twich hir couche or any thige whereo she hath sete, he shalbe vnclene uto the eue.

24 ad yf a ma lye with her in the meane tyme, he shalbe put aparte as well as she ad shalbe vncleane .vij. dayes, ad all his couch wherein he slepeth shalbe vncleane.

25 When a womans bloude runneth longe tyme: whether out of the tyme of hyr naturall course: as longe as hir vnclennesse runneth, she shalbe vncleane after the maner as when she is put aparte.

26 All hir couches whereon she lyeth (as loge as hir yssue lasteth) shalbe vnto her as hir couch when she is put a parte. And what soeuer she sytteth apon, shalbe vncleane, as is hir vnclennesse whe she is put a parte.

27 And whosoeuer twicheth them, shalbe vncleane, ad shall wasshe his clothes ad bathe him selfe in water ad be vncleane vnto euen.

28 And when she it clensed of hyr yssue, let hyr counte hir seuen dayes after that she is cleane.

29 And the .viij daye let her take two turtils or two yonge pigeons and brynge them vnto the preast vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.

30 And the preast shall offer the one for a synneoffrynge, and the other for a burntofferynge: and so make an attonement for her before the Lorde. as concernynge hir vncleane yssue.

31 Make the childern of Israel to kepe them selues fro their vnclenesse, that they dye not in their vnclenesse: whe they haue defiled my habitacion that is amonge them.

32 This is the lawe of him that hath a runninge sore, and of him whose seed runneth from him in his slepe and is defiled therewith,

33 and of her that hath an yssue of bloude as longe as she is put a parte, and of whosoeuer hath a runnynge sore whether it be man or woman, and of him that slepeth with her that is vncleane.

Chapter 16


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses after the deeth of the two sonnes of Aaron, when they had offered before the Lorde and dyed:

2 And he sayde vnto Moses: speake vnto Aaron thy brother that he go not at all tymes in to the holy place, that is whithin the vayle that hangeth before the mercyseate which is apon the arcke that he dye not. For I will appeare in a clowde vpon the mercyseate.

3 But of this maner shall Aaron goo in in to the holy place: with a yonge oxe for a synneofferynge, and a ram for a burntoffrynge.

4 And he shall put the holy lynen albe apon him, ad shall haue a lynen breche vppon his flesh, and shall gyrde him with a lynen gyrdell, and put the lynen mytre apon his heede: for they are holy raymentes. And he shall wasshe his flesh with water, and put them on.

5 And he shall take of the multitude of the childern of Israel two gootes for a synneoffrynge and a ram for a burntofferynge.

6 And Aaron shall offer the oxe for his synneoffrynge and make an attonement for him ad for his housse.

7 And he shall take the two gootes and present them before the Lorde in the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.

8 And Aaro cast lottes ouer the .ij. gootes: one lotte for the Lorde, ad another for a scapegoote.

9 And Aaron shall bringe the goote apo which the Lordes lotte fell, and offer him for a synneofferynge.

10 But the goote on which the lotte fell to scape, he shall sett alyue before the Lorde to recocyle with ad to let him goo fre in to the wildernesse.

11 And Aaron shall bringe the oxe of his synoffrynge, ad reconcyle for him selfe ad for his housholde, and kyll him.

12 And tha he shall take a censer full of burninge coles out of the alter that is before the Lorde, and his handfull of swete cens beten small and bringe them within the vayle

13 and put the cens apon the fire before the Lorde: that the cloude of the cens maye couer the mercyseate that is apon the witnesse, that he dye not.

14 And he shall take of the bloude of the oxe ad sprinkle it with his finger before the mercyseate eastwarde: euen .vij. tymes.

15 Then shall he kyll the goote that is the peoples synneofferynge, and brynge hys bloude within the vayle, and doo with his bloude as he dyd with the bloude of the oxe, and let him sprinkle it toward the mercyseate and before the mercyseate:

16 ad reconcyle the holy place fro the vnclennesse of the childern of Israel, and from their trespaces ad all there synnes. And so let him doo also vnto the tabernacle of witnesse that dwelleth with them, eue among their vnclennesses.

17 And there shalbe no bodye in the tabernacle of witnesse, when he goeth in to make an attonement in the holy place, vntyll he come out agayne. And he shall make an attonement for him selfe and for his housholde, ad for all the multitude of Israel.

18 Then he shall goo out vnto the alter that stondeth before the Lorde, and reconcyle it, and shall take of the bloude of the oxe and of the bloude of the goote, and put it apon the hornes of the altare rounde aboute,

19 and sprynckle of the bloude apon it with his finger seuen tymes, and clense it, and halowe it fro the vnclennesses of the childern of Israel.

20 And whe he hath made an ende of recocylinge the holy place and the tabernacle of witnesse ad the alter, let him bringe the lyue goote

21 ad let Aaro put both his handes apon the heede of the lyue goote, and confesse ouer him all the mysdeades of the childern of Israell, and all their trespaces, and all their synnes: and let him put them apo the heed of the goote ad sende him awaye by the handes of one that is acoynted in the wyldernesse.

22 And the goote shall bere apon him all their mysdeades vnto the wildernesse, and he shall let the goote goo fre in the wildernesse.

23 And let Aaron goo in to the tabernacle of wytnesse and put off the lyne clothes which he put on when he wet in in to the holy place, ad leaue them there.

24 And let him wasshe his flesh with water in the holy place, and put on his owne rayment and then come out and offer his burntofferynge and the burntofferynge of the people, and make an atonemet for him selfe ad for the people,

25 and the fatt of the synofferynge let him burne apon the alter.

26 And let him that caryed forth the scapegoote, wasshe his clothes and bathe hys flesh in water and then come in to the hoste agayne.

27 And the oxe of the synofferynge and the goote of the synofferynge (whose bloude was brought in to make an atonemet in the holy place) let one carye out without the hoste and burne with fyre: both their skynnes, their flesh ad their donge.

28 And let him that burneth them, wasshe his clothes ad bathe his flesh in water, and the come in to the hoste agayne.

29 And it shalbe an ordynaunce for euer vnto you. And eue in the tenth daye of the seuenth moneth, ye shall humble youre soules and shall doo no worke at all: whether it be one of youre selues or a straunger that sogeorneth amonge you.

30 for that daye shall an attonemet be made for you to clense you from all youre synnes before the Lorde and ye shalbe cleane.

31 It shalbe a sabbath of rest vnto you and ye shall humble youre soules and it shalbe an ordynaunce for euer.

32 And the preast that is anoynted and whose hande was fylled to mynistre in his fathers steade shall make the attonemet and shall put on the holy lyne vestimetes

33 and reconcyle the holy sanctuary and the tabernacle of witnesse ad the alter, and shall make an attonemet also for the preastes and for all the people of the congregacion.

