4533772Cutter of Coleman-street — Act 3: Scene 9Abraham Cowley

Scene 9.

Enter Trum. Jun.

Joll.Nay, leave your pretty Jesuitical Love-tricks to salve an Oath; Mr. Truman, you may let your Son see her now.
[Lucia goes to put on her Veil.

Trum. s.I Dick you may see her as much as you please; she's marri'd.

Trum. j.Marri'd?

Trum. s.I marri'd, so I say, Marri'd this after-noon to Mr. Puny.

Luc.What do they mean?

Trum. s.And Dick I ha' got a Wife too for you, you shall ha' pretty Mrs. Aurelia.

Trum. j.Lucia marri'd?

Trum. s.Her Father and I are agreed of all things; Heark you Dick, she has a brave Fortune now.

Trum. j.Marri'd to Puny?

Trum. s.You shall have her presently.

Trum. j.This after-noon?

Trum. s.Come Dick; there's a Wife for you Dick.

Trum. j.I wo'nt marry, Sir.

Trum. s.What do you say Sir?

Trum. j.I wo' not marry Sir.

Trum. s.Get you out o' my sight you Rebel.

Joll.Nay, good Mr. Truman.

Trum. s.Ile ne're acknowledge him for my Son again; I tell you Colonel, he's always thus with his wo'nots and his Cannots.