Education and Art in Soviet Russia
Document 16: The Art Collegium
4381246Education and Art in Soviet Russia — Document 16: The Art Collegium


The Art Collegium

The Art Collegium of the city of Moscow has the following membership list of painters, sculptors and architects: Konchalovsky, Konenkov, Mashkov, Tatlin, Ivanov, Morgunov, Mrs. Tolstoi, Udaltzeva, Schusev, Noakovsky, Theltovsky, Vesnin and the Commissary of Art—Malinovsky.[1]

All of them had joined the Collegium's body as representatives of the unions and organizations to which they belong.

The Collegium's objects are:

1. Organization of State art education:

(a) establishment of art studios meeting the requirements of the new Russia;

(b) propaganda of art among large democratic masses.

2. Effect contact with world’s artistic centres.

3. Promotion of growth of art:

(a) by organizing State competitive examinations;

(b) organization of trade unions' mutual aid societies, etc.;

(c) organization of decorative artists' committees and scenic art workers.

4. Organizing the preservation of arts of the past and present and protection of the future.

  1. (Translator's note—The names given above are those of distinguished artists and persons who have been interested in artistic promotions, irrespective of political affiliations. So far as is known, Malinovsky is the only one who is a member of the Bolshevik party.)