34 And this shalbe an euerlastynge ordynaunce vnto you to make an atonement for the childern of Israel for all their synnes once a yere: and it was done eue as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

Chapter 17


1 And the Lorde talked with Moses saynge:

2 speake vnto Aaro and vnto his sonnes and vnto all the childern of Israel ad saye vnto them, this is the thynge which the Lorde charged saynge:

3 whatsoeuer he be of the housse of Israel that kylleth an oxe, lambe or goote in the hoste or out of the hoste

4 and bryngeth the not vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse, to offer an offerynge vnto the Lorde before the dwellynge place of the Lorde, bloude shalbe imputed vnto that man as though he had shed bloude and that man shall perysh from amonge his people.

5 Wherfore let the childern of Israel brynge their offerynges they offer in the wyde felde vnto the Lorde: euen vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse and vnto the preast and offer the for peaseofferynges vnto the Lorde.

6 And the preast shall sprinkle the bloude apon the alter of the Lorde in the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse and burne the fatt to be a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.

7 And let them nomoare offer their offerynges vnto deuyls after whom thy goo an whoorynge. And this shalbe an ordynauce for euer vnto you thorow out youre generacyons.

8 And thou shalt saye vnto them: what soeuer man it be of the housse of Israel or of the straungers that sogeorne amonge you that offereth a burntofferynge or any other offerynge

9 and bryngeth it not vnto the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse to offer vnto the Lorde, that felow shall perysh from amonge his people.

10 And what soeuer man it be of the housse of Israel or of the straungers that soiourne amonge you that eateth any maner of bloude I will set my face agaynst that soule that eateth bloude, and will destroy him from amonge his people.

11 for the life of the flesh is in the bloude, and I haue geuen it vnto you apon the alter, to make an attonement for youre soules,

12 for bloude shall make an attonemet for the soule. And therfore I sayde vnto the childern of Israel: se that no soule of you eate bloude nor yet any straunger that soiourneth amonge you.

13 What soeuer man it be of the childern of Israel or of the straungers that soiurne amonge you that honteth and catcheth any beest or foule that maye be eate, he shall poure out the bloude ad couer it with erthe.

14 for the life of all flesh is in the bloude, therfore I sayde vnto the childern of Israel, ye shall eate the bloude of no maner of flesh. for the life of all flesh is in his bloude, and whosoeuer therfore eateth it shall perysh.

15 And what soeuer soule it be that eateth that which dyed alone or that which was torne with wylde beestes: whether it be one of youre selues or a straunger, he shall wasshe his clothes ad bathe him selfe in water, ad shalbe vncleane vnto the eue, ad tha is he cleane.

16 But ad yf he wasshe them not nor wasshe his flesh he shall beare his synne.

Chapter 18


1 And the Lorde talked with Moses saynge:

2 speake vnto the childern of Israel, ad saye vnto them, I am the Lorde youre God

3 Wherfore after the doynges of the land of Egipte wherein ye dwelt, se that ye doo not: nether after the doynges of the lande of Canaan, whether I will bringe you, nether walke ye in their ordinaunces,

4 but doo after my iudgemetes, and kepe myne ordynaunces, to walke therein: for I am the Lorde youre God.

5 Kepe therfore myne ordinaunces, ad my iudgemetes whiche yf a man doo he shall lyue thereby: for I am the Lorde.

6 Se that ye goo to none of youre nyghest kynred for to vncouer their secrettes, for I am the Lorde.

7 The secrettes of thy father and thy mother, se thou vnheale not: she is thy mother, therfore shalt thou not discouer hir secrettes.

8 The secrettes of thy fathers wife shalt thou not discouer, for they are thy fathers secrettes.

9 Thou shalt not discouer the preuyte of thy syster, the doughter of thy father or of thy mother: whether she be borne at home or without.

10 Thou shalt not discouer the secrettes of thy sonnes doughter or thy doughters doughter, for that is thyne awne preuyte:

11 Thou shalt not discouer the secrettes of thy fathers wyues doughter, which she bare to thy father, for she is thy suster: thou shalt therfore not discouer hir secrettes.

12 Thou shalt not vncouer the secrettes off thy fathers syster, for she is thy fathers nexte kyn.

13 Thou shalt not dyscouer the secrettes off thy mothers syster, for she is thy mothers nexte kyn.

14 Thou shalt not open the secrettes of thy fathers brother: that is thou shalt not goo in to his wife, for she is thyne awnte.

15 Thou shalt not discouer the secrettes of thy doughter in lawe she is thy sonnes wyfe: therfore vncouer not hir secrettes.

16 Thou shalt not vnheale the secrettes of thy brothers wife, for that is thy brothers preuyte.

17 Thou shalt not discouer the preuytes of the wife ad hir doughter also, nether shalt thou take hir sonnes doughter or hir doughters doughter to vncouer their secrettes: they are hir nexte kyn, it were therfore wikydnesse.

18 Thou shalt not take a wife and hir sister thereto, to vexe hir that thou woldest open hir secrettes as longe as she lyueth.

19 Thou shalt not goo vnto a woman to open hir secrettes, as longe as she is put aparte for hir vnclennesse.

20 Thou shalt not lye with thy neghbours wife, to defyle thi selfe with her.

21 Thou shalt not geue of thi seed to offer it vnto Moloch, that thou defile not the name of thi God, for I am the Lorde.

22 Thou shalt not lye with mankynde as with womankynde, for that is abominacion.

23 Thou shalt lye with no maner of beeste to defile thy selfe therewith, nether shall any woman stonde before a beest to lye doune thereto, for that is abhominacion.

24 Defile not youre selues in any of these thinges, for with all these thinges are these nacions defiled whiche I cast out before you:

25 and the lande is defiled, and I will visett the wykednesse thereof apon it. and the lande shal spewe out hir inhabiters.

26 Kepe ye therfore myne ordinaunces and iudgementes, and se that ye commytt none of these abominacions: nether any of you nor ony straunger that soiourneth amonge you

27 (for all these abhominacions haue the men of the lande done whiche were there before you, and the lande is defiled)

28 lest that the lande spewe you out when ye haue defiled it, as it spewed out the nacions that where there before you.

29 For whosoeuer shall comytt any of these abhominacions, the same soules that commytt them shall perish from amonge their people.

30 Therfore se that ye kepe myne ordinaunces, that ye commytt none of these abhominable customes which were commytted before you: that ye defile not youre selues therewith for I am the Lorde youre God.

Chapter 19


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

2 speake vnto all the multitude of the childern of Israel, and saye vnto them. Be holy for I the Lorde youre God am holye.

3 Se that ye feare: euery man his father and his mother, ad that ye kepe my Sabbathes, for I am the Lorde youre God.

4 Ye shall not turne vnto ydolls nor make you goddes of metall: I am the Lorde youre God.

5 When ye offre youre peaceofferynges vnto the Lorde, ye shall offer them that ye maye be accepted.

6 And it shalbe eaten the same daye ye offer it and on the morowe, but what soeuer is lefte on the thirde daye shalbe burnt in the fire.

7 Yf it be eaten the thirde daye, it shalbe vncleane ad not accepted.

8 And he that eateth it shall bere his synne: because he hath defiled the halowed thinges of the Lorde, ad that soule shall perish from amonge his people.

