Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club/Volume 35/The published work of Lucien Marcus Underwood

The published work of Lucien Marcus Underwood (1908)
by John Hendley Barnhart

From Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Jan. 1908), pp. 17-38.

1160758The published work of Lucien Marcus Underwood1908John Hendley Barnhart

The published work of Lucien Marcus Underwood *
John Hendley Barnhart

  The accompanying list of Professor Underwood's publications comprises 212 entries. Nearly two hundred of these relate directly to botanical topics, and it is noteworthy that his first two papers, like his last three, dealt with ferns, and more than one third of the entire number were devoted to the Pteridophyta. The entries may be classified according to subject as follows:

Pteridophyta . . . . . . . . . . 78
Hepaticae . . . . . . . . . . 31
Fungi . . . . . . . . . . 29
Reviews . . . . . . . . . . 17
Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . 43
Zoölogy . . . . . . . . . . 7
Genealogy . . . . . . . . . . 2
Geology . . . . . . . . . . 1
Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . 4
Total . . . . . . 212

  The various papers and sets of exsiccatae are listed as nearly as possible in chronological order, and nearly all of them have been examined while this bibliography has been in course of preparation. It would be rash to assert that the list is complete, but it is hoped that it approximates completeness. It should be explained, however, that no attempt has been made to include contributions to newspapers, of which it is believed that there were many.

  During the years 1898-1902, Professor Underwood was editor-in-chief of the Torrey Botanical Club, and as such edited volumes 25-29 of the Bulletin and a part of volume 6 and all of volumes 7-12 of the Memoirs. The last two numbers of volume 12 of the Memoirs were not published until 1906 and 1907, but Professor Underwood, at the request of his successor, saw them through the press, and his name appears as editor upon the title-page of the volume. As editor of the Bulletin, he supervised the preparation of the Index to recent literature relating to American botany, published in monthly installments throughout the term of his editorship. He did not, however, do all of the work of preparation of material for the Index.

* Presented at a memorial meeting of the Torrey Botanical Club, January 29,1908.

  Professor Underwood left no considerable amount of unpublished manuscript in a sufficiently advanced state to make it likely that it will be published posthumously. A portion of his manuscript of the Pteridophyta for the North American Flora can be utilized in the forthcoming numbers of that work, in the establishment of which he held such an important place and in the progress of which he took such a lively interest. He had also nearly ready for publication a genealogy of the Underwood families of America, which he had hoped to see through the press during the present winter of 1907-1908. It is much to be desired that some way may be found of issuing this work in accordance with his wishes.


1. List of ferns growing in the vicinity of Syracuse, Onondaga Co., N.Y.   Case's Bot. Index 1 : 80.   Jl 1878.
2. Aspidium marginale Swartz.   Bull. Torrey Club 6 : 266.   O 1878.


3. The geological formations crossed by the Syracuse and Chenango Valley Railroad;   18 pages.   Syracuse, N. Y., [Jl] 1879.

Thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy.


4. Artificial Synopses.   Bull. Torrey Club 7 : 86-89.   Au 1880.


5. Our native ferns and how to study them.   116 pages, illust. Bloomington, Ill., 1881.
6. Check list of North American Pteridophyta, excluding the orders Filices and Ophioglossaceae.

Not seen; mentioned in Bot. Gaz. 6 : 192 Ap. 1881.

7. The ferns of New York state.   Bull. Torrey Club 8 : 78, 79.   Jl 1881.
8. Systematic plant record.   Bloomington, Ill., 1881.

(Afterward published by C. W. Bardeen, Syracuse, N. Y.

9. Onoclea sensibilis L. var. obtusilobata Torr.   Bull. Torrey Club 8 : 101, 102.   S 1881.


10. North American Hepaticae.   Bot. Gaz. 7 : 18-21.   F 1882.

Also as a separate.

11. Our native ferns and their allies, with synoptical descriptions of the American Pteridophyta north of Mexico.   A second and enlarged edition of Our native ferns and how to study them. 134 pages, illust.   Bloomington, Ill., [Je] 1882.

The stock of this edition remaining unsold in 1886 was destroyed by fire in a Chicago bindery (see Bot. Gaz. 12 : 23).

12. Equisetum variegatum.   Bot. Gaz. 7 : 76.   Je 1882.


13. The Pteridophyta of Litchfield Co., Ct.Bull. Torrey Club 11 : 7, 8.   Ja 1884.
14. Schweinitz and American Hepaticae.   Bot. Gaz. 9 : 63.   Ap 1884.
15. A brief notice of the Underwood families of Massachusetts.   New Engl. Hist. & Geneal. Reg. 38 : 400-405.   O 1884.

Also as a repaged separate: The Underwood families of Massachuseetts. 8 pages.

