Dictionary of Indian Biography/Bühler, Johann Georg

2895883Dictionary of Indian Biography — Bühler, Johann GeorgCharles Edward Buckland


Born July 19, 1837, at Borstel, in Hanover: son of a pastor: educated at Hanover and Gottingen: graduated in Oriental languages and Archaeology, 1858: studied Sanskrit at Paris, London, Oxford: became an eminent Orientalist: Professor of Oriental Languages at the Elphinstone College, Bombay, 1863: Superintendent of Sanskrit Studies, Poona, 1866: Educational Inspector, N. Division, Bombay Presidency, 1868, 1872: edited Sanskrit texts: several times deputed to collect Sanskrit texts: discovered over 5,000 MSS., which the Indian Government distributed among British Universities and Collections, and Indian Societies and Institutions: left India, 1880: gave much attention to ancient inscriptions, doing important work as an epigraphist: wrote on Indian inscriptions: brought out, with Sir R. West (q.v.), a digest of Hindu Law: wrote a Sanskrit Primer, editions of Sanskrit works: published a Glossary of the oldest Prakrit dictionary: collaborated in the series of Sacred Books of the East: translated the Laws of Manu: became Professor of Indian Philology and Archaeology at the University of Vienna: edited an Encyclopeedia of Indo-Aryan Philology: contributed his Indische Paldographie, 1896: was member of the Royal Asiatic and other learned Societies: drowned in Lake Constance, April 8, 1898.