9 When ye repe doune the rype corne of youre lande, ye shal not repe doune the vtmost borders of youre feldes, nether shalt thou gather that which is left behynd in thy haruest.

10 Thou shalt not plucke in all thy vyneyarde clene, nether gather in the grapes that are ouerscaped. But thou shalt leaue them for the pore ad straunger. I am the Lord youre God.

11 Ye shall not steale nether lye, nether deale falsely one with another.

12 Ye shal not swere by my name falselye: that thou defilest not the name of thy God, I am the Lorde.

13 Thou shalt not begile thy neyghboure with cauellacios, nether robbe him violently, nether shall the workmans laboure abide with the vntyll the mornynge.

14 Thou shalt not curse the deaffe, nether put a stomblinge blocke before the blynd: but shalt feare thy God. I am the Lorde.

15 Ye shall doo no vnrightuousnes in iudgement. Thou shalt not fauoure the poore nor honoure the mightye, but shalt iudge thy neghboure rightuously.

16 Thou shalt not go vp ad doune a preuy accuser amoge thy people, nether shalt thou helpe to shed the bloude of thy neyghboure: I am the Lorde.

17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thyne hart but shalt in any wyse rebuke thy neghbour: that thou bere not synne for his sake.

18 Thou shalt not avenge thy selfe nor bere hate in thy mynde against the childern of thi people, but shalt loue thy neghboure eue as thy self I am the Lorde.

19 Kepe myne ordinaunces. Let none of thy catell gendre with a cotrary kynde, nether sowe thy felde with myngled seed, nether shalt thou put on ony garment of lynen and wollen

20 Yf a man haue to doo with a woman that is bonde and hath bene medled with al of another man which nether is boughte nor fredome geuen her, there shalbe a payne apon it: but they shall not dye, because she was not made fre.

21 And he shall brynge for his trespaceofferynge vnto the Lorde: euen vnto the dore off the tabernacle of witnesse, a ram for a trespaceoffrynge.

22 And the preast shall make an attonement for him with the ram of the trespaceofferynge before the Lord, for his synne which he hath done: and it shalbe forgeuen him, as concerninge the synne which he hath done.

23 And when ye come to the lande ad haue plated all maner of trees where of me eate, ye shal holde them vncircumcised as concerning their frute: eue thre yere shal they be vncircucysed vnto you ad shall not be eate of,

24 ad the fourth yere all the frute of the shalbe holy ad acceptable to the Lorde.

25 And the fifth yere maye ye eate of the frute of the, ad gather in the encrease of them: I am the Lorde youre God.

26 Ye shall eate nothinge with the bloude, ye shall vse no witchcrafte, nor obserue dismall dayes,

27 ye shall not rounde the lockes of youre heedes, nether shalt thou marre the tuftes of thy beerde.

28 Ye shall not rent youre flesh for any soules sake, nor printe any markes apon you: I am the Lorde.

29 Thou shalt not pollute thi doughter, that thou woldest maintene her to be an whoore: lest the lade fall to whoredome, ad waxe ful of wekednesse.

30 Se that ye kepe my Sabbathes and feare my sauctuary: I am the Lorde.

31 Turne not to the that worke with sprites, nether regarde the that obserue disemall dayes: that ye be not defiled by the, for I am the Lorde youre God.

32 Thou shalt ryse vp before the hoorehed, ad reuerence the face of the old ma ad dread thy god, for I am the Lorde.

33 Yf a straunger soioure by the in youre lande, se that ye vexe him not:

34 But let the straunger that dwelleth with you, be as one of youre selues, and loue him as thi selfe, for ye were straungers in the lande of Egipte. I am the Lorde youre God.

35 Ye shall do no vnrightuousnes in iudgemet nether in meteyerde, weyght or measure.

36 But ye shal haue true balaces, true weightes, A true Epha ad a true hin. I am the Lorde youre god which broughte you out of the land of Egipte,

37 that ye shulde obserue all myne ordinaunces and iudgementes and that ye shulde kepe them: I am the Lorde.

Chapter 20


1 And the Lorde talked with Moses saynge:

2 tell the childern of Israel, whosoeuer he be of the childern of Israel or of the straungers that dwel in Israel, that geueth of his seed vnto Moloch he shall dye for it: the people off the lande shall stone hi with stones.

3 And I wil sett my face apon that felowe, and will destroye him from amonge his people: because he hath geuen of his seed vnto Moloch, for to defile my sanctuary and to polute myne holy name.

4 And though that the people of the lande hyde their eyes from that felowe, when he geueth of his seed vnto Moloch, so that they kyll him not:

5 yet I will put my face apon that man and apon his houssholde, and will destroy him and all that goo a whooringe with him and comytt hoordome with Moloch from amonge their people.

6 Yf any soule turne vnto them that worke with spirites or makers of dysemall dayes and goo a whoorynge after them, I wilt put my face apon that soule and will destroye him from amonge his people.

7 Sanctifie youre selues therfore and be holye, for I am the Lorde youre God.

8 And se that ye kepe myne ordinaunces and doo them. For I am the Lorde which sanctifie you.

9 Whosoeuer curseth his father or mother, shall dye for it, his bloude on his heed, because he hath cursed his father or mother.

10 He that breaketh wedlocke with another mans wife shall dye for it: because he hath broke wedlocke with his neghbours wife, and so shall she likewise.

11 Yf a man lye with his fathers wife ad vncouer his fathers secrettes, they shall both dye for it, their bloude be apon their heedes.

12 Yf a man lye with his doughter in lawe thei shall dye both of them: they haue wrought abhominacion, their bloud vpon their heedes.

13 Yf a man lye with the mankynde after the maner as with woma kynd, they haue both comitted an abhominacion and shall dye for it. Their bloude be apon their heed.

14 Yf a man take a wife ad hir mother thereto, it is wekednesse. Me shall burne with fire both him and them, that there be no wekednesse amonge you.

15 Yf a man lye with a beest he shall dye, and ye shall slee the beest.

16 Yf a woma go vnto a beest ad lye doune thereto: thou shalt kyll the woma ad the beest also they shal dye, ad their bloud be apo their hedes

17 Yf a ma take his syster his fathers doughter or his mothers doughter, ad se hir secrettes, and she se his secrettes also: it is a weked thinge. Therfore let them perish in the syghte of their people, he hath sene his systers secretnesse, he shall therfore bere his synne.

18 Yf a man lye with a woman in tyme of hyr naturall disease and unheale hir secrettes and vncouer hir fountayne, ad she also open the fountayne of hir bloude, they shall both perishe from amonge their people.

19 Thou shalt not vncouer the secrettes of thy mothers syster nor of thy fathers systers, for he that doth so, vncouereth his nexte kyn: ad thei shall bere their mysdoynge.

20 Yf a ma lye with his vncles wife, he hath vncouered his vncles secrettes: they shall bere their synne, and shall dye childlesse.

21 Yf a ma take his brothers wife, it is an vnclene thinge, he hath vncouered his brothers secrettes, they shalbe childlesse therfore.

22 Se that ye kepe therfore all myne ordinaunces and all my iudgementes, and that ye doo them: that the londe whether I brynge you to dwell therein, spewe you not oute.

