4545566Cutter of Coleman-street — Act 5: Scene 7Abraham Cowley

Scene 7.

Enter Jolly, Worm, Puny.

Wor.But where's my what dee ye call her, Brother?

Joll.What Sir?

My Daughter— Lucia, a pretty fair Complexioned Girl, with a Black Eye, a Round Chin, a little Dimpled, and a Mole upon— I would fain see my Daughter— Brother.

Joll.Why, you shall Sir presently, she's very well; what Noise is that? how now? what's the matter?

Enter Servant.

Serv.Ho! my old Master! my old Masters come, he's Lighted just now at the door with his man John; he's asking for you, he longs to see you; my Master, my old Master.

Joll.This fellows Mad.

Serv.If you wo'nt believe me, go but in and see Sir; he's not so much alter'd, but you'l quickly know him, I knew him before he was Lighted, pray, go in Sir.

Joll.Why, this is strange— there was indeed some weeks since a report at the Exchange that he was Alive still, which was brought by a Ship that came from Barbary; but that he should be Split in two after his Death, and Live agen in both, is wonderfull to me. I'l go see what's the matter.
[Exeunt Jolly, Servant.
Pun.I begin to shake like a Plum-tree Leaf.

Wor.'Tis a meer Plot o' the Devils to have us beaten, if he send him in just at this Nick.