Diary of ten years eventful life of an early settler in Western Australia and also A descriptive vocabulary of the language of the aborigines/A descriptive vocabulary of the language in common use amongst the aborigines of Western Australia/Part 2/V


Vain, proud—Wumbubin.

Vain, in vain—Murdo.

Valley, a—Wedin; Burdăk.

Varnish, to, with gum—Yul-yăng.

Vegetable food—Maryn.

Vegetation—Jilba; Bobo.


Venus, the planet—Julagoling.


Very, super, affix—Jil; as Gwabba, good; Gwabbajil, very good.

Voice—Kowa? Mya.

Void, to, the excrement—Konang; Kona; Nujan.

Vomit, to—Kăndang.