16. Descriptive catalogue of the North American Hepaticae, north of Mexico.   Bull. Illinois State Lab. Nat. Hist. 2 : 1-133.   O 1884.

Also as a separate.


17. A preliminary list of the Arthrogastra of North America (excluding Mexico).   Can. Entom. 17 : 162-169.   S 1885.

Also as a repaged separate, 8 pages.

18. The North American Myriapoda.   Entom. Am. 1 : 141-151.   N 1885.


19. (With Herbert Osborn.)   Preliminary list of the species of Acarina of North America.   Can. Entom. 18 : 4-12.   Ja 1886.

Also as a repaged separate, 8 pages.

20. List of the described species of fresh water Crustacea from America, north of Mexico.   Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist. 2 : 323-386.   [O] 1886.


21. Alumni record of Syracuse University, 1872-1886.   xii + 368 pages.   Syracuse, N. Y., Ja 1887.

Editor of the entire work; contributor of: Annals of Syracuse University, pages 9-30.

22. (With Orator Fuller Cook.)   Notes on the American species of Marsilia.   Bull. Torrey Club 14: 89-94.   My 1887.

Also as a separate.

23. The Scolopendridae of the United States.   Entom. Am. 3 : 61-65.   Jl 1887.
24. The progress of arachnology in America.   Am. Nat. 21 : 963-975.   N 1887.

Also as a separate.

25. With Orator Fuller Cook.)   Hepaticae americanae; decades I-II (nos. 1-20).   N 1887.

Exsiccatae; 40 sets.


26. The fern allies.   Bot. Gaz. 13 : 22, 23.   Ja 1888.

A review of Baker's Hand-book of the fern-allies.

27. The distribution of Isoetes.   Bot. Gaz. 13 : 89-94.   Ap 1888.

Also as a separate.

28. Our native ferns and their allies, with synoptical descriptions of the American Pteridophyta north of Mexico.   Third edition, revised.   xii + 156 pages, illust.   New York, 1888.
29. Some undescribed Hepaticae from California.   Bot. Gaz. 13 : 112-114. pl. 3-6.   My 1888.

Also as a separate.

30. The clover rust.   Bot. Gaz. 13 : 301, 302.   N 1888.
31. (With Orator Fuller Cook.)   Hepaticae americanae; decades III-IV (nos. 21-40).   N 1888.

Exsiccatae; 40 sets.


32. [Review of] The development of Pilularia globulifera L. By D. H. Campbell.   Bull. Torrey Club 16 : 138.   8 My 1889.
33. Notes on our Hepaticae — I.   Northern species.   Bot. Gaz. 14 : 191-198.   Au 1889.

Also as a separate.

34. (With Orator Fuller Cook.)   A century of illustrative fungi, with generic synopses of the Basidiomycetes and Myxomycetes.   21 pages.   Syracuse, N. Y., S 1889.

Text, with accompanying exsiccatae (nos. 1-100).

The same text was issued separately under the title: Generic synopses of the Basidiomycetes and Myxomycetes.   21 pages.   [Syracuse, N. Y., S 1889.]

35. (With Orator Fuller Cook.)   Hepaticae americanae; decades V-VI (nos. 41-60).   N 1889.

Exsiccatae; 40 sets.


36. Hepaticae.   In: Gray, Asa.   Manual of the botany of the northern United States, sixth edition, 702-732. pl. 22-25.   New York, 1890.
37. (With Orator Fuller Cook.)   Hepaticae americanae; decades VII-VIII (nos. 61-80).   My 1890.

Exsiccatae; 40 sets.

38. A notable collection of botanists.   Bull. Torrey Club 17 : 154, 155.   9 Je 1890.
39. Notes on the heterosporous fern allies of the Pacific coast and Mexico.   Zoe 1 : 97-101.   Je 1890.

Also as a separate.

40. A new North American Lejeunea.   Bull. Torrey Club 17 : 258, 259.   9 O 1890.


41. A preliminary list of Pacific coast Hepaticae.   Zoe I : 361-367.   F 1891.

Also as a separate.

42. (With Orator Fuller Cook.)   Hepaticae americanae; decades IX-X (nos. 81-100).   My 1891.

Exsiccatae; 40 sets.

43. (With Orator Fuller Cook.)   List of mosses collected by T. S. Brandegee in the Yakima region of Washington, 1882-3.   Zoe 2 : 107, 108.   J1 1891.
44. The distribution of Hepaticae of North America.   Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 39 : 298-304.   Jl 1891.

Also as a separate.

45. The ancestry and descendants of Jonathan Pollard (1759-1821), with records of allied families.   20 pages.   Syracuse, N. Y., 1891.