23 And se that ye walke not in the maners of the nacyons whiche I cast oute before you: For they commytted all these thinges, and I abhorred them.

24 But I haue sayde vnto you that ye shall enioye their londe, and that I will geue it vnto you to possesse it: eue a londe that floweth with milke and honye. I am the Lord youre God, whiche haue separated you from other nacions:

25 that ye shulde put difference betwene cleane beestes add vncleane, and betwene vncleane foules and them that are cleane. Make not youre soules therfore abhominable with beestes ad foules, and with all maner thinge that crepeth apon the grounde, which I haue separated vnto you to holde them vncleane.

26 Be holy vnto me, for I the Lorde am holy and haue seuered you from other nacyons: that ye shulde be myne.

27 Yf there be ma or woma that worketh with a sprite or a maker of dysemall dayes, thei shall dye for it. Me shall stone them with stones, ad their bloude shalbe apon them.

Chapter 21


1 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: speake vnto the preastes the sonnes of Aaron and saye vnto them. A preast shall defile him selfe at the deth of none of his people,

2 but apon his kyn that is nye vnto him: as his mother, father, sonne, doughter and brother:

3 and on his syster as loge as she is a mayde ad dwelleth nye him and was neuer geuen to man: on her he maye defile him selfe.

4 But he shall not make him selfe vncleane vpon a ruelar of his people to polute him selfe with all.

5 They shall make the no baldnesse apon their heedes or shaue off the lockes of their beerdes, nor make any markes in their flesh.

6 Thei shalbe holy vnto their God, ad not polute the name of their god, for the sacrifices of the Lorde ad the bred of their God thei do offer: therfore they must be holy.

7 Thei shall take no wife that is an whoore, or poluted, or put fro hir husbonde: for a preast is holy vnto his God.

8 Sanctifie him therfore, for he offereth vp the bred of God: he shal therfore be holy vnto the, for I the Lorde whiche sanctifie you, am holy.

9 Yf a preastes doughter fall to playe the whore, she poluteth hir father: therfore she shall be burnt with fire.

10 He that is the hye preast among his brethern vppon whose heed the anoyntynge oyle was poured and whose hande was fylled to put on the vestimetes shall not vncouer his heed nor rent his clothes,

11 nether shall goo to any deed body nor make him selfe vncleane: no not on his father or mother

12 nether shall goo out of the sanctuarye, that he polute not the holy place of his God. for the croune of the anoyntynge oyle of God, is apon him. I am the Lorde.

13 He shall take a mayden vnto his wife:

14 but no wedowe nor deuorsed nor poluted whoore. But he shall take a mayden of his awne people to wife,

15 that he defyle not his seed apo his people. for I am the Lorde which sanctifye him.

16 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge

17 speake vnto Aaron and saye: No man of thi seed in their generacions that hath any deformyte apon him, shall prese for to offer the bred of his God.

18 ffor none that hath any blemysh shall come nere: whether he be blynde lame snot nosed or that hath any monstrous mebre,

19 or broken foted or broken handed

20 or croke backed, or perleyed, or gogeleyed, or maunge or skaulde or hath his stones broken.

21 No man that is deformed of the seed of Aaron the preast shall come nye to offer the sacrifyces of the Lorde. Yf he haue a deformyte he shall not prese to offer the bred of his God.

22 Notwithstondynge he shall eate of the bred of his God: euen as well of the most holy as of the holy:

23 but shall not goo in vnto the vayle nor come nye the alter, because he is deformed that he polute not my sanctuary for I am the Lorde that sanctifye them.

24 And Moses tolde it vnto Aaron and to his sonnes and vnto all the childern of Israel.

Chapter 22


1 And the Lorde comened with Moses saynge:

2 byd Aaron and his sonnes that they absteyne from the halowed thynges of the childern of Israel which they haue halowed vnto me, that they polute not myne holy name: for I am the Lorde.

3 Saye vnto them: whosoeuer he be of all youre seed amonge youre generacion after you that goeth vnto the halowed thinges which the childern of Israel shall haue halowed vnto the Lorde his vnclennes shalbe apon him: and that soule shall perysh from out of my syghte. I am the Lorde.

4 None of the seed of Aaron that is a leper or that hath a runnynge sore shall eate of the halowed thinges vntill he be cleane. And whosoeuer twytcheth any vncleane soule or man whose seed runneth fro him by nyghte,

5 or whosoeuer twitcheth any worme that is vncleane to him or man that is vncleane to him what soeuer vnclennesse he hath:

6 the same soule that hath twyched any soch thynge shalbe vncleane vntill euen and shall not eate of the halowed thynges vntill he haue wasshed his flesh with water.

7 And than when the sonne is doune he shalbe cleane ad shall afterward eate of the halowed thynges: for they are his fode.

8 Off a beest that dyeth alone or is rent with wylde beastes he shall not eate to defyle him selfe therwith: I am the Lorde.

9 But let them kepe therfore myne ordynaunce lest they lade synne apo them and dye therein when they haue defyled them selues: for I am the Lorde which sanctifye them.

10 There shall no straunger eate of the halowed thinges nether a gest of the preastes or an hyred seruaunte.

11 But yf the preast bye any soule with money he maye eate of it and he also that is borne in his housse maye eate of his bred.

12 Yf the preastes doughter be maryed vnto a straunger she maye not eate of the halowed heueofferynges.

13 Notwithstondynge yf the preastes doughter be a wedowe or deuorsed and haueno childe but is returned vnto hir fathers housse agayne she shall eate of hir fathers bred as wel as she dyd in hyr youth. But thereshall no straunger eate there of.

14 Yf a man eate of the halowed thynges vnwyttingly he shall put the fyfte parte there vnto and make good vnto the preast the halowed thynge.

15 And let the preastes see that they defyle not the halowed thynges of the childern of Israel which they haue offered vnto the Lorde

16 lest they lade them selues with mysdoynge and trespace in eatynge their halowed thinges: for I am the Lorde which halowe them.

17 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge:

18 speake vnto Aaron and his sonnes and vnto all the childern of Israel and saye vnto them what soeuer he be of the housse of Israel or straunger in Israel that will offer his offerynge: what soeuer vowe or frewillofferynge it be which they will offer vnto the Lorde for a burntofferynge

19 to reconcyle them selues it must be a male without blemysh of the oxen shepe or gootes.

20 let them offer nothynge that is deformed for they shall gett no fauoure there with.

21 Yf a man will offer a peaseoffrynge vnto the Lorde and separate a vowe or a frewill offerynge of the oxen or the flocke it must be without deformyte that it maye be accepted. There maye be no blemysh therein:

22 whether it be blide, broke, wounded or haue a wen, or be maunge or scabbed. se that ye offre no soch vnto the Lorde, nor put an offerynge of any soch apon the alter vnto the Lorde.

23 An oxe or a shepe that hath any membre out of proporcion, mayst thou offer for a frewillofferynge: but in a vowe it shal not accepted.

