4547838Cutter of Coleman-street — Act 5: Scene 11Abraham Cowley

Scene 11.

Enter Cutter, Tabitha, with Fidlers.

Joll.Here are more Maskers too, I think; this Masking is a Heavenly entertainment for the Widow, who ne'er saw any Shew yet but the Puppet-play o' Ninive.

Cut.Stay without, Scrapers.

Tab.Oh Lord, I'm as weary with Dancing as passes; Husband, husband, yonders my Mother; O mother what do you think I ha' been doing to day?

Wid.Why what, Child? no hurt, I hope.

Tab.Nay nothing, I have onely been married a little, and my husband Abednego and I have so danc'd it since.

Cut.Brave Tabitha still; never be angry Mother, you know where Marriages are made, your Daughters and your own were made in the same place, I warrant you, they'r so like.

Wid.Well, his will be done——— there's——— no resisting Providence——— but how, son Abednego, come you into that roaring habit of Perdition?

Cut.Mother, I was commanded by the Vision, there is some great end for it of Edification, which you shall know by the sequel.