Two hundred copies, privately printed.

46. Diseases of the orange in Florida.   Jour. Myc. 7 : 27-36.   10 S 1891.
47. A flora of Texas.   Bot. Gaz. 16 : 268, 269.   S 1891.

A review of Coulter's manual of the phanerogams and pteridophytes of western Texas

48. (With Orator Fuller Cook.)   Hepaticae americanae; decades XI-XII (nos. 101-120).   D 1891.

Exsiccatae; 40 sets.


49. (With Orator Fuller Cook.)   Hepaticae americanae; decades XIII-XIV (nos. 121-140).   My 1892.

Exsiccatae; 40 sets.

50. Recent work in systematic hepaticology.   Bot. Gaz. 17 : 218-220.   Jl 1892.
51. Connecting forms among polyporoid fungi.   Zoe 3 : 91-95.   Jl 1892.
52. Some points in the nomenclature-priority question.   Science 20 : 116, 117.   26 Au 1892.
53. The Hepaticae of Labrador.   Bull. Torrey Club 19 : 269, 270.   10 S 1892.

Also as a separate.

54. A variety of Polypodium vulgare L., new to America.   [Abstract.]   Bull. Torrey Club 19 : 283, 284.   10 S 1892.

A correction. Bull. Torrey Club 20 : 21.   15 Ja 1893.

55. A few additions to the hepatic flora of the Manual region.   Bull. Torrey Club 19 : 299-301.   10 O 1892.

Also as a separate.

56. A preliminary comparison of the hepatic flora of boreal and subboreal regions.   Bot. Gaz. 17 : 305-312.   O 1892.

Abstract in Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 41 : 219, 220. D 1892.

57. The nomenclature question at Genoa.   Bull. Torrey Club 19 : 325-330.   15 N 1892.

Also as a separate.

58. The international congress a Genoa.   Bot. Gaz. 17 : 341-347.   N 1892.

Also as a separate.

59. The distribution of tropical ferns in peninsular Florida.   Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1891 : 83-89.   1892.

Also in a separate of pages 83-91 (this paper and the following).

60. Some additions to the state flora [of Indiana] from Putnam County.   Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1891 : 89-91.   1892.

Also in a separate of pages 83-91 (this paper and the preceding).

61. Carl Moritz Gottsche.   Bot. Gaz. 17 : 417, 418.   D 1892.
62. The botanical congress.   Bot. Gaz. 17 : 425, 426.   D 1892.


63. The dissipation of energy in college education.   Addresses Indiana Coll. Assoc. 1892 : 30-46.   1893.
64. [Address before the Genoa Botanical Congress.]   Atti Congr. Bot. Internaz. Genova 113-116.   1893.
65. (With Orator Fuller Cook.)   Hepaticae americanae; decades XV-XVI (nos. 141-160).   My 1893.

Exsiccatae; 40 sets.

66. Index Hepaticarum. Part I. — Bibliography.   Mem. Torrey Club 4 : 1-91.   10 Je 1893.

Constituting Mem. Torrey Club, vol. 4 :, no. 1.

67. Our native ferns and their allies, with synoptical descriptions of the American Pteridophyta north of Mexico.   Fourth edition, revised.   xii + 156 pages, illust.   New York, 1893.
68. A review of the literature of the North American Myriapoda.   Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 46 : 9-17. [N]   1893.

Also editor of the entire Bulletin: Bollman, Charles Harvey. The Myriapoda of North America.

69. Pteridophyta.   Mem. Torrey Club 5 : 9-17.   4 D 1893.

Forming part of the List of Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta growing without cultivation in northeastern North America, prepared by a Committee of the Botanical Club, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

The entire List was also issued as a separate.


70. A fern-book offer.   Linnaean Fern Bull.  : 6.   Ja 1894.
71. Pteridophyta.   In: Coulter, John Merle. Botany of western Texas (Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 2 :) 557-568.   10 My 1894.
72. A new Selaginella from Mexico.   Bull. Torrey Club 21 : 268, 269.   20 Je 1894.
73. Notes on our Hepaticae — II.   The genus Riccia.   Bot. Gaz. 19 : 273-278.   Jl 1894.

Also as a separate.

74. Report of the botanical division of the Indiana State Biological Survey.   Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1893 : 13-67.   Au 1894.

The actual report occupies pages 13-19;
Appendix A, Bibliography of Indiana botany, pages 20-30;
Appendix B, List of cryptogams at present known to inhabit the state of Indiana, pages 30-67.

Also as a separate.

75. Our present knowledge of the distribution of pteridophytes in Indiana.   Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1893 : 254-258.   Au 1894.
76. The evolution of the Hepaticae.   Bot. Gaz. 19 : 347-361, illust.   15 S 1894.

