4523685Cutter of Coleman-street — Act 2: Scene 6Abraham Cowley

Scene 6.

Enter Truman junior.
And presently Aurelia, Cutter, and Worm appear at a little Window.

Trum.Why should her cruel Uncle seek t' oppose
A Love in all respects so good and equal?
He has some wicked end in't, and deserves
To be deceiv'd!

Cut.Deceiv'd? pray mark that Madam.

Trum.She is gone in to see if things be ripe yet
To make our last attempt upon her Uncle;
If our Plot fail——

Aur.A Plot 'ifaith, and I shall Counter-plot ye.

Trum.In spight of our worst Enemies, our kindred,
And a rash Oath that's cancell'd in the making,
We will pursue our Loves to the last point,
And buy that Paradise though 't be with Martyrdom!