24 Thou shalt not offer vnto the Lorde that which hath his stones broosed broke, plucked out or cutt awaye, nether shalt make any soch in youre lande,

25 nether of a straungers hande shall ye offer an offerynge to youre God of any soch. For they marre all in that they haue deformytes in them, and therfore can not be accepted for you.

26 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge:

27 when an oxe, a shepe or a goote is brought forth, it shalbe seue dayes vnder the damme. And from the .viij. daye forth, it shalbe accepted vnto a gifte in the sacrifice of the Lorde.

28 And whether it be oxe or shepe, ye shall not kyll it, and hir yonge: both in one daye.

29 When ye will offre a thankofferynge vnto the Lorde, ye shall so offre it that ye maye be accepted.

30 And the same daye it must be eate vp, so that ye leaue none of it vntill the morowe. For I am the Lorde,

31 kepe now my commaundementes and do them, for I am the Lorde.

32 And polute not my holy name, that I maye be halowed amonge the childern of Israel. For I am the Lorde which halowe you,

33 and broughte you out of the londe of Egipte, to be youre God: for I am the Lorde.

Chapter 23


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge:

2 speake vnto the childern of Israel, and saye vnto them. These are the feastes off the Lorde which ye shal call holy feastes.

3 Sixe dayes ye shall worke, ad the seuenth is the Sabbath of rest an holy feast: so that ye maye do no worke therein, for it is the Sabbath of the Lorde, wheresoeuer ye dwell.

4 These are the feastes of the Lorde whiche ye shall proclayme holy in their ceasons.

5 The xiiij. daye of the first moneth at eue is the Lordes Passeouer,

6 And the .xv. daye of the same moneth is the feast of swete bred vnto the Lorde: vij. dayes ye must eate vnleuended bred.

7 The first daye shalbe an holy feaste vnto you, so that ye maye do no laborious worke therein

8 But ye shall offer sacrifices vnto the Lord .vij dayes, and the seuenth daye also shalbe an holy feast, so that ye maye doo no laborious worke therein.

9 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

10 speake vnto the childern of Israell and saye vnto them: when ye be come in to the lande whiche I geue vnto you and repe doune youre haruest, ye shall brynge a shefe of the first frutes of youre haruest vnto the preast,

11 and he shall waue the shefe before the Lorde to be accepted for you: and euen the morow after the Sabbath the preaste shall waue it.

12 And ye shall offer the daye when he waueth the shefe, a labe without blemysh of a yere olde for a burntofferynge vnto the Lorde:

13 and the meatoffrynge thereof, two tenth deales of fine floure mengled with oyle to be a sacrifice vnto the Lorde of a swete sauoure: and the drinkofferinge thereto, the fourth deale of an hin of wyne.

14 And ye shall eate nether bred, nor parched corne, nor furmentye of new corne: vntyll the selfe same daye that ye haue broughte an offrynge vnto youre God. And this shalbe a lawe for euer vnto youre childern after you, where soeuer ye dwell.

15 And ye shall counte from the morowe after the Sabbath: euen from the daye that ye broughte the sheffe of the waueoffrynge, vii. wekes complete:

16 euen vnto the morow after the .vij. weke ye shall numbre .l. dayes. And the ye shal bringe a newe meatoffrynge unto the Lorde.

17 And ye shall brynge out of youre habitacions two waueloaues made of two tenthdeales off fine floure leuended and baken, for first frutes vnto the Lorde.

18 And ye shall bringe with the bred seuen lambes without deformyte of one yere of age, and one yonge oxe and .ij. rambes, which shall serue for burntoffrynges vnto the Lorde, with meatoffringes and drinkoffringes longinge to the same, to be a sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.

19 And ye shall offer an he goote for a synneofferinge: and two lambes of one yere old for peaceoffringes,

20 And the preast shall waue the with the bred of the first frutes before the Lorde, and with the two lambes. And they shalbe holy vnto the Lorde, and be the preastes.

21 And ye shall make a proclamacio the same daye that it be an holy feast vnto you, and ye shall do no laborious worke therein: And it shalbe a lawe for euer thorowe out all youre habitacions vnto youre childern after you,

22 When ye repe doune youre haruest, thou shalt not make cleane ryddaunce off thy felde, nether shalt thou make any aftergatheringe of thy haruest: but shalt leue them vnto the poore and the straunger. I am the Lorde youre God.

23 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge:

24 speake vnto the childern of Israel ad saye. The first daye of the suenth moneth shalbe a rest of remembraunce vnto you, to blowe hornes in an holy feast it shalbe,

25 and ye shall do no laborious worke therein, and ye shall offer sacrifice vnto the Lorde.

26 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

27 also the tenth daye of the selfe seueth moneth, is a daye of an attonement, and shalbe on holy feast vnto you, ad ye shall humble youre soules and offer sacrifice vnto the Lorde.

28 Moreouer ye shall do no worke the same daye, for it is a daye of attonement to make an attonemet for you before the Lord your God.

29 For what soeuer soule it be that humbleth not him selfe that daye, he shalbe destroyde from amonge his people.

30 And what soeuer soule do any maner worke that daye, the same I will destroye from amonge his people.

31 Se that ye do no maner worke therfore. And it shalbe a lawe for euer vnto youre generacions after you in all youre dwellynges.

32 A sabbath of reste it shalbe vnto you, and ye shall humble youre soules. The .ix. daye of the moneth at euen and so forth from eue to euen agayne, ye shall kepe your Sabbath.

33 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

34 speake vnto the childern of Israel ad saye: the xv. daye of the same seuenth moneth shalbe the feast of tabernacles .vij. dayes uto the Lorde.

35 The first daye shalbe an holy feast, so that ye shall do no laborious worke therein.

36 Seuen dayes ye shall offer sacrifice vnto the Lorde, and the .viij daye shalbe an holy feast vnto you ad ye shall offer sacrifice vnto the Lorde. It is the ende of the feast, and ye shall do no laborious worke therein.

37 These are the feastes of the Lorde whiche ye shall proclayme holy feastes, for to offer sacrifice vnto the Lorde, burntofferynges, meatofferynges, and drinkoffrynges euery daye:

38 besyde the sabbathes of the Lorde, ad besyde youre giftes, and all youre vowes, and all your frewillofferynges whiche ye shall geue vnto the Lorde.

39 Moreouer in the .xv. daye of the seuenth moneth after that ye haue gathered in the frutes of the lande, ye shall kepe holy daye vnto the Lorde .vij: dayes longe. The first daye shall be a daye of reste, and the .viij. daye shalbe a daye of rest.

40 And ye shall take you the first daye, the frutes of goodly trees and the braunches off palme trees and the bowes of thicke trees, ad wylowes of the broke, and shall reioyse before the Lorde .vij. dayes.

41 And ye shall kepe it holy daye vnto the Lorde .vij. dayes in the yere. And it shalbe a lawe for euer vnto youre childern after you, that ye kepe that feast in the seuenth moneth.

42 And ye shall dwell in bothes seuen dayes: euen all that are Israelites borne, shall dwell in bothes,

43 that youre children after you maye knowe howe that I made the childern of Israel dwell in bothes, when I broughte them out of the lande of Egipte: for I am the Lorde youre God.