Vice-presidential address before Section G, A.A.A.S.

Also as a separate.

Also in Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 43 : 259-274, illust. Mr l895.

Also as a separate, "1894" [1895].

77. Edible fungi — a great waste of vegetable food in Indiana.   Trans. Indiana Hort. Soc. 1893 : 62-67. pl.   1894

Also as a repaged separate, 8 pages.

78. Indiana flora.   Distributed by the Biological Survey.   Series I (1-100), Parasitic fungi.   D 1894.

Exsiccatae; 20 sets.


79. Hepaticae.   4 pages.   [New York,] Ja 1895.

This was a prospectus (containing only the genus, Riccia) of a work to be entitled "Systematic botany of North America."
The publication of the work was not actually commenced until ten years later, and then under the changed title "North American flora."

80. Notes on our Hepaticae — III. The distribution of our North American Marchantiaceae.   Bot. Gaz. 20 : 59-71.   16 F 1895.

Also as a separate.

81. The relations of the red cedar to our orchards.   Trans. Indiana Hort. Soc. 1894 : 81-84.   1895.
82. The classification of the archegoniates.   Bull. Torrey Club 22 : 124-129.   27 Mr 1895.

Also as a separate.

83. An interesting Equisetum.   Bot. Gaz. 20 : 326.   15 Jl 1895.
84. An increasing pear disease in Indiana. (Abstract.)   Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1894 : 67.   O 1895.
85. The variations of Polyporus lucidus. (Abstract.)   Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1894 : 132, 133.   O 1895.
86. The proposed new systematic botany of North America. (Abstract.)   Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1894 : 133.   O 1895.
87. Report of the botanical division of the Indiana State Biological Survey for 1894.   Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1894 : 144-156.   O 1895.

The actual report occupies pages 144-147;
Appendix A, List of additions to the state flora, pages 147-153;
Appendix B, Additional list of host plants of fungi, 1894, pages 153, 154;
Appendix C, Notes on the species reported previously, page 154;
Appendix D, List of parasitic fungi distributed by the Indiana Biological Survey, December, 1894, series I, no. 1-100, pages 154-156.


88. [Review of] The structure and development of mosses and ferns.   By Douglas Houghton Campbell.   Science II. 3 : 70, 71.   10 Ja 1896.
89. Notes on our Hepaticae — IV. The genus Fossombronia.   Bot. Gaz. 21 : 67-71.   18 F 1896.

Also as a separate.

90. (With Franklin Sumner Earle.)   Treatment of some fungous diseases.   Bull. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. no. 69 (4 : 243-272).   F 1896.
91. On the distribution of North American Helvellales.   Minn. Bot. Studies 1 : 483-500.   30 Ap 1896.

Also as a separate, in advance, 10 Mr 1806.

92. Our native ferns and their allies, with synoptical descriptions of the American Pteridophyta north of Mexico.   Fifth edition, revised, xii + 156 pages, illust.   New York, 1896.
93. (With Orator Fuller Cook.)   Hepaticae americanae; decades XVII–XVIII (nos. 161-180).   Ap 1896.

Exsiccatae; 40 sets.

94. Mycology in the southern states.   Gard. & For. 9 : 263, 264   1 Jl 1896.
95. Pteridophyta.   In: Britton, Nathaniel Lord, & Brown, Addison.   An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, I : 1-48.   New York, [Au] 1896.
96. (With Franklin Sumner Earle.)   The distribution of the species of Gymnosporangium the South.   Bot. Gaz. 22 : 255-258   23 S 1896.

Also as a separate.
Abstract in Science II.4 : 437.   25 S 1896.

97. Notes on the allies of the sessile Trillium.   [Abstract.]   Science II.4 : 436.   25 S 1896.
98. The genus Cephalozia in North America.   Bull. Torrey Club 23 : 381-394.   25 O 1896.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 101.

99. (With Franklin Sumner Earle.)   Notes on the pine-inhabiting species of Peridermium.   Bull. Torrey Club 23 : 400-405.   25 O 1896.

Abstract in Science II. 4 : 437.   25 S 1896.

100. Coleosporium Campanulae (Pers.) Wint.   Bull. Torrey Club 23 : 423.   25 O 1896.
101. Edible fungi: a wasted food product.   Bull. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. no. 73 (4 : 335-346. f. 1-3).   O 1896.
102. Flour considered from the standpoint of nutrition.   Bull. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. no. 74 (4 : 347-358).   O l896.
103. The habitats of the rarer ferns of Alabama.   Bot. Gaz. 22 : 407-413. pl. 21.   23 N 1896.br><Also as a separate.
Abstract in Science II. 4 : 436.   25 S 1S96.
The final paragraph was reprinted in Fern Bull. (5 : 63, 64. O 1897) under the title: Triechomanes Petersii.
104. Report of Biologist.   Ann. Rep. Agr. Exp. Sta. Ala. 8 : 20, 21.   1896.
105. Terminology among the orders of thallophytes.   Bull. Torrey Club 23 : 526-532.   29 D 1896.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 109.


