Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Bellenden, William (d.1671)

1904 Errata appended.

792235Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 04 — Bellenden, William (d.1671)1885Osmund Airy

BELLENDEN, WILLIAM, Lord Bellenden (d. 1671), treasurer-depute of Scotland, was born before 1606. He was the son of Sir James Bellenden of Broughton, and Margaret Ker. He does not come into notice until the Restoration. On 10 June 1661 he was created Lord Bellenden, was made treasurer-depute, and was placed on the privy council of Scotland. In 1662 Lauderdale, on the advice of his brother, managed to secure Bellenden's interest in his struggle with Middleton's faction, and he is from that time one of his most frequent correspondents. In especial he kept Lauderdale well informed regarding the designs of James Sharp, to whom he was bitterly hostile. When the treasurership was taken from Rothes in 1668 and was put into commission, Bellenden was one of the commissioners. He was then in failing health, and was noted for his violent and overbearing manners at the treasury board meetings, especially when, as was the case, his own accounts as treasurer-depute were called in question, or when any matter of precedence was in dispute. He died during 1671. His title and fortune he left in 1668 to the second son of the Earl of Roxburghe.

[Douglas's Peerage of Scotland; Lauderdale MSS. British Museum.]

O. A.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.22
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
189 ii 21 f.e. Bellenden, William, Lord Bellenden: after the Restoration insert (see Calendar of State Papers and Nicholas Papers, Camden Soc.)