44 And Moses told all the feastes of the Lorde vnto the childern of Israel.

Chapter 24


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge:

2 commaunde the childern of Israel that they bringe vnto the, pure oyle olyue bete for lightes to poure in to the lampes allwaye,

3 without the vayle of testimonye within the tabernacle of witnesse. And Aaron shall dresse them both euen and morninge before the Lorde alwayes. And it shalbe a lawe for euer amoge youre childern after you.

4 And he shal dresse the lampes apon the pure candelsticke before the Lorde perpetually.

5 And thou shalt take fine floure ad bake .xij wastels thereof, two tenthdeales shall euery wastell be.

6 And make two rowes of them, sixe on a rowe apon the pure table before the Lorde,

7 and put pure frankencens vppon the rowes. And it shalbe bred of remembraunce, ad an offerynge to the Lorde.

8 Euery Sabbath he shall put them in rowes before the Lorde euer more, geuen off the childern of Israel, that it be an euerlastynge couenaunte.

9 And they shalbe Aarons and his sonnes, and they shall eate them in the holy place. For they are most holy vnto him of the offerynges of the Lorde, and shalbe a dutye for euer.

10 And the sonne of an Israelitish wife whose father was an Egiptian, went oute amonge the childern of Israel. And this sonne off the Israelitish wife and a man of Israel, strooue togither in the hoste.

11 And the Israelitish womans sonne blasphemed the name and cursed, and they broughte him vnto Moses. And his mothers name was Selamyth, the doughter off Dybri off the trybe of Dan:

12 and they putt him in warde, that Moses shulde declare vnto them what the Lorde sayde thereto.

13 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge,

14 bringe him that cursed without the hoste, and let all that herde him, put their handes apo his heed, and let all the multitude stone him.

15 And speake vnto the childern of Israel sayenge: Whosoeuer curseth his God, shall bere his synne:

16 And he that blasphemeth the name of the Lorde, shall dye for it: all the multitude shall stone him to deeth. And the straunger as well as the Israelite yf he curse the name, shall dye for it.

17 He that kylleth any man, shall dye for it:

18 but he that kylleth a beest shall paye for it, beest for beest.

19 Yf a man mayme his neyghboure as he hath done, so shall it be done to him agayne:

20 broke for broke, eye for eye and toth for toth: euen as he hath maymed a man, so shall he be maymed agayne.

21 So nowe he that kylleth a beest, shall paye for it: but he that kylleth a man, shall dye for it.

22 Ye shall haue one maner of lawe amonge you: eue for the straunger as wel as for one of youre selues, for I am the Lorde youre God.

23 And Moses tolde the childern of Israel, that they shulde bringe him that had cursed, out of the hoste, and stone him with stones. And the childern of Israel dyd as the Lorde comaunded Moses.

Chapter 25


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in mount Sinai sayenge,

2 speake vnto the childern of Israel and saye vnto the. When ye be come in to the lande whiche I geue you, let the londe rest a Sabbath vnto the Lorde.

3 Sixe yeres thou shalt sowe thi felde, and sixe yere thou shalt cut thi vynes and gather in thi frutes.

4 But the seuenth yere shall be a Sabbath of rest vnto the londe. The Lordes Sabbath it shalbe, ad thou shalt nether sowe thi felde, nor cut thy vynes.

5 The corne that groweth by it selfe thou shalt not repe, nether gather the grapes that growe without thy dressynge: but it shalbe a Sabbath of rest vnto the londe.

6 Neuerthelesse the Sabbath of the londe shalbe meate for you: euen for the and thy servaunte and for thy mayde and for thy hyred servaunte and for the straunger that dwelleth with the:

7 and for thi catell and for the beestes that are in thy londe, shall all the encrease thereof be meate.

8 Then numbre seuen wekes of yeres, that is, seuen tymes seuen yere: and the space of the seuen wekes of yeres will be vnto the .xlix. yere.

9 And then thou shalt make an horne blowe: euen in the tenth daye of the seuenth moneth, which is the daye of attonement. And then shall ye make the horne blowe, euen thorowe out all youre lande.

10 And ye shall halowe the fiftith yere, and proclayme libertie thorowe out the lande vnto all the inhabiters thereof, It shalbe a yere of hornes blowynge vnto you and ye shall returne: euery man vnto his possession and euery man vnto his kynred agayne.

11 A yere of hornes blowynge shall that fiftieth yere be vnto you. Ye shall not sowe nether repe the corne that groweth by it selfe, nor gather the grapes that growe without thi laboure

12 For it is a yere of hornes blowinge and shalbe holy vnto you: how be it, yet ye shall eate of the encrease of the felde.

13 And in this yere of hornes blowinge ye shall returne, euery man vnto his possession agayne.

14 When thou sellest oughte vnto thy neyghboure or byest off thy neyghboures hande, ye shall not oppresse one another:

15 but accordynge to the numbre of yeres after the trompett yere, thou shalt bye of thy neyghboure, and accordynge vnto the numbre off fruteyeres, he shall sell vnto the.

16 Accordinge vnto the multitude of yeres, thou shalt encrease the price thereof and accordinge to the fewnesse of yeres, thou shalt mynish the price: for the numbre of frute he shall sell vnto the.

17 And see that no ma oppresse his neyghboure, but feare thi God. For I am the Lorde youre God.

18 Wherfore do after myne ordinaunces and kepe my lawes ad doo them, that ye maye dwell in the lande in saftie.

19 And the lande shall geue her frute, and ye shall eate youre fille and dwell therein in saftie.

20 Yf ye shall saye, what shall we eate the seuenth yere in as moche as we shall not sowe nor gether in oure encrease.

21 I wyll sende my blessynge apon you in the sixte yere,

22 and it shall brynge forth frute for thre yeres: and ye shall sowe the eyghte yere and eate of olde frute vntill the .ix. yere, and euen vntyll hir frutes come, ye shall eate of olde stoare.

23 Wherfore the londe shall not be solde for euer, because that the lande is myne, and ye but straungers and soiourners with me:

24 and ye shall thorowe oute all the lande of youre possession, let the londe go home fre agayne.

25 When thy brother is waxed poore and hath solde awaye of his possession: yf any off his kyn come to redeme it, he shall by out that whiche his brother solde.

26 And though he haue no man to redeme it for him, yet yf hys hande can get sufficyent to bye it oute agayne,

27 then let him counte how longe it hath bene solde, and delyuer the rest vnto him to whome he solde it, ad so he shall returne vnto his possession agayne.

28 But and yf his hande ca not get sufficiet to restore it to him agayne, then that whiche is solde shall remayne in the hande of him that hath boughte it, vntyll the horneyere: and in the horne yere it shall come out, and he shall returne vnto his possession agayne.

29 Yf a man sell a dwellynge house in a walled cytie he maye bye it out agayne any tyme withi a hole yere after it is solde: and that shalbe the space in which he maye redeme it agayne.