106. Some new fungi, chiefly from Alabama.   Bull. Torrey Club 24 : 81-86.   28 F 1897.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 113.

107. Notes on the American Hydnaceae — I.   Bull. Torrey Club 24 : 205, 206.   24 Ap 1897.
108. The varieties of Botrychium ternatum.   Fern Bull. 5 : 28, 29.   Ap 1897.
109. [Review of] Laboratory practice for beginners in botany.   By William A. Setchell.   Science II.5 : 735, 736.   7 My 1897.
110. (With Franklin Sumner Earle.)   A preliminary list of Alabama fungi.   Bull. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. no. 80 (5 : 111-284, i-xvii).   Ap [Je] 1897.

Pages 271-284 are devoted to an appendix: Suggestions to collectors of fleshy fungi (these pages were reprinted in pamphlet form, see no. 112).

111. Species of Botiychium.   Bot. Gaz. 23: 464-466.   28 Je 1897.
112. Suggestions to collectors of fleshy fungi.   14 pages.   Cambridge, [Mass.,] 1897.

Reprinted from Bull. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. no. 80 (see no. 110).

113. The ferns of Scolopendrium Lake.   Fern Bull. 5: 53,54.   O 1897.
114. Additions to the published lists of Indiana cryptogams.   Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1896: 171, 172.   [O] 1897.


115. Selaginella rupestris and its allies.   Bull. Torrey Club 25 : 125-133.   19 Mr 1898.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 136.

116. The study of botany in high schools.   Jour. Pedag. 11 : 181-191.   Ap 1898.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 144.

117. [Review of] Die Farnkrauter der Erde.   By H. Christ.   Science II. 7 : 572-574.   22 Ap 1898.
118. [Review of] Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien.   Zweite, umgearbeitete Ausgabe.   Von Dr. Adolph Engler.   Science II. 8 : 136-139   Jl 1898.
119. American ferns — I.   The ternate species of Botrychium.   Bull. Torrey Club 25 : 521-541.   15 O 1898.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 150.

120. Two recently named genera of Basidiomycetes.   Bull. Torrey Club 25 : 630, 631.   16 D 1898.

Also as a separate.


121. (With Orator Fuller Cook.)   Hepaticae americanae; decades XIX-XX (nos. 181-200).   1899.

Exsiccatea; 40 sets.

122. American ferns — II.   The genus Phanerophlebia.   Bull. Torrey Club 26 : 205-216. pl. 359, 360.   15 My 1899.

Also as a separate : Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 156.

123. A new Cantharellus from Maine.   Bull. Torrey Club 26 : 254, 255.   15 My 1899.
124. The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew.   Science II. 10 : 65-75.   21 Jl 1899.
125. [Review of] How to know the ferns.   By Frances Theodora Parsons.   Science II. 10 : 150.   4 Au 1899.
126. The International Catalogue of Scientific Literature: Report from Columbia University: M. Botany.   Science II. 10 : 171, 172.   11 Au 1899.
127. Moulds, mildews, and mushrooms: a guide to the systematic study of the Fungi and Mycetozoa and their literature.   vi + 236 pages.   10 pl.   New York, 1899.
128. Mrs. Arvilla J. Ellis. Asplenium ebenoides— a correction. Fern Bull. 7- 95. 9^- °

1899.Bull. Torrey Club 26 : 553.   16 O 1899.

129. Asplenium ebenoides — a correction.   Fern Bull. 7 : 95, 96.   1899.
130. A review of the genera of ferns proposed prior to 1832.   Mem. Torrey Club 6 : 247-283.   1 D 1899.

Constituting Mem. Torrey Club vol. 6, no. 4.
Also as a separate.

131. [Review of] The botanists of Philadelphia and their work.   By John W. Harshberger.   Science II. 10 : 931, 932.   22 D 1899.


132. [Botany of ferns.] In: Bailey, Liberty Hyde, & Miller, Wilhelm.   Cyclopedia of American horticulture, vol. 1.   New York, 14 F 1900.

