=== nuaⁿ ===

  • nûaⁿ5016417
  • To stop; to hinder; to embarrass.
bô̤ nâng káⁿ lâi nûaⁿ-có̤;
no one dare come and put a stop to it.
bô̤ có̤ bô̤ nûaⁿ, tît-tît cū kàu hṳ́-kò̤;
no interference nor impediment, so that we went there straightway.
nûaⁿ kīe jîp-tîaⁿ;
embarrass the sedan in entering the court-yard.
nûaⁿ lō chíeⁿ kiap;
waylay and rob.
nûaⁿ côih tŏ̤ iò lō kò̤;
beset them in the pass.
nûaⁿ m̄ cŭ;
could not stop them.
  • nûaⁿ5017517
  • A pen; a railing.
céⁿ nûaⁿ;
a well-curb.
gû nûaⁿ;
a cattle pen.
lâu nŭaⁿ;
to drool.
nŭaⁿ-cúi kī-kī lâu;
the saliva ran out continually.
jíang kàu âu bô̤ nŭaⁿ;
shrieked till my throat was parched.
thóiⁿ tîeh tó̤ tăm nŭaⁿ;
seeing it makes his mouth water.
cêk mn̂g-khí khí-lâi kâi chùi seⁿ lô̤ nŭaⁿ;
when I get up in the morning my mouth tastes badly.
lâu nŭaⁿ, lâu phûeh;
froth at the mouth.
chàu nŭaⁿ kôi;
fetid secretions from the mouth.
phùi nŭaⁿ;
to spit.
  • nūaⁿ5038617
  • Rotten; corrupted; running, as an old sore; over-ripe; pulpy.
i cêk sin ŏi phùa nūaⁿ;
he is covered with old sores.
ciu sin mîⁿ-mîⁿ nūaⁿ-nūaⁿ;
his whole body is putrescent.
àu kàu nūaⁿ;
so rotten as to be putrid.
nūaⁿ châ m̄ hó̤ tio;
rotten wood is not good to whittle.
cù nūaⁿ;
worm eaten.
àiⁿ cṳ́ kàu i nūaⁿ tîeh ho̤h cōi thùaⁿ;
to cook it till it is pulpy will take a deal of coal.