Congressional Record/Volume 167/Issue 4/Extensions of Remarks/Objection to Electoral College

Congressional Record, Volume 167, Number 4
3654387Congressional Record, Volume 167, Number 4Edwin George Perlmutter


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Mr. Perlmutter. Madam Speaker, I am filled with sadness and anger following the attack on the U.S. Capitol today. It is the result of a fever that has been building for weeks, months and years and which has only been further incited by President Trump. Today is a point of inflection and reflection, and we need to say enough. This only strengthens our resolve to get the Electoral Votes counted and certified and continue with a peaceful transition of power, as has been a hallmark of our nation.

The vote was decisive. Despite the ongoing pandemic, we saw a historic 158 million Americans vote. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won 306 votes in the Electoral College after earning the support of more than 81 million Americans. After 60 failed lawsuits and dozens of recounts, there is not one shred of evidence of major fraud in this election. Yet ever since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won this election, there has been a concerted effort to overturn the will of the voters. These objections are unfounded, absurd and dangerous. They are contrary to 60 courts which denied claims of fraud or vote improprieties. I am saddened to see many of my colleagues continue to peddle these lies and falsehoods instead of supporting the peaceful transition of power enshrined in our Constitution.

Our elections are among the safest and most transparent in the world. For that, I want to thank the tens of thousands of Americans who work to secure our elections each and every year, including Colorado’s elections officials and workers who continue to exemplify a successful mail-in voting system and workers for Dominion Voting Systems based in Colorado. Unfortunately, due to these baseless attacks on the election results, many of these election workers have been threatened and intimidated. Yet these poll workers did their duty and counted the votes, shepherding and overseeing one of the most fundamental and integral pillars of our democracy—free, fair and open elections.

Today, Congress resolves to complete our work in Joint Session to formally receive the votes of the Electors, which have not been disputed by any state. Our job is not to overturn the will of the voters or the states, it is simply to certify their decision on who will be the next President and Vice President of the United States. I urge all my colleagues to reject these frivolous and dangerous objections to the vote of the Electoral College and join with the country in supporting the peaceful transition of power. It’s time to get back to the business of the people and of the country as we build a better future.