Signed articles, as follows:   Acrostichum, 20-22;   Actinopteris, 23;   Adiantitum, 24-27;   Alsophila, 53;   Anemia, 62, 63;   Angiopteris, 66;   Asplenium, 110, 111;   Azolla, 123;   Blechnum, 166, 167;   Botrychium, 172;   Callipteris, 217;   Camptosorus, 233, 200;   Caratopteris, 277;   Cheilanthes, 289, 290;   Cibotium, 316;   Cryptogramma, 405;   Cyathea, 423, 424;   Cyrtomium, 439;   Cystopteris, 440;   Davallia, 461, 462;   Dennstatdtia, 472;   Deparia, 472;   Dicksonia, 480;   Dictyogramma, 481;   Didyrnochlaena, 481;   Diplazium, 491;   Doryopteris, 501;   Drymoglossum, 507;   Drynaria, 208;   Dryopteris, 508, 509.

Reprinted without change in subsequent editions.

133. The Ellis collection of fungi.   Jour. N. Y. Bot. Garden 1 : 38-40.   Mr 1900.
134. (With Francis Ernest Lloyd.)   A review of the species of Lycopodium of North America. Bull.   Torrey Club 27 : 147-168.   21 Ap 1900.

Also as a separate : Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 169.

135. [Botany of ferns.] In: Bailey, Liberty Hyde, & Miller, Wilhelm.   Cyclopedia of American horticulture, vol. 2.   New York, 18 Jl 1900.

Signed articles, as follows: Fern, 572, 573;   Gleichenia, 651;   Goniopteris, 655;   Gymnogramma, 701;   Hemionitis, 729;   Hemitelia, 729;   Humata, 779, 780;   Hymenophyllum, 788;   Hypolepis, 793;   Lastraea, 887;   Leucostegia, 908;   Lomaria, 938, 939;   Loxoscaphe, 947;   Lycopodium, 958, 959;   Marattia, 984;   Matleuccia, 993;   Meniscium, 1002;   Microlepia, 1012;   Mohria, 1025.

Reprinted without change in subsequent editions.

136. Our native ferns and their allies, with synoptical descriptions of the American Pteridophyta north of Mexico.   Sixth edition, revised, x + 158 pages, illust.   New York, [Jl] 1900.
137. Why Dryopteris and not Lastraea?   Fern Bull. 8 : 52-55.   Jl 1900.
138. A new Botrychium from Jamaica.   Fern Bull. 8 : 59, 60.   Jl 1900
139. The last quarter — a reminiscence and an outlook.   Science II. 12 : 161-170. 3.   Au 1900.

Address of retiring president, Botanical Society of America.

Also as a reprint, 18 pages: Bot. Soc. Am. Publ. no. 15.

140. The system of ferns proposed in Die natuerlichen Pflanzenfamilien.   Fernwort Papers Linn. Fern Chapt. 16-19.   20 D 1900.


141. A new Adiantum from New Mexico.   Bull. Torrey Club 28 : 46, 47.   31 Ja 1901.

Also as a separate.

142. Mycophagy and its literature.   Torreya 1 : 43-46.   19 Ap 1901.
143. [Botany of ferns.] In: Bailey, Liberty Hyde, & Miller, Wilhelm.   Cyclopedia of American horticulture, vol. 3.   New York, 23 Ap 1901.

Signed articles, as follows:   Nephrodium, 1075;   Nephrolepis, 1075, l076;   Notholaena, 1096;   Onoclea, 1140;   Onychium, 1142;   Ophioglossum, 1142;   Osmunda, 1178;   Pellaea, 1264, 1265;   Phegopteris, 1296;   Phyllitis, 1381;   Phymatodes, 1319, 1320;   Polypodium, 1394, 1395;   Polystichum, 1395, 1396;   Pteridium, 1462, 1463;   Pteris, 1463, 1464.

Reprinted without change in subsequent editions.

144. Suggestions for the study of the North American Boletaceae.   41 pages.   New York, My 1901.

Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 176. (This series consists almost entirely of separates, but the present paper appeared in no other form.)

145. The names of our ferns.   Bot. Gaz. 31 : 365,366.   18 My 1901.
146. [Lcycopodium tristachyum]   Torreya 1 : 58 (footnote).   22 My 1901.
147. An enumeration of the pteridophytes collected by R. S. Williams and J. B. Tarleton [in the Yukon territory].   Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden 2 : 148, 149.   27 My 1901.
148. A changed conception of species.Fern Bull. 9 : 49-53.   Jl 1901.
149. Pteridophyta.   In: Britton, Nathaniel Lord. Manual of the flora of the northern States and Canada, 1-29.   New York, 1901.

Reprinted in the second edition, 1905.

150. Report … on a trip to Porto Rico.   Jour. N. Y. Bot. Garden 2 : 166-173.   N 1901.
151. A popular work on ferns.   Torreya 1 : 134, 135.   25 N 1901.

A review of Clute's Our ferns in their haunts.