30 But and yf it be not bought out agayne within the space of a full yere then the housse in the walled cytie shalbe stablished for euer vnto him that boughte it and to his successoures after hi and shall not goo out in the trompet yere.

31 But the housses in villagies which haue no walles rounde aboute them shalbe counted like vnto the feldes of the cuntre and maye be boughte out agayne at any season and shall goo out fre in the trompett yere.

32 Notwithstondynge the cityes of the leuytes and the housses in the cyties of their possessios the leuites maye redeme at all ceasons.

33 And yf a man purchace ought of the leuytes: whether it be house or citie that they possesse, the bargayne shall goo out in the tropet yere. for the housses of the cyties of the leuites are their possessions amonge the childern of Israel.

34 But the feldes that lye rounde aboute their cyties shall not be bought: for they are their possessions for euer.

35 Yf thi brother be waxed poore and falle in decaye with the receaue him as a straunger or a soiourner and let him lyue by the.

36 And thou shalt take none vsurye of him nor yet vantage. But shalt feare thi God that thi brother maye lyue with the.

37 Thou shalt not lende him thi money apon vsurye nor lende him of thi fode to haue avantage by it for

38 I am the Lorde youre God which broughte you out of the lande of Egipte, to geue you the lande of Canaan and to be youre God.

39 Yf thi brother that dwelleth by the waxe poore and sell him selfe vnto the thou shalt not let him laboure as a bondseruaunte doeth:

40 but as an hyred seruaunte and as a soiourner he shalbe with the and shall serue the vnto the trompetyere

41 and then shall he departe fro the: both he and his childern with him and shall returne vnto his awne kynred agayne and vnto the possessions of his fathers.

42 for they are my seruauntes which I brought out of the lande of Egipte and shall not be solde as bondmen.

43 Se therfore that thou reigne not ouer him cruelly but feare thi God.

44 Yf thou wilt haue bondseruauntes and maydens thou shalt bye them of the heythen that are rounde aboute you

45 and of the childern of the straungers that are soiorners amonge you ad of their generacios that are with you, which they begate in youre lade.

46 And ye shall possesse them and geue them vnto youre childern after you, to possesse them for euer: and they shalbe youre bond men: But ouer youre brethern the childern of Israel ye shall not reigne one ouer another cruelly.

47 When a straunger and a soiourner waxeth rych by the ad thi brother that dwelleth by him waxeth poore and sell him selfe vnto the straunger that dwelleth by the or to any of the straungers kyn:

48 after that he is solde he maye be redemed agayne. one of his brethren maye bye him out:

49 whether it be his vncle or his vncles sonne or any that is nye of kynne vnto him of his kynred: ether yf his hande can get so moch he maye be loosed.

50 And he shall reken with him that boughte him from the yere that he was solde in vnto the trompet yere and the pryce of his byenge shalbe acordynge vnto the numbre of yeres and he shalbe with him as a hyred seruaunte.

51 Yf there be yet many yeres behynde acordynge vnto them he shall geue agayne for his delyueraunce of the money that he was solde for.

52 Yf there remayne but few yeres vnto the trompet yere he shall so counte with him and acordynge vnto his yeres geue him agayne for his redempcion

53 and shalbe with him yere by yere as an hyred seruaunte and the other shall not reygne cruelly ouer him in thi syghte.

54 Yf he be not bought fre in the meane tyme then he shall goo out in the trompet yere and his childern with him.

55 for the childern of Israel are my seruauntes which I broughte out of the lande of Egipte. I am the Lorde youre God.

Chapter 26


1 Ye shall make you no ydolles nor grauen ymage nether rere you vpp any piler nether ye shall sett vp any ymage of stone in youre lande to bowe youre selues there to: for I am the Lorde youre God.

2 kepe my sabbathes and feare my sanctuary. for I am the Lorde.

3 Yf ye shall walke in myne ordynaunces and kepe my commaundmentes and do them

4 then I will sende you rayne in the ryght ceason ad youre londe shall yelde hir encrease and the trees of the felde shall geue their frute.

5 And the threshynge shall reach vnto wyne haruest and the wyneharuest shall reach vnto sowyng tyme and ye shall eate youre bred in plenteousnes and shall dwell in youre lande peasably.

6 And I wil sende peace in youre londe that ye shall slepe, and no man shal make you afrayde. And I will ryd euell beestes out of youre londe, and there shall no swerde goo thorowe out youre lande.

7 And ye shall chace youre enemyes, and they shall fall before you vppon the swerde.

8 And fiue of you shall chace an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put .x. thousande to flighte, and youre enemyes shall fall before you apon the swerde.

9 And I wil turne vnto you and encrease you and multipye you, and sett vpp my testament with you.

10 And ye shall eate olde store, ad cast out the olde for plentuousnes of the newe.

11 I will make my dwellynge place amonge you, and my soule shall not loothe you.

12 And I will walke amonge you and wilbe youre God, and ye shalbe my people.

13 For I am the Lorde youre God, whiche broughte you out off the lande of the Egiptians, that ye shulde not be their bondemen, and I brake the bowes of youre yockes, and made you go vprighte.

14 But and yf ye will not harken vnto me, nor will do all these my commaundementes,

15 or yf ye shall despyse myne ordinaunces ether yf youre soules refuse my lawes, so that ye wil not do all my commaundnentes, but shall breake myne appoyntment:

16 then I will do this agayne vnto you: I will viset you with vexations, swellynge and feuers, that shall make youre eyes dasell and with sorowes of herte. And ye shall sowe youre seed in vayne, for youre enemyes shall eate it.

17 And I will set my face agenste you and ye shal fall before youre enemyes, and they that hate you shal raigne ouer you, ad ye shall flee whe no man foloweth you.

18 And yf ye will not yet for all this herken vnto me, than will I punish you seuen tymes more for youre synnes,

19 and will breake the pride off youre strength. For I will make the heaue ouer you as harde as yerne, and youre londe as hard as brasse.

20 And so youre laboure shalbe spent in vayne. For youre londe shall not geue hir encrease, nether the trees of the londe shall geue their frutes.

21 And yf ye walke contrary vnto me and will not herken vnto me, I will bringe seuen tymes moo plages apon you acordinge to your synnnes.

22 I will sende in wylde beestes apon you, which shall robbe you of youre childern and destroye youre catell, and make you so fewe in numbre that youre hye wayes shall growe vnto a wildernesse.

23 And yf ye will not be lerned yet for all this but shall walke contrarye vnto me,

24 then will I also walke contrarye vnto you and will punish you yet seuen tymes for youre synnes.

25 I will sende a swerde apon you, that shall avenge my testament with you. And when ye are fled vnto youre cities, I will sende the pestelence amonge you, ye shall be delyuered in to the handes of youre enemyes.

26 And when I haue broken the staffe of youre bred: that .x. wyues shall bake youre bred in one ouen and men shall delyuer you youre bred agayne by weyghte, tha shal ye eate and shall not be satisfied.

27 And yf ye will not yet for all this harken vnto me, but shall walke contrarye vnto me,

28 then I will walke contrary vnto you also wrathfully and will also chastice you seuen tymes for youre synnes:

29 so that ye shall eate the flesh of youre sonnes and the flesh of youre doughters.