152. Conservation of energy in mycological clubs.   Torreya 2 : 1, 2.   24 Ja 1902.
153. The Selaginellae of North America — I.   Fern Bull. 10 : 8-12.   Ja 1902.
154. [Botany of ferns.] In: Bailey, Liberty Hyde, & Miller, Wilhelm.   Cyclopedia of American horticulture, vol. 4.   New York, 26 F 1902.

Signed articles, as follows:   Schizaea, 1625;   Selaginella, 1647-1650;   Todea, 1812;   Trichomanes, 1849;   Vittaria, 1656;   Woodsia, 1990;   Woodwardia, 1990;

Reprinted without change in subsequent editions.

155. American ferns. — III.   Our genera of Aspidieae.   Bull. Torrey Club 29 : 121-136.   24 Mr 1902.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 189.

156. [Review of]   Die Farngattung Niphobolus.   By Professor Giesenhagen.   Science II. 15 : 623, 624.   18 Ap 1902.
157. Report of the Scientific Directors [for 1901].   Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden 2 : 310-312.   25 Ap 1902.
158. Minor inaccuracies.   Fern Bull. 10 : 53, 54.   Ap 1902.
159. Fungi, edible and poisonous.   In : Buck, Albert Henry.   Reference handbook of the medical sciences, second edition, 4 : 275-286, illust.   1902
160. The bracket fungi.   Torreya 2 : 87-90.   12 Je 1902.
161. [Review of]   A university text-book of botany.   [By D. H. Campbell.]   Torreya 2 : 108-111.   1 Jl 1902.
162. (With William Ralph Maxon.)   Notes on a collection of Cuban Pteridophyta, with descriptions of four new species.   Bull. Torrey Club 29 : 577-584.   31 O 1902.

Also as a separate.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 195.

163. Some features of future fern study.   Fern Bull. 10 : 105-107.   "O" [N] 1902.
164. Two new species of Selaginella in the southern flora.   Torreya 2 : 172, 173.   25 N 1902.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 198.

165. American ferns — IV.   The genus Gymnogramme of the Synopsis Filicum.   Bull. Torrey Club 29 : 617-634.   28 N 1902.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 196.

166. A question in terminology.   Science II. 16 : 869, 870.   28 N 1902.
167. Some historic trees.   Jour. N. Y. Bot. Garden 3 : 213-220.   D 1902.
168. American ferns — V.   A review of the genus Danaea.   Bull. Torrey Club 29 : 669-679.   30 D 1902.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 199.


169. The gold and silver ferns.   [Abstract.]   Science II. 17 : 26, 27.   2 Ja 1903. — Torreya 3 : 12,13.   26 Ja 1903.
170. A new index to botanical literature.   Torreya 2 : 184-186.   8 Ja 1903.

A review of the International catalogue of scientific liturature: M. Botany: First issue.

171. An index to the described species of Botrychium.   Bull. Torrey Club 30 : 42-55. f. 1-7,   4 F 1903.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 201.

172. Notes on southern ferns.   Torreya 3 : 17-19.   19 F 1903.
173. Report of the Scientific Directors [for 1902].   Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden 2 : 490, 491.   18 Mr 1903.
174. (With Marshall Avery Howe.)   The genus Riella, with descriptions of new species from North America and the Canary Islands.   Bull. Torrey Club 30 : 214-224. pl. 11, 12.   24 Ap 1903.

Also as a separate: Contr. N. Y. Bot. Garden no. 34.

175. The Department of Botany and its relation to the New York Botanical Garden.   Columbia Univ. Quart. 4 : 278-292. 2 pl.   Je 1903.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dept. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 204.

176. Four recently described ferns from Jamaica.   Bull. Dep. Agr. Jamaica 1 : 136-138.   1 Jl 1903.
177. Pteridophyta.   In: Small, John Kunkel.   Flora of the southeastern United States, 1-25.   New York, [22 Jl] 1903.
178. Account … of explorations in Jamaica.   Jour. N. Y. Bot. Garden 4 : 109-119. pl. 15 + f. 14, 15.   Jl 1903.
179. The early writers on ferns and their collections — I.   Linnaeus, 1707-1778.   Torreya 3 : 145-150.   30 O 1903.

Also as a separate (in Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 214).

180. A new work on ferns.   Torreya 3 : 173, 174.   19 N 1903.
181. A summary of our present knowledge of the ferns of the Philippines.   Bull. Torrey Club 30 : 665-684.   5 D 1903.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 206.

182. The botanical gardens of Jamaica.   [Abstract.]   Science II. 18 : 754, 755.   11 D 1903. — Torreya 3 : 191.   22 D 1903.