30 And I will destroye youre alters bylt apon hye hylles, and ouerthrowe youre images, and cast youre carkasses apon the bodies of youre ydolles, and my soule shall abhorre you.

31 And I will make youre cities desolate, and bringe youre sanctuaries vnto nought, and will not smell the sauoures of youre swete odoures.

32 And I will bringe the londe vnto a wildernesse: so that youre enemyes which dwell therein shall wondre at it.

33 And I will strawe you amonge the heethen, and will drawe out a swerde after you, and youre lande shalbe wast, and youre cities desolate.

34 Then the lande shall reioyse in hir Sabbathes, as longe as it lyeth voyde and ye in youre enemies londe: euen then shall the londe kepe holye daye and reioyse in hir Sabbathes.

35 And as longe as it lyeth voyde it shall rest, for that it coude not reste in youre Sabbathes, when ye dwelt therein.

36 And vppon them that are left alyue of you I will sende a feyntnesse in to their hertes in the londe of their enemies: so that the sounde of a leef that falleth, shall chace them and they shall flee as though thei fled a swerde, and shall fall no man folowinge them.

37 And they shall fall one uppon another, as it were before a swerde euen no man folowinge them, and ye shall haue no power to stonde before youre enemyes:

38 And ye shall perish amonge the hethen, ad the londe of youre enemyes shall eate you vpp.

39 And thei that are left of you, shall pyne awaye in their vnrightuousnes, euen in their enemies londe, and also in the mysdeades of their fathers shall they consume.

40 And they shall confesse their misdedes and the misdeades of their fathers in their trespases which thei haue trespased against me, and for that also that thei haue walked contrary vnto me.

41 Therfore I also will walke contrary vnto them, and will brynge them in to the londe of their enemyes. And then at the leest waye their vncircumcysed hertes shall be tamed, ad then they shall make an attonement for their misdedes.

42 And I wil remembre my bonde with Iacob and my testamet with Isaac, and my testament with Abraham, and will thinke on the londe.

43 For the londe shall be lefte of them and shall haue pleasure in hir Sabbathes, while she lyeth wast without them, and they shall make an attonement for their misdeades, because they despysed my lawes and their soules refused myne ordinaunces.

44 And yet for all that when thei be in the londe of their enemyes, I will not so cast them awaye nor my soule shall not so abhorre them, that I will vtterlye destroye the ad breake myne appoyntment with them: for I am the Lorde their God.

45 I will therfore remebre vnto the the first couenaunt made when I broughte them out of the lond of Egipte in the sighte of the hethen to be their God: for I am the Lorde.

46 These are the ordinaunces, iudgemetes, ad lawes which the Lorde made betwene him ad the childern of Israel in mount Sinai by the hade of Moses.

Chapter 27


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge:

2 speake vnto the childern of Israel and saye vnto them: Yf any man will geue a synguler vowe vnto the Lorde acordynge to the value

3 of his soule then shall the male from .xx. yere vnto .lx. be set at fyftie sycles of syluer after the sycle of the sanctuary

4 and the female at .xxx. sycles.

5 And from .v. yeres to xx. the male shalbe set at .xx. sycles and the female at .x. sycles.

6 And from a moneth vnto .v. yere the male shalbe set at .v. sycles of syluer and the female at thre.

7 And the man that is .lx. and aboue shalbe valowed at .xv. sicles, ad the woman at .x.

8 Yf he be to poore so to be set, the let him come before the preast: and let the preast value him acordynge as the hande of him that vowed is able to gete.

9 Yf it be of the beestes of which men bringe an offeringe vnto the Lorde: all that any man geueth of soch vnto the Lorde shalbe holy.

10 He maye not alter it nor chaunge it: a good for a bad or a bad for a goode. Yf he chaunge beest for beest then both the same beest and it also where with it was chaunged shall be holy.

11 yf it be any maner of vncleane beest of which men maye not offer vnto the Lorde let him brynge the beest before the preast

12 and let the preast value it. And whether it be good or bad as the preast setteth it so shall it be.

13 And yf he will bye it agayne let him geue the fyfte parte moare to that it was set at.

14 Yf any man dedicate his housse it shalbe holy vnto the Lorde. And the preast shall set it. whether it be good or bad and as the preast hath set it so it shalbe.

15 Yf he that sanctifyed it will redeme his housse let him geue the fyfte parte of the money that it was iudged at thereto and it shalbe his.

16 Yf a man halowe a pece of his enhereted londe vnto the Lorde it shalbe set acordynge to that it beareth. Yf it bere an homer of barlye it shall be set at fyftie sicles of syluer.

17 yf he halowe his felde inmediatly from the trompet yere it shalbe worth acordynge as it is estemed. But and if he halowe his felde after the tropetyere the preast shall reke the price with him acordynge to the yeres that remayne vnto the tropet yere, ad there after it shalbe lower sett.

19 Yf he that sanctifyed the felde will redeme it agayne let him put the fyfte parte of the pryce that it was set at,

20 there vnto and it shalbe his yf he will not it shalbe redemed nomoare.

21 But when the felde goeth out in the trompet yere it shalbe holy vnto the Lorde: euen as a thinge dedycated, ad it shall be the preastes possession.

22 Yf a man sanctifie vnto the Lorde a felde which he hath boughte and is not of his enheritaunce

23 then the preast shall reken with him what it is worth vnto the trompet yere and he shall geue the price that it is set at the same daye, and it shalbe holy vnto the Lorde.

24 But in the trompet yere, the felde shall returne vnto him, of whome he boughte it, whose enheritaunce of londe it was.

25 And all settinge shalbe acordinge to the holy sycle. One sycle maketh .xx. Geras.

26 But the firstborne of the beestes that pertayne vnto the Lorde, maye no ma sanctifie: whether it be oxe or shepe, for they are the Lordes allredy.

27 Yf it be an vncleane beest, then let him redeme it as it is sett at, and geue the fifte parte moare thereto. Yf it be not redemed, the let it be solde as it is rated.

28 Notwithstondinge no dedicated thinge that a man dedicateth vnto the Lorde, of all his goode, whether it be man or beest or lande off his enheritaunce, shalbe solde or redemed: for all dedicate thiges are most holy vnto the Lorde.

29 No dedicate thinge therfore that is dedicate of ma, may be redemed, but must nedes dye

30 All these tithes of the londe, whether it be of the corne of the felde or frute of the trees, shalbe holy vnto the Lorde.

31 Yf any man will redeme oughte of his tithes, let him adde the fifte parte moare thereto.

32 And the tithes of oxen and shepe and of all that goeth vnder the herdemans kepinge, shalbe holye tithes vnto the Lorde.

33 Men shal not loke yf it be good or bad nor shall chaunge it. Yf any man chaunge it then both it and that it was chaunged with all, shalbe holy and maye not be redemed.

34 These are the commaundmentes whiche the Lorde gaue Moses in charge to geue vnto the childern of Israel in mount Sinai.