183. Report of the Scientific Directors [for 1903].   Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden 3 : 267, 268.   22 Mr 1904.
184. The early writers on ferns and their collections — II.   J. E. Smith, 1759-1828; Swartz, 1760-1818; Willdenow, 1765-1812.   Torreya 4 : 49-52.   28 Ap 1904.

Also as a separate (in Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 214).

185. Cerotopteris triangularis in Alaska.   Fern Bull. 12 : 58.   "Ap" [My] 1904.
186. Cyathea and its allies in Jamaica. [Abstract.]   Torreya 4 : 93-95.   8 Je 1904. — Science II. 20 : 84, 85.   15 Jl 1904.
187. [Review of] The cryptogamic botany of the Harriman Expedition.   Science II. 19 : 917-919.   17 Je 1904.
188. Ferns and fern-allies.   Encyclopedia Americana 7 : [308-312].   New York and Chicago.   [1904.]
189. The early writers on ferns and their collections — III.   W. J. Hooker, 1785-1865.   Torreya 4 : 145-150.   29 O 1904.

Also as a separate (in Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 214).


190. A glimpse at early botanical literature.   Plant World 8 : 25-29.   1905
191. The early writers on ferns and their collections — IV.   Presl, 1794-1852;   John Smith, 1798-1888;   Fée, 1789-1874;   and Moore, 1821-1887.   Torreya 5 : 37-41.   22 Mr 1905.

Also as a separate (in Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 214).

192. Report of the Scientific Directors [for 1904].   Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden 4 : 92-94.   8 My 1905.
193. A much-named fern.   Torreya 5 : 87-89.   25 My 1905.
194. Botrychium silaifolium Presl.   Torreya 5 : 106,107.   24 Je 1905.
195. A summary of Charles Wright's explorations in Cuba.   Bull. Torrey Club 32 : 291-300, map.   30 Je 1905.

Also as a separate : Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 217.

196. The genus Alcicornium of Gaudichaud.   Bull. Torrey Club 32 : 587-596.   6 D 1905.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 221.


197. [Review of] Christensen's Index Filicum.   Torreya 5 : 217-219.   10 Ja 1906.
198. The genus Stenochlaena.   Bull. Torrey Club 33 : 35-50. f. 1-10.   8 F 1906.
199. Report of the Scientific Directors [for 1905].   Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden 5 : 84, 85.   13 F 1906.
200. Six new fern genera in the United States.   [Abstract.]   Science II. 23 : 346.   2 Mr 1906. —— Torreya 6 : 53.   16 Mr 1906.
201. (With Francis Ernest Lloyd.)   The species of Lycopodium of the American tropics.   Bull. Torrey Club 33 : 101-124.   14 Mr 1906

Also as a separate : Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 223.

202. Flowerless plants or cryptogams.   In: Miller, Wilhelm.   A synopsis of the vegetable kingdom, 77-80.   In : Bailey, Liberty Hyde, & Miller, Wilhelm.   Cyclopedia of American horticulture, ed. 4, vol. I.   New York, [27 Mr] 1906.
203. American ferns — VI.   Species added to the flora of the United States from 1900 to 1905.   Bull. Torrey Club 33 : 189-205.   7 Ap 1906.

Also as a separate : Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 225.

204. A report on the condition of the tropical laboratory.   Jour. N. Y. Bot. Garden 7 : 250-255.   N 1906.

Reprinted in Bull. Dep. Agr. Jamaica 5 : 93-96. 9 Jl 1907.

205. The number of known ferns.   Science II. 24 : 761-763.   14 D 1906

Review of Christensen's Index Filicum.


206. American ferns — VII.   Bull. Torrey Club 33 : 591-605. f. 1-16.   7 F 1907.

A. The American species of Stenochlaena, pages 591-603. f. 1-14.

B. The status of Poecilopteris crenata Presl, pages 603-605. f. 15, 16.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 231.

207. Report of the chairman of the Board of Scientific Directors for 1906.   Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden 5 : 285-289.   7 Mr 1907.
208. Concerning Woodwardia paradoxa, a supposedly new fern from British Columbia.   Torreya 7 : 73-76.   15 Ap 1907.
209. The progress of our knowledge of the flora of North America.   Pop. Sci. Mo. 70 : 497-517. f. 1-7.   Je [My] 1907.

Also as a separate, pages 497-518, two paragraphs being added which were omitted from the original by error.

210. American ferns — VIII.   A preliminary review of the North American Gleicheniaceae.   Bull. Torrey Club 34 : 243-262.   10 Jl 1907.

Also as a separate: Contr. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. no. 234.

211. The names of some of our native ferns.   Torreya 7 : 193-198.   18 O 1907.
212. (With William Ralph Maxon.)   Two new ferns of the genus Lindsaea.   Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 50 : 335, 136.   28 0 1907.

Also as a separate.